Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Dr Jones ( )
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 17:21:24 +1300

At 02:06 8/03/98 -0600, you wrote:
>At 07:08 PM 3/8/98 +1300, you wrote:
>>> Jesus did not exist. Yeshua existed -- he rebelled against the Saudecees.
>>> He made sense. Jesus does not. Jesus was an invention of Saul - or Paul -
>>> or whatever the hell he wants to go by. In fact, most of the New Testament
>>> was invented in Paul's little head just so he could be a bigshot. This,
>>> however, is topic for another list.
>>That is your view, There is plenty of evidence that you are wrong, but you
>>entitled by your belief that jesus did not exist as I am to mine that he did.
I'm getting tired of replying to these posts....

Whether Jesus existed or not is a matter of FACT not opinion. Either there
WAS someone named Jesus/Immanuel/Yawah etc or there was NOT. In other words,
either this machine RUNS ITSELF plus puts out excess energy or it DOES NOT.

Now Jesus fulfilled every one of the 200+ predictions about his coming in
the New Testament. Thousands of people saw and listened to him and
millions/billions were converted as a result. Even his prediction of
Jerusalem being torn down was correct - in AD70 the temples were pulled down
to extract as much gold as possible by a really annoyed Roman army.

Now if u want to continue this go to a religion list...sheesh.
