Interesting Emails for January 1998 - 01/26/98

Current Index List - Last Updated 01/26/98

Liquid Electricity

More Tibetan Levitation

Periodic Table w/NMR freqs

Hydraulic Drive System

Tesla & the Smithsonian

Thermoelectric Modules

Information Unlimited

92mpg BAAT Modification

Cold Fusion/ZPE Transcripts

AC as the cause of Inertia

Matthews Death Ray

Scalar Info Site

Air Muscles

Antigravity Room

Telomerase & Aging

More Aging 'Cures'

Time Travel Challenge

Electricity & Gravity

Time Travel Errors

Interfacing a Keypad

Fusion Videotape

Ultrasonic Oxygen Generator

Gasoline Fuel Cell

Rectified Moonlight

Spinning Pyramids

Weird Energy Effects

Occult Chemistry

Phase Shifter

MicroCurrent Source

PC External Trigger

Magnetic Mood Brightener

Survival Archive

2010 Government Predictions

Biological Coherence

On Liquid Electricity

This all reminds me of a fellow an employee I used to have, Don Breeding, who said he met a fellow who had perfected a device that stored liquid electricity. I believe he said it was a supercooled and conductive container with "leaves" of silver suspended from the inside center. He used nitrogen or some such to cool it, and began pumping electricity into it. It took a very long time to charge it up, maybe months, I don't recall exactly. Presently, if you shook the container, you could hear a sloshing inside. The electricity had become liquid. What he used it for, I don't recall.

The fellow was rich from an unrelated field, those sprinklers you see on large wheels rolling across farmland. I don't know if his name was Diggs or not.

More on Tibetan Stone Levitation

How many here have heard the one about the Tibetan monks who levitated stones using sound (apparently inducing resonance)? A funny coincidence... I haven't thought of this story for years, but I had it in my mind just a few minutes before I downloaded this mail. I see this as a sign to write down some lines.

I don't know how this levitation in Tibet is possible, but the story is true, as far as I know. There are very serious people involved. A friend of one of my friends is the man who witnessed the levitation in Tibet in the thirties...

I heard a rumour of the Tibetan levitation more than 35 years ago, and for years I tried to find out the truth. The only clue I had was the name of a man, "Ernst". After three years somebody suddenly said to me: "The man over there is Ernst, he is the man you are looking for! He knows Dr Jarl who documented the levitation in Tibet by a movie-camera!"

Dr Jarl studied medicine in Oxford. One of his schoolfellows was a Tibetan and they became great friends. Several years after the examination, when day had lost the contact, Dr Jar1 travelled from Sweden to Egypt for a special commission. At an intermediate landing on Alexandria air port, two Tibetan monks suddenly came up to him and urged him to change his plans and go with them to Tibet. An aircraft waited for them.

How did they know that he was going to Egypt? Nobody did know about his job. He decided to go to Tibet and at a monastery waited his medical friend from Oxford, now a high lama and chief of the monastery. They needed Dr Jarl's assistance in a medical problem. Soon they solved the problem, and Dr Jarl stayed as a guest for a period and witnessed a lot of miraculous things. The same day he arrived, the Tibetans showed a colour(!)-film on a white wall - whithout any visible apparatus. Dr Jarl saw his whole journey, his landing in Alexandria and how the Tibetans approached him...

Later Dr Jarl watched how the Tibetans built a monastery halfways up to a vertical montain ridge and levitated big stones from the valley. He made detailed notes and documented the whole process by a movie-camera. The film was later confiscated by the Englishmen and classified for 50 years. This time is over. Maybe somebody can find the film in the British archives now.

There is some misinformation about the story somewhere in the web. The man who whitnessed the Tibetan levitation of stones is this Swedish MD Jarl, not the aircraft engineer Henry Kjellson, who has written about ancient technology.

Dr Jarl, Henry Kjellson and Ernst (Linder) where friends. Only Ernst is still alive. Kjellson died a few days before he and Ernst was going to Egypt and the Cheops pyramid for a research project with advanced measurement instruments to find out possible secret chambers...

Also see Davidson Levitation Paper

Online Periodic Table with NMR Frequencies

Check out this URL, it has a periodic table of all the elements, with their resonance frequencies. Periodic Table

Hydraulic Vehicle Drive System

Came across this site Hydraulic Power, a few weeks ago and have not been able to acquire additional information. Therefore assuming that you have not come across this site before, perhaps you or your readers may have additional info on this one.

Apparently this "engine" is patented and sounds very intriguing. The abstract follows:


The ecological hydraulic engine is from the field of engines which do not consume any kind of fuel which pollute environment, and what it needs is only one driving so that it may be used as long as it is possible according to the time of lasting of the materials installed. The ecological hydraulic engine is executed in such a way that it works on the principle of power relation (the pulse defeating of pressure in the tank across the high- pressure pumps and it is powered by a 1 kW electric motor (but it may also be powered by even less power), supplied from the battery arrangement for the first driving, which accumulates energy in the tank by system of high-pressure pumps, and as a medium it uses hydro-oil (or some other kind of pressure medium), under the pressure of 300 bars (recommendable), and in this way collected energy is transmitted, with the help of hydroengines, on the car wheels or on some other kind of propulsion machine, while its small part is used for filling of batteries with the help of alternator.

This kind of engine may work without any kind of fuel or battery, because it can produce energy for itself and it can serve as a non-limited source of energy. The power gained on the shaft of hydroengine may be used as it is needed.

The use of this invention can be in a large number of fields and areas, without a power restriction.

GE 1:4 Overunity Generator

I haven't written for quite a while but I am still active in the free energy arena. I just wanted to see if you had any information on some type of device that is going to be developed by General Electric that powers commercial generators for power stations. This device is said to have a 4 to 1 overunity output. Apparently it is being being funded by some big time financial firms and going to be developed by G.E.

I got this data from Walter Rosenthal who got it from Bob Choo sp?

Apparently Bob knows a person at G.E. who is going to be calling him to invite him to a demonstration.

Do you have any data on this. Apparently they are going to be announcing it publicly very soon and will be in production by the end of the year. (How many times have we heard that one?)

So, please drop me a line to let me know if you have heard anything about it.

Tesla and the Smithsonian

So, a while back I sent some email to the Smithsonian concerning their lack of good information about Tesla. (There is a grade school teacher in the midwest with a web site that encourages this.) Finally, I got a reply from Barney Finn, curator of the "Electrical Collections." Most of it was the text of a letter sent to Wayne Green. If you're interested, the file is at Tesla @ Smithsonian.

Also see Tesla Tee Shirts, sales to finance bronze Tesla busts donated to Universities to increase Tesla awareness.

Thermoelectric Converters

The company Hi-Z Technology maintains a website at Hi-Z Website. The information is very interesting, but I can't seem to find anyone who has tried out their power modules. Also, they recommend a rather high clamping pressure (200 psi) for top efficiency - could this be exhibiting a piezo-electric effect and not heat related? If these modules do work, I agree with you that there are many applications where they could be used, particularly in colder climates where solar power is not competitive.

Also see QuantaDyne 20Watt Cascadable Modules - 09/20/96.

Information Unlimited Toys and Project

I've been going to a great page called "Information Unlimited" they sell all kinds of kits and plans to a lot of different kellynet related topics, plus they sell electronics parts.. You may already have the URL but just in case you dont its Information Unlimited.

BAAT 92 mpg bolt-on modification

Here is a risky but potentially explosive Penny stock. The company is BAT international (BAAT) They have technology for diesel engines that will produse 80 MPG in a diesel car with just "bolt on" modifications.

They test run their first car last week and it got 92 mpg but the test was stopped short due to an oil leek in the engine. The stock went from 9 cents to 49 cents, but then back down to 25 cents when the test wasn't successful 100%, but they did get 92 mpg.

You can look them up under Yahoo quotes then go to the news section, for the whole story and picture of the GEO car they used. I bought a small amount Friday when the price fell, and I'm probably going to buy more before the price goes back up. BAAT also has technology for electric cars.

Cold Fusion and ZPE Transcripts

Cold Fusion And Zero Point Energy Transcripts June 23, 1996, transcripts from 21st Century Radio's Hieronimus & Co., COLD FUSION AND ZERO POINT ENERGY, Radio Host: Dr. Bob Hieronimus, with Featured Guests: Dr. Eugene Mallove, Professor John O'M. Bockris, and Dr. Hal Puthoff. Transcribed by Jed Rothwell.

AC as Cause of Inertia?

Let us look at the mechanism by which an object resists motion. Imagine a ball of matter at rest on a smooth surface. The ball or cube is pushed and moves foward. Let us assume that no rotational motion occurs and the ball moves like a hockey puck.

Within the ball are protons, electrons, neutrons, and absorbed photons (or gravitons if you prefer). The ball forms a synchronized AC electromagnetic field. It is synchronized to the Earth.

When you move the ball by putting a force to it, the resulting motion (acceleration) caused the AC electromagnetic field to induce current flow within the ball. This current flow produces a field which acts like a counter EMF (electromotorforce) which produces an opposite force to the applied force.

As the object moves foward the velocity produces a counter EMF (voltage) which reduces the original applied voltage. As the applied force is reduced to zero, the object has an opposite voltage field built up. The net result is a balanced condition in which the energy of motion is stored in the moving field.Friction will cause the stored energy in the AC field (current) to disipate. Finally the object will come to a rest and only normal gravitational currents will flow.

A modern electrical generator takes a DC field and moves wires within the field in a circular motion which produces a counter EMF and a current flow as well. In matter itself, it is the AC photon/graviton field which is the means by which the motor/generator effect takes place. Whereas DC electrical generation requires copper or aluminum wires or other conductors, gravitational and inertial generation only requires the AC field of all matter. Thus AC current flows in all material structures.

Grindell Matthews' Death Ray


I have read your thoughts about weapons harnessing of electromagnetic energy. In respect of defence mechanisms I refer you to an obscure but important volume about Grindell Mathews, a biography published in the early forties by Hutchinson of London. This was shown to me recently by a neighbour, Mr John James, to whom I am copying this message.

This book (which you may trace through Hutchinson or the British copyright Libraries through library loan) shows that Mathews did indeed fabricate an electromagnetic device (he called it a Q ray, I think) that was capable of upsetting and stopping the electrical mechanisms of motors of aircraft and vehicles at intermediate to long range. This was the ultimate development of the famous "death ray". It appears to me from the little that this book describes, technically, that the device needed very high input voltage, and was effectively a lightning generating machine of the type now developed highly around the world, but somehow focused into a controllable beam.

It was not of course a LASER or MASER.

Mathews had no formal education at a University but was the inventor of radio (wireless) and the sound track on talkies. These devices were certainly genuine and were demonstrated, for example, to Prince Edward and George, Duke of York; later King Edward VIII and King George VI. Mathews frequently demonstrated his devices to the British Military (Army, Navy, Airforce), but was cold shouldered due to bureaucratic inertia, arrogance, and incompetence. For example he apparently had an electromagnetic device that could detect U Boats at a range of over ten miles. He demonstrated this near Swansea where the wrecks of ships sunk by U boats were then prevalent. This is all according to this albeit untechnical biography. If this were true then I wonder why the short range sonar used by the corvettes and destroyers of the British Navy in the desperate struggle against the U boats were not replaced or augmented by this long range antisubmarine device. Such speculation is however idle. No doubt it has been investigated thoroughly by now. Or, maybe not.

He moved to a laboratory above this village in about 1935, and died in about 1941. I was informed by handwritten letter by Prof. Emeritus R. V. Jones, FRS, Director of Intelligence, Joint Chiefs of Staff of the second Churchill Government, Professor and Head of Physics at Aberdeen University, and a Director of GEC, that Mathews was "a crank", but this is certainly NOT true. I am not sure why Jones took this line, but Mathews was certainly very unpopular with the British Military establishment towards the end of his life. Perhaps there are still official secrets that the MI5 and MI6 wish not to divulge about Mathews, even now. I doubt it though. The thirty year rule and official secrets act does not apply any longer of course, since these events took place more than thirty years ago.

(The Laboratory, still there today as a private residence, was called "Tor Cloud" which is a corruption of the Welsh "Tor Glawdd", the outer defences of the Lord of Gower (Arglwydd Gwyr) against the Anglo Saxons and Irish. These defences were successful.)

Therefore I feel that your work along these lines is important, especially if the former (?) KGB made working devices as you claim. Apparently, it is well known to the population in the US that the major threat now is drug infiltration, together with long range ballistic missiles being constructed in countries such as North Korea, Libya, China, Iran, Iraq.

These missiles have a range within which lies Denver, Colorado, for example, so they are a very REAL threat. It is known publicly that Poland, for example, was still selling T51 tanks to Iran circa 1996 - very disappointing in an otherwise quite progressive nation. It is known publicly that the anti missile missile defences in the war with Iraq were NOT, repeat NOT successful in intercepting crude scuds used by Saddam and aimed at Tel Aviv and Riyadh.

This is all public information by now. Electromagnetic beams on satellites can intercept the missiles at the top of their trajectory, their slow point, as is again well known to the informed general public. This is where devices such as the ones you may have in mind come into action. I assume that the various US weapons laboratories should know about your ideas in this context and that you have approached them. I am a permanent resident of the US, but still feel that this type of thing is not really my business. Obviously it should be kept as completely secret as possible I am too young to remember the second war in Europe, but I do know that the US Second Infantry Division and 101st Airbourne Division trained on the same piece of mountain as Mathews' lab is located. My grandfather entertained four soldiers in this house. None returned alive from the Arnhem Glider landings. So I realize the IMMENSE debt of gratitude that the whole of Europe must feel, even fifty years later, for that generation of US soldiers. This includes the majority of German people who were forced to support Hitler. I have come around to the view that long sighted defence is always necessary. Presumably the Lord of Gower did the same more than 1,500 years ago. For obvious reasons sensitive information about these devices of yours cannot be divulged at all.

In contrast, medical applications can I think be talked about openly, unless this is prohibited by medical protocol.

These are of course, only my PERSONAL points of view. I am certainly not connected with MI5 or MI6 over here - as a democratic republican they have probably an eye on me. A joke, hopefully.

Scalar Information Site

Scalar Site contains figs, diagrams, pics, theory, etc. on scalar devices (including the caduceus).

Air Muscles for Robotics

Shadow Air Muscles

The Truth of the Anti Gravity Room

AG Room.

The first working anti gravity room or (AGR) was developed by accident by Alabama based Tesla activist Todd Troutman during the 1960's. To make a long story short basically this convicted Moonshiner made the biggest advance in science history in his trailer park by inverting the power of a magnet powered by Tesla coils. The first documented, or semi documented instance of true anti gravity took place in his trailer. It lasted for about all of twelve seconds but he had changed the course of scientific history. When Todd's dog Arden floated to the roof of that trailer it was the biggest event since Newton was hit on the head with an apple.

Unfortunately like many other technical pioneers he did not live to see the advances for a profit. He died three weeks after he presented his finding to a panel of NASA scientist at the Huntsville Space Center. The next week he was killed while off roading on an ATV. His blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit at the time. Many conspiracy theories started after his death. One of the most popular is that George Wallace killed Todd Troutman.

The trailer that was the first anti-gravity room is now part of the Todd Troutman museum in Atmore, Alabama. If anyone can find the URL for the website it would be greatly appreciated.

Advances in anti gravity came rapidly after Todd's death. The first man to be in an AGR was William Arnold. He was in anti gravity for two minutes and nine seconds on Jan 5, 1962.

The United States had a big lead in anti gravity until 1965 when three Russian scientists built their own AGR trailer after visiting Atmore. By 1975 AGR's existed in Russia, Britain and France.

Anti Gravity Engineer is now a major at both Stanford and MIT. In the next year both schools should have a working AGR so students do experiments in zero gravity without having to go into space. The starting salary for an AGR engineer is somewhere around $56,000 but its much more than 1/G=(EM)*i.

The biggest tragedy in AGR history came in 1992 when the Indian space program lost four astronauts when an over zealous AGR operator got a bit carried away. The room malfunctioned killing the four brave astronauts in the process. The world media hushed this up.

What does the future hold for Anti Gravity? Perhaps in the future they will be cheap enough to have at all pumpkin patches and carnivals as a substitute for a moon bounce. As of right now it is far too expensive and unwieldy for common use.

Telomerase - Fountain of Youth?

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Scientists say they may have found the fountain of youth, at least for cells in a test-tube. The researchers say they extended the life span of normal, mortal cells ''indefinitely'' by adding a gene for an enzyme that kept the cells dividing and in a perpetually youthful state. The finding may lead to therapies to stave off age-related diseases,treatments for conditions ranging from heart disease and blindness to wrinkles, and perhaps extend human life span. Researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Geron Corp., will report their findings in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

The researchers say they inserted a gene for the enzyme, called telomerase, that kept the cells dividing and in a perpetually youthful state. Dr. Jerry Shay, coauthor of the paper, says, ''We found that cellular aging can be put on hold by the introduction of a recently cloned gene.'' The scientists announced the cloning of the telomerase gene in August. Shay says telomerase freezes a molecular mechanism that controls cellular aging - the progressive shortening of telomeres. Each cells is born with a pre-set number of telomeres. Telomeres are DNA tags at the end of chromosomes. Some telomeres are lost every time a cell divides.

When telomeres become very short, the cells starts to break down and that's when a person gets physical problems like wrinkles, heart disease and failing vision and memory. Shay says, ''Having long telomeres is like having a full tank of gas. Having short telomeres is like running on empty.'' Adding the enzyme gene to normal cells elongated the cells' telomeres, and many of the cells continued to divide for more than 20 generations beyond the point when they usually give out. Other than reproductive cells, most normal tissues have little or no telomerase.

Several files relating to aging and rejuvenation...

My favorite is an alchemical fluid made from 'oil of antimony'....normally a very poisonous element, it is claimed that the oil, when alchemically extracted can be taken is supposed to cause an expulsion of all dead or dying tissue. All hair, eyebrows, teeth and nails fall out....a brackish smelly material oozes from your skin. After about 3 days of this, it all stops and you are about 20 years old again, bald, without teeth, hair or fingernails. But it all grows back in about 3 months. Most plausible to me because healthy cells have an electrical potential of about 80mV...the body is supposed to be naturally able to scan for any tissue below this level, locate and destroy it.....this keeps damaged cells (cancer is about 15mV) from replicating. So this fluid restores the ability of the body to detect and kill tissue with less than its optimum energy level,and it simply excretes that 'dead and dying tissue.'...isn't that cool?

Other alchemical fluids claim to rejuvenate without such drastic effects. One about the Count Saint Germaine brought a 65 year old woman to an 18 year girl over a period of about 15 hours....she was not aware it was happening as she was busy cleaning, but noticed she tired less and less as she became younger.

One other theory is mine and deals with an accumluation of deuterium oxide (d2o) in the deep fat of the suppresses the natural biological transmutation process (mico radioactive levels) which slowly diminishes the electrical energy in the body leading to disease and death. Chelation therapy of transmutation of d2o to h2o is the fix.

Then there is David Hudsons claim that the aura is in fact a dynamic Meissner effect due to superconductivity in some tissues of the body. New growing tissues exhibit superconducting properties. As you age, you have less new tissues, causing a lowering of superconductivity and a weakening of the Meissner effect (aura dims). This aura attentuates over time as a result, leading to disease and death.

Currently, the hot thing is telomeres...these are a kind of chain on the end of DNA...every time the DNA makes a copy, it unzips, produces the copy, then zips back each zip, the telomere chain loses a link or two...when it loses too much, the cell by restoring the telomere chain, it is believe aging would be slowed, stopped or reversed.

There is more...check out; KeelyNet Biology files.

Time Travel Challenge Idea

Hey, Jerry! I love your time travellers test! I have an idea for a test. Let someone travel into the future (a week or so) and copy down the results for a horse-racing card at a major track in the United States. E-mail (or postal mail) the results of the race card a few days in advance of the actual races!!

Electrical Gravity Modification

The Charles F. Brush Collection at Case Western Reserve University they have a complete index of their archives, as well as photos of Brush and his laboratories...

TVC Errors

Too bad about those TVC files. There was one thing that stuck in my mind. While reading one of the first files of TVC a while ago, they mentioned the vehicle "Hummer." I am not sure how old the Hummer is but it did not seem to match up with the date that they were talking about when they were time traveling.

Also during the Tech file, they did not provide many details about their TT vehicle. The last thing is that when they time traveled for the first time, their vehicle caused a strong magnetic field. They claim to of saw some natives. When they were supposed to be going back to the future, wouldn't that magnetic field pull the spears out of their hands as well as cause a disturbance? If that were to of really happened, then they would be mentioned as either gods or demons in the native's history.

Interfacing a Keypad to a PC

>:>: I'd like to make a small (say 8 keys) keypad to control some audio

>:>: recording software via the serial (RS232) port.

>:>: I can get, quite cheaply, a membrane keypad that I can colour and legend

>:>: how I like - it has the switches arranged in a 2x4 matrix.

>:>Is 6 wire cable too expensive?

>:>I'm thinking of simply wiring it to the parallel port.

> :>Suitable?


> : If you've already got something connected to your parallel port (and

> : who doesn't have at least *2* things?) then you CAN scan a few lines


Ideas arise of a dual mode serial/paralell device, with just a cable adaptor.

How about a resistor ladder connected to an axis of the gameport?  I've done

this on a 12 key phone keyboard before.  

FUSOR Videotape for Sale

A two hour (fusion) fusor videotape has be produced by Richard Hull. There are three segments in this first of a series on the fusor. 1. The history of the fusor. 2. Theory/Hardware. 3. Fifty minutes of fusors in action. The price, including priority shipping, is $25 payable to Richard Hull.

I was present during some of the videotaping by Richard this past September, but the video is entirely credited to him. He has done a masterful job and it is not an understatement to say there is not another video like it on this planet.

Richard's address is: 7103 Hermitage Rd. - Richmond, Va, 23228

Ultrasonic Oxygen Generator

This is the first time I have dropped you a note. That doesn't imply that I havent't found your site fascinating and refreshing. I was watching a cable program named "Skarks of Steel" on the Discovery Channel some time ago. The captain of the boat was explaining the sonar and other defensive and offensive systems when he turned and placed his arm on a box explaining that this box supplied the ship with oxygen and that the water was torn apart by ultrasonics. My son and I both looked at each other having read about Stanley Meyers and his projects. I thought you would find this interesting.

Gasoline Fuel Cell to generate electricity


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Researchers have developed a chemical process using gasoline that could lead to fuel-efficient and virtually pollution-free electric cars that don't need bulky batteries and can refuel at conventional gas stations. The technology was announced today by the Energy Department and Arthur D. Little Co., a Boston-based energy consulting firm whose team of researchers achieved the breakthrough over five years of fuel-cell research in conjunction with a government weapons lab. "The economic and market impact around this new capability is without precedent," said Charles LaMantia, chairman of Arthur D. Little. He said the next step is to attract investors "to bring this new technology to market."

The method used by the researchers is significant because it uses a fuel cell that gets hydrogen from gasoline, said Jeffrey Bentley, leader of the research team. This would allow such vehicles to refuel at existing service stations. Energy Secretary Federico Pena called the development "an example of cutting- edge technology that will be commonplace in the future" to deal with such environmental problems as global warming. He predicted a vehicle using the process could be on the road within just over a decade. The development, first reported today by The New York Times, is one of many initiatives under way to develop fuel cells that would replace the combustion engine in automobiles and to power other motors.

The fuel cell technology uses an electro-chemical process that converts hydrogen and oxygen into energy. It has never been difficult to get the oxygen, which comes from the air. But the search for hydrogen molecules has been more difficult. Other fuel cell research has focused on using natural gas, ethanol, or methanol as a source of hydrogen. Bentley said the major breakthrough in his team's research was developing a way to separate hydrogen from carbon in gasoline, a fuel in which the two molecules are tightly bound. The use of gasoline would allow an electric car to use a fuel cell that could use the existing network of gasoline stations and not be encumbered by heavy batteries that limit automobile range, he said.

Bentley said Arthur D. Little will work with Plug Power, a developer of fuel cells, and several automakers -- including Chrysler and General Motors Corp. -- to pursue commercial development of the technology. He estimated that a prototype vehicle could be available within five years and commercial production as early as 2005. "This has the simplicity of the burner in your furnace at home. There are not a lot of moving parts, there aren't any complex controls," said Bentley in an interview.

After hydrogen is separated from the gasoline, the fuel is left with carbon dioxide, which is released into the air. But because of the increased efficiency, researchers have told the Energy Department a car using the technology could get twice the fuel efficiency of an internal combustion engine with as little as 30 percent of the carbon releases -- and only 5 percent of the overall pollution from combustion engines. A number of companies, including the Big Three automakers and major oil companies such as Exxon Corp., have been involved in fuel cell research, believing the technology is key to developing the next generation of highly efficient motors without heavy reliance on fossil fuels.

Various types of fuel cells have been developed, including ones that derive hydrogen from such fuels as methanol, ethanol or natural gas. Only last week, Toyota Co., announced it soon will sell a hybrid electric car that would use a small gasoline engine to recharge the battery. Toyota claims that technology also doubles gasoline mileage.

Moonlight as Rectified Sunlight?

Do you have any scientific info relating to the earth's moon and related effects during full moon cycles? I think there is a "light" and gravity corellation. It is a known fact (ask any Police officer), that during full moon cycles, mentally unstable people act weird and ocean/water is adversely affected by these phases. Hmmmm! The moon is producing stronger gravitational pull during these periods!

I think that the light (A.C.)from the sun is being "rectified" like a diode by the moon and reflecting gravitational "neutralization" or "pull" type D.C. (half wave) energy to the dark side of earth via the Aether.

Spinning Pyramids

Over the years reading and thinking about Pyramids gave me a thought that we make power by cutting lines of force. I believe when the Pyramids were built on energy grids that the idea was to spin the energy field. Using resonance to pick up this energy, being that the angles were related to pi the angles also had progressive wave lengths from the base the longest to the apex the shortest.

The granite quartz caused a free flow of electrical energy to flow Just by is shear downward pressure. The silicon in the Stones in the dessert heat would allow an even better flow. Legend holds that when the Pyramids were first entered that their was found swords floating in mid air. What might all this energy been use for depending when the pyramids were built in theory I would say that they were first put here to make and environment for this plant to creat a liveable place by making ozone making this planet fit as a place to live for man and animal or planet engineering. second Experiments on living systems without going into space and artificial gravity inside the kings camber. For a pile of rock quite a generator maybe able to to split atoms thousands of years ago while held in minus gravities. I also saw something inresting in a book that had photo of what was called the god of orientation, gave me an idea that the people on board the philadelphia should have had this device a special helmet to help reorient to this magnet environment.

Sucking all the energy from an area so quickly surely cause body poles to swich causing insane responses in them. Pyramids Also used as a Communication device to other pyramids all over the world. The Pyramids I think were called a tomb because people are afraid to go to places of death so people stayed away. Ark of Covant connected to Pyramid like Tesla power Transmitter. Basic power receiver of Pyramid energy.

Weird Energy Effects

Referring to subtle energy manipulation for macro effects;

A bottle of fluid and a brush was also available which we tried for Brontosaurous sized effects. And get could treat the vacuum cleaner or whatever, in another room and still keep on getting, over and over, big jumps in improvements!!!!

Is it as simple as foil? That might take the wind out of the "Stumbaugh Plug" (check out Weird Tech) at $100 a piece!

I'm not prone to stupidity and the explanation we settled on was that our perceptions WERE being altered by the foils - they acted as local earth points for local stray static fields. We were 'hearing' those fields being changed and it was the changes which sounded better/clearer. Note that plastics WILL react to static fields.

Yes they will, and there are people doing some interesting things with that. See Dielectrokinetic Laboratories at DK Labs -- now we know what the Star Trek people are doing when they scan a ship for "life signs"!

Peter Belt was the fellow flogging the stuff, he wanted a million pounds for the secret. Interestingly he also tried the idea on people in offices with flourecent lights and computor monitors, they reported feeling better and less tired.

Borderland Sciences Research Foundation sells expensive (though not nearly as expensive as Stumbaugh!) secret disks which are supposed to be stuck to your computer monitor, or your microwave, or your fuse box, and reduce fatigue.

Occult Chemistry - ESP of Quarks

Is anyone, other than myself, still VERY interested in "Occult Chemistry" by Besant & Leadbeater and "Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks" by Dr. Phillips? I have many ideas about these two books and would like to enter into a discussion into the possibilities they present for better understanding of the physical world (and perhaps the general physical laws of matter and consciousness in the universe as a whole). I find these works very intriguing and having a masters in electronics and being a "hobbyist" in physics and chemistry, I am especially interested in some of the descriptions of electrical phenomena in them.

I am especially intrigued by the description of the vacuum tube in the addendum of "Occult Chemistry". It describes "ultimate physical matter" as being broken up into astral matter and then crossing the vacuum between the cathode and anode. This seems to point to some possibility that the phenomena associated with the electron may in fact be astrally based.

I am also interested in reading/listening-to some of the unpublished works by Hodson and Dr. Lyness. If anyone knows where they might be available, please let me know. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.

Currently the standard model involves study of excited atoms and nuclei. These books deal with unexcited (ground state) and excited atoms and nuclei and some of their phenomena. There is much work that can be done in relating these two phenomena with an eye on the great body of work done with the standard model. Hopefully we can work together to better understand some of the phenomena and perhaps resolve the field of occult chemistry with the data of modern science.

If you have even a mild interest in this area of scientific-mysticism of Theosophy, respond to this letter to my email account letting me know which news groups you follow and hopefully we can start a study group in which we can share ideas and questions about the field of occult chemistry. My personal background is that of a Research Electrical Engineer and a Theosophist.

All the fields of occult chemistry, particle physics, and compound chemistry are rather complex. Just one mind can only go so far into the subtleties and questions that arise from taking a theoretical perspective and then considering its implications and possible inconsistencies with the data presented in these books and by science. I am looking for help. Stephen M. Dicke

Phase Shifter

> What I am trying to do is to make a 90 degree phase shifter.

> for 1 MHz square wave. It doesn't have to be exact 90 degree.

> I have tried several candidates, such as RLC passive circuits

> and something listed in the application notes of LM567 chip,

> but to no avail.

> Basically I am making a 1MHz square wave and its 90 degree

> shifted one, please help.

One method is to use a one-shot to provide a fixed delay.

This works pretty well for a fixed frequency.  That was my

solution for AM.  Another is to use a PLL (phase-locked-loop)

running at 2X frequency.  This output when combined with the

input frequency can yield pulses from any quadrant.  0, 90,

180, 270..etc.  This was my solution for LF.  

Constant Micro Current Device

>> Can anyone tell me how to obtain/ make a device for medical

>> application,  to allow a fixed DC current output of say

>> 1-8 microamps.

I'd think most "medical" applications would require AC rather

then DC currents.  For this purpose, I like a low-current

ac current source feeding a step-up transformer.  For example

if you have 10 -80uA with 5 volts of compliance range, into a

10:1 stepup, you'll get an output current of 1 to 8uA with a

nice 50 volts of compliance range.  

Using Com Port CTS as an external trigger

> I've been working on an external triggering concept for a

> software application that I'm currently putting together.

> Somebody suggested using the CTS line on one of my computer's

> COM ports. My application monitors the CTS status and triggers

> an event when the level changes. To change the level I've been

> shorting the CTS line to frame ground and have had some success

> in doing so, however the concept isn't very reliable.


> Has anybody tried such a thing with success and if so, how?

You should not short the CTS to ground. Ground is zero volts, and falls in the undefined range (or noise margin). You really should make it negative, at least -5V. You could do that using an optocoupler and short DTR and CTS together, where DTR should be negative.

Magnetic Mood Brightener

from Science News, Vol. 153, 1/3/98, page 11

Magnetic stimulation of the brain shows promise as a treatment for depression, a pilot study finds. A team headed by Mark S. George, a psychiatrist at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, administered transcranial magnetic stimulation for 10 days over a 2-week period to 12 adults suffering from major depression or manic depression. An electromagnet placed over the scalp delivered pulses to the front of the brain's left side, possibly halting neural communication in that area temporarily. The volunteers were assigned at random to receive either the active treatment or stimulation that did not reach the brain. Only the transcranial procedure markedly lifted mood, George's group reports in the December 1997 American Journal Of Psychiatry. If longer trials confirm this effect and illuminate how the technique works, it may provide an alternative to antidepressant drugs, the scientists say.

Survival Information

A followup to my last email. Saxon apparently is still alive and well. He has a web address. For $100US you can get all 4 volumns of the Survivalist (worth it), his books on starting small businesses (worth it) and the 4 volumns of the Poor Mans James Bond (only Tim McVie types really need this), plus some video tapes. As I remember, each volume of the Survivalist was comprized of 4 issues of the magazine so each volume is about 400 to 500 pages. You could probably recycle the paper in this package and recapture a large part of the $100.00.

US Coast Guard Predictions for 2010

> few years back, at a conference, I think it was an ISNE,

> someone mentioned a study, quite detailed, that was published

> by the US Coast Guard or something similar....not a source

> you'd normally associate with free energy...

> This study was a projection of what life would be like in the

> year 2010 or so.  It clearly stated that we would all be using

> ZPE based devices for standalone power generation.  The person

> talking about it (I think it was Patrick Bailey) from the podium

> was very, very insistent that this book or document be ordered

> for study.  I believe it was to show that something was up in

> government circles.


> Quite possibly this document is now on the InterNet (or should

> be).  I had written it in my notes and posted it on the BBS

> email.  Have to look up the notes unless someone out there

> remembers the name of the document.....will also send an email

> to Patrick and see if he might recall who put it together and

> the name.


> Anyway, maybe someone will come up with the title, I'll post

> it if found.

The document is by John L. Peterson and called "The Road to 2012: Looking Toward the Next Two Decades", Arlington, VA: Arlington Institute, 1992.

I found this reference in Jeane Manning's book "The Coming Energy Revolution." She writes "Futurist John L. Peterson, in a report prepared for the United States Coast Guard, calss space energy a major force for change."

Biological Coherence

> Here is an interesting abstract found at:

> Document

> H. Frohlich, Long Range Coherence and Energy Storage in

> Biological Systems, Int. J. Quantum Chem., v.II, 641-649 (1968)

> abstract:

> Biological systems are expected to have a branch of longitudinal

> electric modes in a frequency region between 10^11 and 10^12 per

> second...  In section 2 it is shown quite generally that if

> energy is supplied above a certain mean rate to such a branch,

> then a steady state will be reached in which a single mode of

> this branch is very strongly excited. The supplied energy is thus

> not completely thermalized but stored in a highly ordered fashion.

> This order expresses itself in long-range phase correlations; the

> phenomenon has considerable similarity with the low temperature

> condensation of a Bose gas...