Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Dave ( )
Mon, 09 Mar 1998 01:28:14 +0500

>Hexslinger wrote:
>(I do deep-coding kind of stuff - right now I'm into creating my
>own FORTH implementation, if that means anything to ya.)

Mr. Hexslinger: Huh? "deep-coding", "FORTH implementation"?

...'Cuse my ignorance, but can you HEXPLAIN?

ALSO, another correlation of low frequencies that I forgot to add to
the list of nine. Two summers ago, a road construction Company was
rebuilding the road in front of our place. The employee who's job was
driving one of those ride-on Rego Vibratory Compactor Machines (machines
with a 4 foot diameter steel drum with centrifugal flying weights
inside used to pack down road aggregates), produced frequencies listed
on a label on the machine to be (dependent on speed) in the range of
18.33 to 25 Vibrations per second (Hertz). This guy claimed that he
often had to find a washroom to relieve himself (#2), because of these
LOW frequencies. Looks like these LOW freq's can cause serious bowel

Q: Do you have low frequency capable loudspeakers, 100 watt per channel
stereo power amplifiers, and a audio generator suitable to produce
the same frequencies?

This speculation could PROVE itself to you if your try it on your own!
