Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

John Berry ( )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 21:42:06 +1300

The name of the Son of Zeus is Hercules, Jesus is a greek name which is means
savior, Yeshua is a Hebrew name meaning savior.
The english language has evolved from greek.
No matter what name you believe that translates best to english, I fully believe
the person commonly called jesus did exist and there is evidence for this.

John Berry

Dan York wrote:

> At 07:08 PM 3/8/98 +1300, you wrote:
> >> Jesus did not exist. Yeshua existed -- he rebelled against the Saudecees.
> >> He made sense. Jesus does not. Jesus was an invention of Saul - or Paul -
> >> or whatever the hell he wants to go by. In fact, most of the New Testament
> >> was invented in Paul's little head just so he could be a bigshot. This,
> >> however, is topic for another list.
> >
> >That is your view, There is plenty of evidence that you are wrong, but you
> are
> >entitled by your belief that jesus did not exist as I am to mine that he did.
> While I disagree with some of what Hexslinger has posted such as the
> location of Atlantis being within the "Pillars or Gates of Hercules" and
> his limited view of the value of "idle" speculation he is correct in the
> beginning of his post above stating that Jesus did not exist. Jesus is a
> transliteration of a greek word meaning "Son of Zeus". The character in the
> New Testament that is refered to as Jesus was actually named Yeshua. If it
> were transliterated the way other names are commonly done he would have
> been called Joshua by english speaking people.
> Sorry Jerry but I could not resist the temptation...;-)
> Dan