Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

TeagueFamily ( )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 17:54:19 +1200

Dave et al

> OK, concerning the Holy Bible, apparently Jesus WALKED ON WATER more
> than once BEFORE he died. He told his followers, that they too could
> perform miracles like him, if they only believed that with God, all
> things are possible.

Can I gently suggest that there is very little (nil?) historical
evidence for the existence of a Biblical Jesus. (8>) Once you go beyond
the historical/literal debate and unlock the mystery teaching of the
Bible it becomes a fascinating document. Check the very good Massey and
perhaps Kuhn material at for an

> 3. Our brain wave frequencies vary between 5 and 17 Hertz, dependent on
> moods, sleep cycle's, Euphoria, etc.

My understanding is it ranges from just above zero to about 30Hz.

> 6. Ancient civilizations could levitate huge rocks by producing SUB-
> HARMONICS in the range of 7 to 15 Hertz by BEAT frequency differences
> of higher musical and percussion instrument frequencies.

By comparison the Tibetians have been doing it in very recent times.

For an orgasmic like harmonic thrill get hold of "Hearing Solar Winds"
New York Harmonic Choir or some of the Gyume Tibetian Monks stuff...
turn the lights down, put your headphones on and let it go! If you don't
come out with goose pimples (bumps?) running up and down your spine, you
are not human. (8^)

> 9. It's a commonly believed by many that a dead person or animal "FEELS
> HEAVIER" than they did when they were alive! I can relate to this
> being true after carrying one of our cats that passed away. I swear
> that it had to weigh a minimum 3 pounds more than it did alive!

Nearly a party trick... I've been part of a demonstration thus:
The biggest and heaviest chap in the room was sat on a chair and me plus
another mid-weight stacked our hands on his head (alternating). After
about one minute of gentle concentration we made a grab for the
heavy-weight's legs and buttocks and easily lifted him to waist height.

With out the preliminary head resting phase we struggled to lift him a
few inches clear of the chair.

Cheers... Rex