Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 21:40:28 -0800

Hi Hex et al!

With regard to the biblical report that Jesus walked on water, the
question was asked; "Anyone see any other way to do this?"

Hex wrote;
> I don't see it as being possible. and
> I don't even see that as a way of doing it...

Remind me never to invite you to a sci-fi movie or ask specifically for
your opinion on anything that requires creative thought or

I can hear you saying 'there are no sounds in space' as the starship
whooshes by or the weapon produces audible explosions....suspension of
belief is I think a bonus for creative thought.

There sure are a lot of reports about people, objects and even machines
flying or levitating. I wasn't there to see it so I have to work with
what information is available....basing it on my own worldview, warped as
it might be.

But IMHO all towards one goal, which is to build a working PoP and spread
it around for validation and inspiration and scaling up to practical

Back to levitation for those who CAN think about it and wonder how to do
it TODAY....

Since the earth has a magnetic, though weak because of its size, if you
could make an object or a living body, primarily diamagnetic (repellent
to magnetism) then that body would repel from the earth to levitate.

There is a report of a man from Kansas back around the 1860s who woke up
one morning, floating up against the ceiling. I have a file on it that I
need to move to the website. The only way he could keep from floating
off was to wear weights. He and his family were at first appalled by the
phenomenon and no doctor could figure how what caused it or how to get
rid of it...finally, the man decided to take it on the road as a
sideshow, billing himself as 'the Floating Wonder'. Toured only the
midwest for many years and was tested by many scientists, engineers,
doctors and lay people. People would walk in a tent and see him hovering
about 3 feet off the ground, casually reading a book. Everyone was
invited to detect strings, no magnets, no mirrors, just the
weights as ballast to keep him bobbing in the air. After about 12 years
of touring like this, a newspaper reported the man woke up one morning
and his weight had been restored to normal. The opinion at the time was
he was just tired of all the attention and said he was now over the
mysterious condition. He declined interviews and retired to his
hometown...I plan to take a run up to the small town in Kansas where he
lived to see if any newspaper files exist about this subject.

I'm puzzled by this report, assuming it is not fraud, and hundreds at the
time swore there was no trickery involved (which cannot be discounted, we
are the only smart people that ever existed), but my thinking is some
illness, having no side effects other than the loss of weight...maybe
helium or hydrogen in the blood, though the sheer volume necessary to
lift a man would discount that....perhaps even a magnetic shift towards
diamagnetism might account for it.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187