Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Bob Aldrich ( )
Mon, 09 Mar 1998 01:12:00 -0800

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> So, as I see it, either Jesus had some way of altering either the surface
> of the water so that it would support him (as with the clear sheet), OR
> he could alter HIS OWN WEIGHT so that he represented a piece of walking
> styrofoam that could not sink.

I heard some years ago that followers of Transcendental Meditation, when
they got to a certain level, could systematically levitate. Don't know
if it's true, but I wouldn't be suprised if this was what got the
Beatles and so many of their freinds to go over there. I have also heard
one other perso who could easily levitate, and sometimes did so in front
of others. Also I heard of a guy in Texas who could walk on water.. all
anectdotal of course...

Most likely these people were not using any physical means to do so. It
is known that a spiritual being (you) can emit a considerable amount of
energy, and if he could do that he could probably also levitate if
interested. There have been many times in my earlier life (not now,
unfortunately) when I felt VERY light on my feet. Also many people I've
known personally too have reported this too.

You have a great many more abilities than you have been permitted to

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles