August 22, 1990 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Menu (the Mayo Clinic Diet) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Breakfast : 1/2 grapefruit or unsweetened grapefruit juice 2 eggs any style, 2 slices bacon, minimum (You may eat 12 eggs and 12 slices of bacon if you wish) Coffee or tea, no cream or sugar Lunch : 1/2 grapefruit Meat, any style, any amount Salad, as much as you can eat with any dressing that does not contain sugar Coffee or tea Dinner : 1/2 grapefruit Meat, any style, any amount, with gravy providing it is not thickened with flour; of course, you may substitute fish for meat. Any green or yellow or red vegetables, as much as you can eat. Salad as above Coffee or tea (dressings should be something like Lite Less Oil, Wishbone Classic, Dr. John Vinaigrette - reduced calorie) Bedtime Snack : Tomato juice or skimmed milk 1. At any meal, you MUST EAT UNTIL YOU ARE FULL, until you cannot possibly eat any more. 2. Don't eliminate anything. For example, don't skip the bacon at breakfast or omit the salad at dinner. (THESE BURN FAT) 3. The grapefruit is important because it ACTS AS A CATALYST that starts the fat-burning process. 4. Cut down on coffee. It is thought to effect the insulin balance that hinders the burning up process. Try to limit yourself to one cup at each meal. 5. No eating between meals. If you can eat the combination of foods suggested, until you are stuffed, you won't be hungry between meals. 6. Note that this diet completely eliminates sugar and starches which form lipoids, and lipoids are what form fat. Fat does not form fat, it helps burn it up, so you can fry your eggs in butter generously, and also on your vegetables. 7. Note that with this "Magic Menu" you can eat what your family eats except desserts, breads and white vegetables. While your family eats these you may have a double or triple helping of meat, salad or vegetables. Eat til you are stuffed, and then force yourself to eat some more. The more you eat of the proper combination the more you lose. 8. You can lose ten pounds in ten days. There will be no weight loss the first four days, but you will suddenly drop five pounds on the fifth day. Thereafter, you lose one pound a day until the tenth day. Then you will lose one-half pound every two days until you get down to your proper weight. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This was being passed around at the office where I work my "normal" bill-paying type job. It looked interesting, so we now list it. If you lose weight following the above diet, we would like to know about it to check on the success of the system. Thank you for sharing. (01/15/97) I received a call from a lady in Illinois who has been on this diet for about 45 days. She reports she lost 20 pounds. When the diet is followed for 7 days, it makes you a bit tired (as this lady reports), so she recommends dieting for 5 days, followed by 2 days of normalcy (pigging out on pizza, etc.). This way, you have energy and still lose weight. Also, my mother reports this diet has been around for many years and a very obese lady she knew back in the 70s lost a great amount of weight on this 'grapefruit diet'. She also reports that some people could not do the diet because it was 'hard on the kidneys', so watch for any kind of negative reaction and stop it. It would probably be a good idea to ask your physician if this diet is OK for you to try before taking any chances. ************************************************************************* August 22, 1990 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Diet Safely and Lose Weight -------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST DAY Breakfast : Black coffee, tea or water 1/2 grapefruit, 1 slice toast, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter Lunch : 1/2 cup tuna, 1 slice toast, coffee or tea Dinner : 2 slices any type meat, (3 ozs.) 1 cup string beans, 1 cup beets 1 small apple, 1 cup vanilla ice cream -------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND DAY Breakfast : 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice toast, 1/2 banana Lunch : 1 cup cottage cheese, 6 saltine crackers Dinner : 2 hot dogs, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup carrots, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream -------------------------------------------------------------------- THIRD DAY Breakfast : 5 saltine crackers 1 slice cheddar cheese 1 small apple Lunch : 1 hard-boiled egg 1 slice toast Dinner : 1 cup tuna 1 cup cauliflower 1/2 cantaloupe 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream -------------------------------------------------------------------- This diet works on a chemical breakdown and is proven. Do not vary, skip, or substitute any of the foods. Salt and pepper may be used, but no other seasonings. This diet is to be used 3 days at a time. In 3 days you will lose 10 lbs. After 3 days of dieting, you can eat your normal foods, but do not overeat. After 4 days of normal eating, start back on the 3-day diet. You can lose up to 40 lbs. per month is you stick to this diet. It is a safe diet. Do not snack between meals. Drink 8 glasses of water each day. ************************************************************************* October 30, 1993 DIET3.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Bob Aldrich. -------------------------------------------------------------------- > I am interested in loosing 35 pounds can any one tell me the > quickist/safest way to do it? > The use of quick and safe in relation to losing weight is an oxymoron: the two words are conflicting points. The best way is to set up a good exercise program combined with a calorie control program. You HAVE to know what you do (how many calories you are burning) and what you consume. Then adjust those two for weight loss. The only thing that burns calories is muscle, so a weight loss program based only on reducing calories is self-defeating: your body will burn both fat AND muscle as you diet, and when you stop the diet, you will have less muscle to burn calories than when you started. You will likely get on that most terrible of all cycles, the yoyo diet, where you lose weight, stop the diet, gain even more weight, diet, stop dieting, etc etc. And you end up with a body that has no muscle tissue to provide shape/form and look like a doughboy. The exercise route is the best longterm method. Plan on it taking a long time to do it right. A pound of fat contains 3500 calories. (YOU calculate how many calories you need to burn for 35 pounds). As a male, you don't want to reduce your calorie intake below 1200 per day (females can go to 1000) from my most recent readings, otherwise your body thinks it is undergoing a 'famine' and starts lowering your metabolism to survive. And how many calories can you burn a day? Well, yesterday I ran 3 miles, walked another mile, lifted weights for one hour, worked at the office all day.... total calories used was 3800. That is for a 43 year old male, 5'11", 182 pounds. All major activities were measured to the minute (sports) and minor ones were estimated based on past experience. I also weigh my food to the gram for tracking. On any program, you will lose a lot very fast then plateau. That is mainly water loss that occurs with most major changes in eating habits and activity levels. Don't get discouraged by the plateau. Also, be sure to allow yourself the luxury of pigging out occassionally. Plan a few, and except a couple opportunities that pop up. *BUT* calculate what it cost you and compensate the following week. Allowing the occassional pigout will allow you to feel human instead of like a prisoner to your diet. It also helps to prevent the "I fell off my diet so I am a hopeless case who can never... etc" pain that strikes all of us trying to lose weight. BTW, I went from 210+ to 182, and added a lot of muscle tissue in the process, so it is anyones guess how much fat I lost. But it shows it can be done. I have a lady friend who went from 330+ (her scales only went to 330) to 135 over a 3 year period by strenuously exercising and dieting. I call her 'The Lady Di' because she became quite thin and attractive... Rommie --- D'Bridge 1.30/003310 * Origin: FliegWeg BBS Home of VitaCal (512) 496-6550 (1:387/403)