How DHEA was saved!
A great approach to government shenanigans!

From an email; today I discovered how DHEA was made available to everyone in your country. I found the answer in a book called:

DHEA: Unlocking the Secrets to the Fountain of Youth
by Beth M. Ley,
BL Publications,
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Tel: (714) 452 0371 or 1800 345 0096.

On page 155 is a copy of an open letter written to the FDA Commissioner by Dr. Steven Fowkes, Executive Director of CERI (Cognitive Enhancement Research, Institute). It reads as follows:

Dr. David Kessler

Office of the Commissioner

5600 Fishers Lane

Rockville, MD 20857

11 July 1995

An open letter to Commissioner Kessler:

It has come to my attention that "pressure from the FDA"

is behind the proposed reclassification of DHEA

(dehydroepiandrosterone) as an anabolic steroid with Schedule

III status by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

At least that is what DEA officials are saying.

I am writing to you because that action on the part of your

agency is not only an end run around the specific 'wording of

the newly passed Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act

(DSH&EA) it may be a violation of your oath of office as

Commissioner of the FDA.

At this time, I don't know whether this alleged "pressure" is

real, or the DEA is merely using your agency as an excuse to do

something that they cannot legally and scientifically justify

on their own.

However, it is quite clear to me from my research into DHEA

that DHEA is not a "testosterone-like" compound, nor does it

have "anabolic activity."

Somebody is playing fast and loose with the scientific

information about DHEA, and thought you should know -

personally - that your agency is one of the candidates.

Should a subsequent Congressional investigation uncover

testimony that FDA employees were in fact behind this

reclassification of DHEA, I want you to accept personal

responsibility for your agency's purposeful violation of the

Congressional intent behind the DSH&EA.

It is my opinion that the DSH&AE was intended to cover DHEA

as a "dietary substance" with all the statutory projections

from overzealous attempts by your agency to restrict them to

drug-only status.

Certainly the language of the act specifically covers

cholesterol, pregnenolone and DHEA as dietary substances

and pregnenolone and DHEA as "metabolites" of cholesterol.

The law would not be more clear. Using the steroid-analogues

act to contravene the DSH&EA is underhanded, fallacious, and


Furthermore, if you are personally involved in that campaign,

you have violated your oath of office to defend the Constitution

and laws of the United States.

You and your agency are charged with the responsibility to carry

out Congressional legislation, not subvert it. The DSH&EA requires

you to secure an open hearing under the auspices of the Department

of Health and Human Services (DHHS) before you can remove any

dietary ingredient from over-the-counter status.

This notification is intended to offer you an opportunity to

"clean house" before such time as Congress does it for you.

Copies of this letter will be forwarded to appropriate

Congressional staff charged with oversight and funding of your

agency. I trust that you will forward a copy of this to your

legal department, and take appropriate actions to speedily

remedy this bureaucratic boondoggle.

Should I become aware that your agency has used this

reclassification to take actions to remove DHEA from the US

dietary supplement market without the requisite HHS hearing,

I will see that your complicity is brought to the attention

of the court with jurisdiction over the matter.


Steven Wm. Fowkes, Executive Director