Low Frequency Correlations.

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Mon, 09 Mar 1998 15:08:29 +0500

--          "When a TRUE GENIUS APPEARS, you can know him by this sign:            THAT ALL THE DUNCES ARE IN A CONFEDERACY AGAINST HIM!"                                          ... Jonathan SwiftMINDTHOUGHT:

If a person "Fasts" for a number of days, does the blood turn more Acidic dueto higher HCL stomach acid? If it does, then the following MIGHT be an answerto why Jesus was able to walk on the water. (Specific Gravity Changes?)If Ionsphere or Schumann Layer belt radiates different frequencies, and the body is "just right" in its conductivity and receptiveness to RF, then could this be possible if the body performed RF rectification into a D.C. potenetial?Water did make an Excellent ground to his feet!

Check out Website: http://www.europa.com/~rsc/condens.htm

The following is from the February, 1925 Popular Radio Page 187.

Are the Blood Corpuscles Minute Condensors?

The most important constituents of human blood, as well as of the blood ofother red-blooded animals, are the tiny red corpuscles or "blood cells," manymillions of which are contained in a single drop of the living fluid.

It has long been suspected that these cells have electric properties that areimportant to the proper discharge of their functions in the body. All livingmatter is more or less electrical in its nature.

One interesting observation with especial reference to the electric propertiesof the red corpuscles of the blood has been published recently by ProfessorJ.F.McClendon, a well-known physiological chemist of the University ofMinnesota(1). Professor McClendon has measured the electric conductivity of amass of red blood corpuscles extracted from the blood of an ox, using bothdirect current, and alternating current of 1,000 cycles a second as well as acurrent of one million cycles a second. At 1,000 cycles the conductivity isabout the same as for direct current, but at one million cycles (correspondingto a radio wave of 1,000 kilocycles or 300 meters) the conductivity of the redblood cells comes out about 40 percent greater than at the lower frequency.

As this is only a preliminary experiment, Professor McClendon is properlycareful about committing himself to any specific explanation of this fact, buthe suggests the one that will occur immediately to any radio engineer, namely,that each red blood cell is a tiny condenser, the wall of the cell beingnon-conducting while the interior mass of fluid or whatever it is, is a fairlygood conductor. A SIMPLE ANALOGY WOULD BE A SMALL RUBBER SACK FILLED WITHDILUTE SULPHURIC ACID OR WITH SALT WATER.

If this is really the electric nature of the red blood cell it is apparent thata direct current cannot pass through the cells at all. it will traverse bloodby way of the solution in which the red cells are floating, passing, as it weretrough the chinks between the red cells. The same will be rue, to anapproximation, for alternating currents of low frequency, as, for example, the1,000-cycle current that Professor McClendon used.

But for high-frequency currents the condenser action of the corpuscles willcome into play. The electric alternations, analogous to radio "waves," willpass through the corpuscles themselves, just as a radio-frequency wave willpass through a low-capacity condenser.

If this conclusion is confirmed by later work and if such a condenser actionproves to be a general property of the living cells elsewhere in the body aswell as in the blood, we will have taken a long step toward understanding themysterious effects of high-frequency currents and waves on the human body aswell as the electric relations of life itself.

(1) "Electric Conductivity of Red Corpuscles Using High Frequency AlternatingCurrents," by J. F. McClendon. Science (Lancaster, Penna.), vol. 60. page 204(August 29, 1924)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Current location of document: http://www.europa.com/~rsc/condens.htm)