Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Dr Jones ( )
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 17:14:30 +1300

At 17:54 8/03/98 +1200, you wrote:
>Dave et al
>> OK, concerning the Holy Bible, apparently Jesus WALKED ON WATER more
>> than once BEFORE he died. He told his followers, that they too could
>> perform miracles like him, if they only believed that with God, all
>> things are possible.
>Can I gently suggest that there is very little (nil?) historical
>evidence for the existence of a Biblical Jesus. (8>) Once you go beyond
>the historical/literal debate and unlock the mystery teaching of the
>Bible it becomes a fascinating document. Check the very good Massey and
>perhaps Kuhn material at for an

Hey look guys, if I want to subscribe to a religion list I will. I don't
want to get into whether God exists or not because that is not alt sci.

And no, you can't gently suggest that. Otherwise you're suggesting that a
religion which has influenced the world and claims roughly 20% of the
world's population was initiated by a fraud and a dozen fraudsters willing
to die for their fraud. Plus get noted Roman scholars to verify for the
authenticity of the man. Get real. There are enough cranks in the world
without diverting the lists attention on that nonsense URL posted.

Just as a side note, it seems to be a "War on God" week. Down here, in our
new national museum, exibits of Mary in a Condom and Jesus as a woman have
really upset a lotta people. Perhaps this could be explained in some manner?