Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Norman Wootan ( )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 08:42:25 -0600

>From Cynthia Turnage: Jerry, I hope you don't mind if I potulate my
hypothesis about Jesus walking on water. Now mind you, this is theoretical.
If you will open your Bible to Matthew 14:23. There you will see that before
walking on water, Jesus first withdrew to the mountain to pray where he was
alone. John 6:15, also confirms this. It is part of the hypothesis of my
books that while on the mountain tops, the prophets, and Christ were actually
meeting with extraterrestrials, where they were sometimes "transfigured", or
charged up, with a special ray, as in the case of Moses and Jesus. This ray
may have been electromagnetic in nature, for according to the scripture, it
has the power to lift people and objects into the air. I believe that Jesus
was once againcharged up" by this ray on the mountain top that night on the
mountian. (Moses actually glowed as did Jesus from this charging up
process). John 6:18 describes how the sea was stirred up, and the wind was
blowing. Mattthew 14:24 states this: that the boat of the disciples was
battered by the waves, and in the literal interpretation, the wind was
tormented. Throughout the Bible, when a UFO was present, the wind was
stirred up. Its my contention that the wind from the hovering UFO, the one
that had just charged up Jesus, was stirring up the water as well. Now, a
ray, coming from the hovering UFO that was stirring up the wind and water,
concealed in the clouds, and rememer this is taking place in the middle of
the night, 3:00 A.M., then is fixed upon Christ, and is holding him up above
the water so that it appears that he is walking on the water. It also
attached itself to Peter, for he also did this for a few moments. Just
wanted to put my two cents in!

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> Back to basics.
> It is reported that a person by the name of Jesus walked on water in the
> presence of witnesses. How would you duplicate this?
> If you try to stand on water, it will not support you and you will sink.
> There is a insect called a water glider which literally glides across teh
> surface of water, often stopping, but never sinking. This is because
> these insects are very light in 'weight' and have a small bubble of air
> trapped under the 'foot' of each leg, thus providing the buyoancy.
> Jesus must have weighed in at about 150 pounds. So there is no way a
> bubble of air under his feet could support him. For movie stunts
> duplicating this walking on water feat, a thick sheet of clear plastic or
> glass is placed slightly below the surface of water, making it invisible
> to anyone looking into the water.
> A person can easily walk on this supporting sheet giving the illusion of
> 'walking on water'. I doubt this was the case with the Jesus account.
> There was reported no helium or hydrogen balloon providing ballast to
> reduce his physical weight while walking on the water.
> If you could reduce your physical weight, you would not sink because your
> weight was not sufficient to penetrate the cohesiveness of the water
> molecules.
> So, as I see it, either Jesus had some way of altering either the surface
> of the water so that it would support him (as with the clear sheet), OR
> he could alter HIS OWN WEIGHT so that he represented a piece of walking
> styrofoam that could not sink.
> I will opt for the latter, he somehow reduced his physical weight to a
> degree that he could not sink. Anyone see any other way to do this?
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187