Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 22:23:49 -0800

Hi Hex et al!

You wrote;
> This, along with the Sidhis (I *THINK* that's the proper term for the
> powers granted to Yogis, right?) are two places to start looking for
> clues as to how one can levitate yourself without external assistance.
> I don't suppose anyone here is very familiar with a Yogi?

Well, talk about flip-flop!!!..;-) Siddhi, yes, that and the earlier
excellent comments about the martial art technique of altering your
center of gravity are definitely worth consideration, though I would much
prefer a device or technique that ANYONE COULD USE as opposed to years of
practice to hopefully be able to tap the martial art/yogi powers. Blame
it on the modern disease of 'instant gratification'...

The following list of Siddhi powers is extracted from;

A Yogi who had mastered these occult powers could :

1) plunge into the Earth as if it were mere water
2) enter a stone if he wishes
3) so influence water as to not wet him
4) control fire so that it does not burn him
5) make himself invisible
6) have knowledge of the past, present and future
7) have knowledge of all sounds of all living beings
8) have knowledge of other's minds
9) have knowledge of the time of one's own death
10) have knowledge of terrestrial or extra-terrestrial
systems or events
11) possess the ability to go through space without harm
12) master hunger, thirst and bodily functions
13) master the senses
14) master the elements
15) make himself infinitely small or large
*** 16) make himself extremely dense or extremely light thereby
controlling gravity and mass

The full extent and nature of all the Siddhi powers are not made clear.

--The body is magnetic to some degree, especially the brain...not to mention the discovery a few years back of ferrites in the body that appear to assist in balance and sense of direction, similar to what was found in homing pigeons years before.

Perhaps enough ferrites are in the body so that a diamagnetic effect could be created to produce what would be analogous to 'weight loss' which is in fact repulsion from the earth.

I have two documents from two different biological research labs that prove the presence of superconductivity in new cells.

Hudson superconducting monoatomic powders taken internally might be able to saturate the cells enough to produce levitation when stimulated...perhaps this stimulation might be sufficiently responsive to react to the THOUGHT or WILL of the subject!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187