The Following is an account from someone who went to the Minnesota show:

This and other pages found at  created 9/23/96, last updated 1/2/00
NEWS:  Dennis's new 45 city nationwide tour was advertised in a $70,000 USA Today ad to promote a new free energy design (he seems to be dropping the other products and the Fisher engine -which was never proven).  I was physically stopped from passing out literature at the Philly show. Read about his first tour show  , Akron  a USA Today,   CNBC , Washington, San Francisco,   Virginia  APBnews Report (fantastic!) Charlotte, New Mexico, Philadelphia, Minnesota, an Independent test of Lee's motor  Radio report

I posted the following on Vortex-L, so far no one has commented on
anything other than the inertial drive, CIP.

I've been away from my computer for the last five days. Since I've been
attacking Dennis Lee, when my friend offered me a ride to his meeting on
Friday night, I went. What follows is a general discussion of both his
theories and some other questions that I've been thinking about. `

Dennis derided electric motor manufacturers for producing motors which
are overpowered for the load they move. While I know about this, I also
realize that the motor has to function over a range of voltages and in most
cases is a standard model which can be used for a range of applications. He
then put a voltage clipper in the circuit and demonstrated the reduction in the
motor's power usage, he neglected to mention that NASA developed the
voltage clipper however. I also know that electrical motor engineering is a
well understood area and that while fractional horse power motors are only
about 75-80% efficient, that inefficiency drops off rapidly with multi horse
power motors, until it reaches 98% efficiency at about 100 HP.

Later in the talk he detailed what he calls the fourth law of motion. The force
in question is generated by the reaction of the motor against the load. Instead
of mounting a motor on a rigid support, suppose that the case of the motor
was free to turn. Now the motor's power supply would have to be feed
though slip rings, but that is no problem, silo unloader manufacturers have
been building something like that for years. The case of the motor is attached
to a gear, This gear meshes with a second gear which rotates in the opposite
direction. The shaft attached to this second gear runs parallel to and rotates
in the same direction, as the output shaft of the motor. The two shafts are
coupled together with a belt. Dennis has assembled such a motor and drive.
It can be run in two configurations: the gear attached to the motor's case
could be secured preventing it's rotation, or it could be allowed to rotate and
drive the belt which couples it to the output shaft. Dennis had a volt meter
and an amp meter attached to the base of the motor and drive. With the case
gear secured to the support, the output shaft turned as a certain speed with a
torque of 6 inch pounds. He noted the power consumption in watts. When
the case gear was allowed to turn the output shaft's speed of rotation
doubled, and the torque remained the same, as did the power consumption.
Dennis asserts that this means that the power output of the motor has
doubled. While he was demonstrating this phenomena, he mentioned that the
leather belt which couples the shaft coming from the case gear to the output
shaft was slipping due to it's being worn smooth from repeated use. I think
that he needs some belt dressing.

Dennis then demonstrated a permanent magnet motor. He didn't claim to
have manufactured this motor, so I assume that it is off the shelf. This
motor is coupled to a dynamometer. The dynamometer is a pump, the input
and output hoses go to to a five gallon pail of water. The motor is DC and is
powered by a battery bank. The DC amps are measured by the shunt
method. In addition there is an AC component in the form of pulses which
are returned from the motor to the battery bank. These pulses are measured
by a clamp on amp meter and are shown on an oscilloscope. Dennis ran the
motor and announced that the dynamometer was indicating a power
production of 3 HP. In order to produce 3 HP, a conventional AC motor
would consume about 2400 watts. Based on his instrumentation, Dennis
asserted that the permanent magnetic motor was doing this job while
consuming just 200 watts.

I find this demonstration difficult to believe. If it were possible to generate 3
HP with 200 watts, why not use it to turn a 2 KW generator and build an
over unity machine? I think that this approach to building a F E machine has
been tried and shown not to work. It would seem to me that if you could just
double the power output of a high efficiency electric motor and turn a
generator, the system would go over unity. There has to be something
wrong with that motor and drive demonstration, it would be like lifting
yourself up by pulling on your bootstraps.

On Monday I called my physics tutor, Frank Meyer. I started by explaining
about the third law of motion. In the mid nineties I met Robert Cook,
inventor of the Cook Inertial Propulsion (CIP) system. In an earlier
conversation with Howard Hickman, who used to teach chemical engineering
at the U of MN, Howard told me that an inertial drive would upset his
paradigm of how the world works much more than a F E machine. Otto
Schmitt told me that a working inertial drive or "unidirectional momentum
generator" would be "significant." Frank conceded that an inertial drive
would violate the third law of motion.

Frank wanted to know how I was sure that the CIP was working. I told him
that Hal Puthoff had suggested that Cook support his drive on a rope or cable
and hang it from the ceiling of a gymnasium. If the drive moved away from
the vertical position when it was energized, that is a good indication that it
was producing a unidirectional force. Frank agreed with this. Norm Baker,
Cook's financial backer, told me than they had they had done that and it
moved off of vertical. This raises some interesting questions: does this mean
that the third law of motion is now a general rule? is this development as
profound a blow to the Newtonian system as Mr. Cook and Dr. Hickman
seem to think that it is? would this also disprove the Relativistic universe, as
Mr. Cook believes it does? Following my description of Dennis' motor and
drive, Frank said that if it is doing what he says it is, it is "important."

Dennis Lee in on his way out to the northwest this week. He will then head
south into California and Nevada, from there he will head east into Texas
then he will continue into Georgia, then he will go north through Virginia and
return to Pennsylvania. The dates and locations are posted on this website at . During the talk Dennis said that he
will allow scientists to examine his equipment, so If one of you vortexians is
interested in investigating this claim you should plan to attend.

Update on BWT cult activity in Indiana  -  Charlie Doyle's account  (a former major supporter) -
also Information for Media people
Why Dennis Lee should trust Eric to help evaluate and publicize the free energy machine and my open letter to Dennis Lee
Dennis's Lee's people respond -slamming Eric

Eric's FAQ page concerning examining Dennis Lee's amazing claims (read before asking me ?'s )
Eric's Page examines claims by Dennis Lee that the government suppresses inventors
Tom Napier's investigation of Dennis (excellent!)
Tom Napier's Free Energy FAQ page (new!) and Milton's Free Energy review
Tom Napier makes a scientific evaluation of Dennis's machine
Interesting Quotes From Dennis's Literature
A funny article about Dennis in Skeptical Inquirer and a review of my speech about Dennis

Eric's characteristics of Cult Leaders
how Dennis is very similar to Joe Newman  the similarities are down right eerie
Eric's History of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines
Eric's experience with Amazing claims in 1986 (not all that great)
Posting of another Amazing claim of free Energy
Eric's Page examining Psychology of fringe inventors
300 MPG Carburetor is there such a thing? ( debunks a common urban legend)
What about strange claims involving BROWNS GAS?
Did the British get the steam engine wrong? ( by Tom Napier)

A report from someone who worked with Dennis Lee of Better World Technology
Open discussion about claims of Dennis Lee (old )
How you too can get rich as the next free energy messiah ;)
Malcolm's review of the theory for Dennis Lee's free energy machine
Evan Soule's response to Eric's mention of the Newman Machine
A review by P.M. of Dennis's Indianapolis show (of minor interest)
Dennis Lee Free energy emailings a list of Eric's postings (this is very lengthy)