Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 22:47:04 PST


>IF, as others are now believing, that a UFO was involved somehow

Uh-huh. So now Jesus was an alien. Ok..... First off as for Jesus he
was either who he said he was or the biggest fraud of history. He was
either the Son of God or the biggest charlatan. He wasnt a "nice man"
or teacher. He was one or the other Son of God or liar. Nothing else.
He walked on water based on faith. Hasnt anyone yet brought up the
double scalar waves theory. That each side of the brain is a scalar
wave generator. With two generators plus God as a third you can
literally manipulate space and time. This is how the miracles were
down, it is the same gift God gives to Christians. Can a Christian go
out and walk on water? Depends on if God wants him to.

Can we please move on to the creating and building of a free energy


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