Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Dr Jones ( )
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 17:07:31 +1300

At 19:22 7/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>On Sun, 8 Mar 1998, Dave wrote:
>> OK, concerning the Holy Bible, apparently Jesus WALKED ON WATER more
>> than once BEFORE he died. He told his followers, that they too could
>> perform miracles like him, if they only believed that with God, all
>> things are possible.
>You know, this is part of a really disturbing trend that I've noticed in
>research that I feel compelled to speak out about: READING *TOO MUCH* INTO
>SOMETHING THAT ISN'T THERE. Did it ever occur to you that the records of
>Jesus walking on water are pure crap? That they may be metaphoric?

How did this sudden revelation emerge? this is worse than historical
revisionism. How can anyone possibly say that a particular event didn't
occur 2,000 years after a text recorded it? How do you know it was
impossible or 'crap'? Because you've never seen anyone walk on water? If you
don't believe something because you've never seen it, you severely limit
your outlook. I've never seen electricity flow thru a wire, but I know that
if I touch a wire that is live, I soon won't be.

>thing just brings flashbacks on the whole 'powerful atlanteans' thread.

I didn't know atlanteans were that popular in roman occupied Israel.

>People are so willing to try to find meaning in something that they did
>not personally witness - and I find that highly disturbing. Trying to
>apply explanations to events which did not occur in our lifetime is
>pointless. If there is a proven effect that can be associated with this
>event - great - let's hear about it; otherwise it's just pure speculation.

Fraid you're outta luck with this argument. No great religious movement
occurred within my lifetime, yet their impact has, more than anything else,
shaped the political world we have today. The birth of mass production
didn't occur within my lifetime, but it brought benefits and problems that
have been passed onto this generation. Same with the welfare state.

Now I don't want to get too far off the alt sci thread here, but I feel that
if members posting to the list posted references and used journalists
criteria more, the list would be far more valuable. Much of the material
that is posted is barely more than bland assertion, and of little real value.

Dr Jones