Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Dave ( )
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 00:57:03 +0500

> Hexslinger wrote:
> ...granted to Yogis, right?) are two places to start looking for clues
> as to how one can levitate yourself without external assistance. I
> don't suppose anyone here is very familiar with a Yogi?
> ...I'm not discounting the whole diamagnetic line of thought - I'm
> just saying that I'd like to hear more on it if you have additional
> information.

#1: Jesus was clothed when he walked on water - Right?
#2: It is mentioned in two spots in the bible that the air swirled and
the water moved with ferocity around him.

IF, as others are now believing, that a UFO was involved somehow, who
is to say that the clothing Jesus was wearing was possibly made of
BISMUTH, or he had something with him that contained it! It was used
in the making of jewelry then AND the UFO EM fields could cause
ionization of the air in his vicinity! This in turn could have been
the "catylyst to activate the properties of the Bismuth" and caused a
low level levitation!

(Maybe Eddy Current was chasing Milliamp across the nearby Wheatstone
bridge, and cause a great wind and static electricity field.)
As to Yogi... All I know is the bear.


--          "When a TRUE GENIUS APPEARS, you can know him by this sign:            THAT ALL THE DUNCES ARE IN A CONFEDERACY AGAINST HIM!"                                          ... Jonathan Swift