Ultrasonics to generate Oxygen - 01/12/98

The following email was recently received and I thought it might be of interest to some. If you have any information about the Ultrasonic Oxygen generator in the original email, I would appreciate a pointer to it, thanks!..>>> Jerry
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 13:23:25 -0700
To: Jerry
Subject: Ultrasonic water disassociation


This is the first time I have dropped you a note. That doesn't imply that I haven't found your site fascinating and refreshing.

I was watching a cable program named "Sharks of Steel" on the Discovery Channel some time ago. The captain of the boat was explaining the sonar and other defensive and offensive systems when he turned and placed his arm on a box explaining that this box supplied the ship with oxygen and that the water was torn apart by ultrasonics.

My son and I both looked at each other having read about Stanley Meyers and his projects. I thought you would find this interesting.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 14:45:06 -0800
From: Jerry
Organization: KeelyNet

Subject: Reply to: Ultrasonic water disassociation

Hi ***!

Thanks for the info....I haven't heard of any commerically available box to do this so your email was a bit surprising....I know the late Andrija Puharich had done research into bubbling in blood.

When the synthetic 'oil crisis' happened in the 70's, Dr. Puharich thought his research could be applied to increasing the hydrolysis of water to produce hydrogen that could be burned for fuel in auto engines, heating or whatever...

He found that water, when bubbled at a current of 600 cycles per second, had the highest efficiency of disruption to the gaseous state. This is intriguing because John Keely stated that water could be disrupted at 610, 620 and 12,000 cps....with the most effective frequency being 42.8 khz.

The 600 cps of Puharich was thus amazingly close to that of Keely at 610. We brought Puharich here to Dallas for a week many years ago and I gave him documentation on Keely's research...he'd not heard of it and was very intrigued...but he said it was not a course worthy to pursue because his own findings were so ignored....there are far too many vested interests that do whatever they can to suppress knowledge of the simplicity of burning water for fuel. I've never experienced that but then again, I am not a threat.

One of the other problems with burning hydrogen as fuel, it burns very, very rapidly, so it is harder to get a decent thrust with it. So I am told by Dr. William A. Rhodes, the TRUE discoverer of what is erroneously called 'Brown's Gas'.

There are ways you can mix in outside air along with OXYGEN and hydrogen to expand the duration of the combustion to provide more thrust.

Best documented and proven by Dad Garrett and son here in Dallas in 1935 with their 4 cylinder automobile that ran on water from White Rock Lake...the trick is a carburetor fed from a hydrolysis unit containing 25% battery acid (sulphuric) continually mixed with 75% water...to improve conduction....also textured plates with as many points as possible since gas squeezes off these points.

Yes, oxygen is on the positive pole and hydrogen on the negative, but you let them mix together, then add a variable mixture of outside air (78% nitrogen & other gases), along with a very light vapor from the water, which is exploded in the engine....so you rid yourself of hydrogen embrittlement (making the metal brittle from suffusion of pure hydrogen gas) and you increase the thrust by extending the gas mixture explosion.

Of course, using Keely's method of 42.8khz, you just blow up the gas and use the pressure...3 drops instantaneously exploded produced 29,000 psi...store that in a tank and run an airmotor.....when tank pressure gets to 2000 psi or so, blow up more water...piece of cake, eh?? Thanks!

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