Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Stephen Rosenthal ( )
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 10:37:28 -0800

Dave wrote:

> If a person "Fasts" for a number of days, does the blood turn more Acidic due
> to higher HCL stomach acid? If it does, then the following MIGHT be an answer
> to why Jesus was able to walk on the water. (Specific Gravity Changes?)
> If Ionsphere or Schumann Layer belt radiates different frequencies, and the
> body is "just right" in its conductivity and receptiveness to RF, then could
> this be possible if the body performed RF rectification into a D.C. potenetial?
> Water did make an Excellent ground to his feet!

Com'on........let's get off this, this is a waste of time, and here's my 2 cents

I believe in G-d. What you are trying to figure out here is so far beyond all of the

composite brain power of any or all of us that it's absurd. I believe in the
how can you figure that one (don't even try). And Jesus is only one example of the
We have Elijah, Lazarus, and several others mentioned. The bottom line is
faith is a substance according to the bible, it's the substance of things hoped
probably a large part of what Keely and Tesla and others were doing had a lot to do
with the faith they were using, and this is why others cannot duplicate their feats.
We are
so intense on wanting to quantify and explain everything, that we are missing the
for the trees if you will. We cannot quantify faith, much as we might like to, so
do some thinking and exchange information on those thing which can be quantified, if
what we are doing here, and try to excercise our own faith a little, which is what I
consider the
missing ingrediant in a lot of what I see going on in the world around us today.
"If *YOU* say unto that shall have whatsoever *YOU* say."

Thank you....thank you very much
sr ;>