Cardiovascular Problems - 01/01/98

Note : This file is NOT to be construed as a recommendation, advice or a prescription for any medical problems. It is simply an anecdote recounted for the entertainment and enjoyment of Keelynet associates. You are responsible for your own actions should you choose to experiment with the information this file contains. We recommend you seek assistance, advice or treatment from qualified medical practitioners if you require medical attention.
At a recent meeting with friends, we were talking about various alternative medical treatments. The source of this information says he recently heard about a non-surgical treatment for cardiovascular problems.

The late Dr. Linus Pauling and a fellow named Matthias received a patent in 1992 for a method to remove lipoproteins (plaque) from the cardiovascular system without requiring surgery. You can view or print the patent on the US Patent Office.

Pauling/Matthias Lipoprotein Removal patent on the USPTO server
abstract and basic details

The recommended dosage was 4 to 6 GRAMS of Lysine to be taken with 4 to 6 GRAMS of vitamin C.

As it was explained to him, one of these substances breaks the lipoprotein from the circulation system walls, the other substance dissolves the lipoproteins so the body can easily remove them.

Note, most vitamins and such are measured in milligrams and I was assured it was in GRAMS, not Milligrams. This is inline with Dr. Pauling's long standing recommendation for megadoses (high quantities) of vitamin C.

Both Lysine and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can be purchased at any natural food store and most pharmacies in the herb/vitamin section.

The best treatment I had heard of for heart problems was CO-Q-10. It is fairly expensive and must be taken regularly.

There is also a diet that claims to thin the blood. Just as dirty, thick oil in your car engine will eventually cause problems, so too can thick, high viscosity blood make it difficult for the heart to move it through the body and to maintain consistent pressure and volume. I will post that diet and link it to this page when complete.

If you CHOOSE to experiment with this, please share your observations with us or with other networks so everyone can learn from your experience. Thanks.