KeelyNet Site Additions for 1998

As of 02/25/98, based on a recommendation for less complicated new info access, the old 'newest on top' unorganized format will be used in this file and also copied to the categorized list.

04/02/98 - 1993 & up KeelyNet BBS Public Message Archives

04/02/98 - INE August Conference - call for papers for August 14 & 15 conference in Salt Lake City

04/02/98 - IANS folds - sadly, International Association for New Science closes down for lack of support

04/02/98 - Finally, off-the-shelf Vibrational Medicine? using the Harmonic Translation System a hardware synthesis of kinesiology, sound and light therapy, radionics and homeopathy, if it works as described, it is the 'electronic pharmacy' and 'virtual medicine' we have been seeking.

04/01/98 - Death of Stanley Meyer

03/22/98 - Conductive Carbon Composites!!

03/22/98 - Acoustic Vortices

03/22/98 - $880 - 27lb. - 5KW 120VAC Thermo Generator

03/22/98 - added 'Boundaries of Science' webring proto-links for when it gets going

03/13/98 - Discussion List - now online

03/11/98 - High Voltage Experiments

03/08/98 - How DHEA was saved - great way to stop gov't shenanigans

03/07/98 - Anti-Time & its' Effects - written for KeelyNet

03/07/98 - Nullifying Gravity with High Voltage
03/07/98 - 1916 Nipher Gravity Experiments

03/04/98 - Updated Renewable Energy Page - Date of Rally is October 24th, 1998!

03/04/98 - Minato O/U DEMO in Japan - with CNN and other news coverage!

03/03/98 - Proof of the Exodus - discovery of the 'real' Mount Sinai

03/03/98 - Walter Wrights Push Gravity - ** READ THIS **

03/03/98 - Universal Repulsive Force

03/03/98 - Million Person Rally for Renewable Energy

03/03/98 - ZPE to Electrical Energy Converter

03/03/98 - John Drapers' Solar Cell Efficiency Doubler patent

03/02/98 - Printed Information Sources

03/02/98 - Quantum Fields and the Natural Healing Process

03/02/98 - Rick Todish's Free-Energy page
Free-Energy, Antigravity, Hydrogen power, plans, schematics, diagrams and more..

03/02/98 - Hotshot Dice Job Finder

02/26/98 - Smithsonian Response to Lack of Tesla Information

These 6 links deal with how orthodox establishments ignore or try to quench anomalies that indicate humans have been around MUCH longer than is taught, this means many civilizations have preceded us, probably with much different, possibly even more advanced technologies.
02/26/98 - Ed Conrad Questions Science
02/26/98 - Smithsonian Shenanigans
02/26/98 - Petrified Human Bones in Slate
02/26/98 - Petrified Human Cranium in a boulder
02/26/98 - SEM internal surface features
02/26/98 - Petrified human bones in Carboniferous Strata

02/26/98 - Humorous theory - Air as cause of Gravity???

02/26/98 - Helical Particle Waves - relativistic particles follow a helical trajectory

02/26/98 - Tom Browns Website

02/26/98 - Virtual Oscilloscope

02/26/98 - Excellent Health Videos

02/26/98 - AnyWho or 555-1212 reverse phone number lookup

02/26/98 - Physics based on a Tensile Aether

02/24/98 - Interesting site on 'Brace' Force Correlations

02/20/98 - Importance of Phase Conjugation

02/14/98 - Dallas & Denver Lectures

02/13/98 - Experimental Circuits

02/11/98 - 'PoP' - Prove Your Claims!

02/10/98 - Bruce McBurney Super High Mileage Carburetor Systems

02/10/98 - Rotary Magnet Device

02/10/98 - Electronic Circuits & Projects

02/10/98 - Bob Dratch Notice of Cause of Weather Anomalies

02/10/98 - Interesting Philadelphia Page

02/01/98 - January 1998 KeelyNet-L Archive - (.zip) 358,582KB

02/07/98 - 30% Water to Gasoline Emulsion w/2 patents

02/07/98 - New Water Decomposition Method - using molybdenum compound

01/29/98 - Tiny Fuel Cells - long life appliance energy source

01/29/98 - Gravity Car Proposal

01/29/98 - Index of Information by Dan Davidson

01/29/98 - Kirlian Technology Website

01/26/98 - KeelyNet Emails for January 1998

01/26/98 - Prentice Patent - for Earth Energy Tap

01/26/98 - Aether Tap for Energy

01/26/98 - Gasoline Fuel Cells

01/26/98 - Outstanding Site for SCALAR information
contains figures, diagrams, pics, theory, etc. on scalar devices (including the caduceus)

01/26/98 - Cold Fusion And Zero Point Energy Transcripts
June 23, 1996, transcripts from 21st Century Radio's Hieronimus & Co., COLD FUSION AND ZERO POINT ENERGY, Radio Host: Dr. Bob Hieronimus, with Featured Guests: Dr. Eugene Mallove, Professor John O'M. Bockris, and Dr. Hal Puthoff. Transcribed by Jed Rothwell

01/26/98 - Hi-Z Thermoelectric Modules
09/20/96 - Also see QuantaDyne 20Watt Cascadable Modules

01/26/98 - Brush electrical Gravity experiments

01/26/98 - The Troutman Anti-Gravity Room

01/26/98 - Lorrey Inertial Drive Page

01/26/98 - Theory of the sustentation of matter

01/26/98 - KeelyNet Roundtable Meeting Notes for January 1998

01/26/98 - Air Muscles for Robotics

01/26/98 - Information Unlimited - Project/Plans/Kits

01/26/98 - Multi-lingual Translator on Alta Vista
Translates English to/from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

01/26/98 - Periodic Table of Elements - with NMR frequencies

01/20/98 - PORE Orgonomy Site & NEW Mailing List

01/20/98 - Invisibility - 2 cases & Observations

01/20/98 - Chinese Magnet Source

01/20/98 - Magnet Sources

01/20/98 - Superconductor Sources

01/20/98 - Source for cheap Aerial Photos

01/20/98 - Electronic Schematic Sources

01/20/98 - CServe/AOL etc. OWN your email

01/17/98 - Time Travel & Caduceus Coils

01/12/98 - Garrett Patent w/comments
running a car on hydrogen/oxygen and air in 1935
01/12/98 - Ultrasonically Produce Oxygen
email about commercial box

01/12/98 - George Wiseman's Eagle R&D Page
Excellent site for those who want to BUILD things that work! Wiseman has the right attitude, built it, test it, sell working plans to support MORE research. Support this guy, he is on target!!!

01/10/98 - Gnosticism vs. Agnosticism

01/10/98 - Amplitude of Force

01/09/98 - Tesla's Electric Car #1
01/09/98 - Tesla's Electric Car #2
01/09/98 - Tesla's Electric Car #3

01/09/98 - Die Broke - help people NOW

01/08/98 - Gestalts to Engineer Aether
compound intelligence and the production of phenomena

01/08/98 - Jacobson Resonator
low level current to stop pain and heal

01/07/98 - Phase Conjugation & the BETAR
using sound to relieve stress

01/07/98 - Blood Thinning Diet

01/07/98 - Mayo & 3 other Diets

01/05/98 - Inertial Energy Convertor - 1000% Eff.?
Check out Michael Danielschenkos two files on : "Unknown Concepts of Kinetic Energy" and "Inertia Energy Converter"
01/05/98 - Also check out GIT Inertial Drive

01/04/98 - the Stumbaugh Plug
strange claims for purifying electronic bio-effects

01/04/98 - Dielectrokinetic Laboratories
claims to detect life signs

01/04/98 - FUSOR Videotape $25 How to do it!
Richard Hull experiments with details - get THIS!
Farnsworth FUSION document
fusion practically achieved more than 30 years ago

01/03/98 - NASA Antigravity Research & Machine

01/01/98 - Upcoming - NEW Keely Book

01/01/98 - Claim that weight and inertia HAS been lab engineered

01/01/98 - German 200% O/U device?

01/01/98 - Non-Surgical Cardiovascular Cleaner?

12/29/97 - Regrets for Lost Opportunities

11/18/97 - AMAZING Hans Jenny Cymatics Videos & Book
this is what makes the Universe TICK, get a copy