Understanding the importance of Phase Conjugation

The following email was received from Peter Kelly. It describes an unusual circuit he showed me years ago and contains his thoughts on what is actually going on with it. Other names and email addresses have been deleted from this document for privacy.
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:56:35 -0500 (EST)
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:58:36 -0800
From: Peter Kelly
Subject: Re: Understanding the importance of phase conjugation

Dear John; (I always wanted to write that)

Can hardly wait for there being enough Fogal magic transistors to go around. (Fogal has developed a transistor that appears to have superconducting properties) Have been hearing about them and their possibilities for years from Tom Bearden.... Or at least it seems like years...

My approach(es) have been primarily two fold... Years ago I noticed "interesting" phenomena when one took more or less ordinary transistor circuits (ge types at first - not General Electric) and split the input signal into as many as a dozen or so (parallel amplifiers) of them, and then recombined all of their outputs inductively.

It seemed to add layers of what I called at first "density" of signal, or "richness" of signal. Now I know it is not Power, per say, in watts, or Voltage, or current, that I was trying to describe, and it turned out not to have ordinary terminology to explain it...

That is, until you look at the possibility of it as a phase conjugate construct of the input. I suppose a crude analogy would be the difference between a single conductor of say, 10 gauge, and a cable equivalent of 10 gauge that is actually 5000 filaments of 42 gauge wire.

Because the apparent input is (relatively) the same in each of the conductors, there is an equivalent amount of power transferred from one end of the conductor to the other (at least in the relative sense), but, due to the nuances of the conductor manfacturer and etc. we end up adding back in, "content" that got left out of the original creation of the signal.

For example (again) if I speak into a microphone in a monotone, you would have a hard time "detecting" my emotional state.

You might guess from hearing what I say, that I was bored, or at least had no passion for what I was saying.

With my version of what I call "Linear Parallel Processing", (or sometimes "Analog Linear Parallel Processing") we add in all of what I feel, and some of that is palpable. You sense, or feel it.

What in fact we are doing is adding more of the information that makes things what they are, in the quantum electrodynamics sense of the quantum mechanics sense of our universe and how it works.

In the e-field vector, is, potentially at least, ALL of the information needed to describe and re-create any object... and if the object is dynamic, (and especially like biological,) comes the basis for doing so easily.

It's the ole 5 blind men describing an elephant from where they stand phenomena... Singly, each of them can describe what they's holding, and collectively, maybe at least you'd get the sense that they're holding something big, but now let's get 20 of them ole blind men all over that poor elephant... each of them collectively can probably paint enough of a word picture to actually describe what you might understand to be a big object that might be an elephant..... THe only thing you might be missing, is whether or not is it pink.......or gray...........

The actual mechanism might be as simple as a randomly created time delay.... A lot of audio companies fool with that one to increase the sense of presence of the listener by recombining the basic signal with a mechanically, or electrically delayed portion of the signal.

Depending how much manipulation they do, you can change the sound of the room to echo, to reverb, or, any of an infinite amount of other possibilities.

I suspect, that by increasing the parallelness of pathways, that you really are looking at en-folded portions of "all of the information that is" in regards to a single information source. When I said earlier "content that got left out", It didn't really get left out, it just got combined into the main signal, and we were left without a means to acknowledge and/or process it.

What our various "inventions" do is allow one to get at more of the "information" that defines what things are, and to process that information, sometimes in the ordinary, and sometimes in an extraordinary sense/way of doing so.

With our BETAR (Bio-Energetic Transducer Aided Resonance) we are "capturing" the field that surrounds an individual, and "processing" the "information" of which that field consists.....and then "feed back" that "edited" information to its source.

The net result on one level is "profound" relaxation, because the "charge" (emotional intensity) is left off when the info is fed back. Sorta like a feedback loop, but one that extends into the "semi-conductor" matrix that defines the biological construct that human beings are.

In the psychotronics, perhaps was the problem of pulling the biological component of the field out of the grass... but I suspect the grass is the enfolded biological information, so if one understands that in reference to my last musings..... ta daa...

Where traditional physists miss the boat I suspect, is the reductionist tendency to want to reduce the universe to the "ultimate" particle or field, where in fact the universe is a complex "set" of intertwined information and their interlocking fields. Both in the physical and meta-physical sense.... Perhaps it is as simple as that...

Hope this helps - Peter
This is a reply message to Peter.


Many thanks! I knew after reading your info on the web site that you had a very good understanding NLO phase conjugation. I'm very interested to see how you "pump the body's stressed anti-engine" according to Tom Bearden, in the engineering sense.

Orthodox scientists proficient in NLO theory would say that this can only be done at optical frequencies. Boy, are they in for a surprise!

Bill Fogal's "device" allows access to the "coulomb gauge" after Whittaker interferometry in a NLO junction on a bipolar transistor's emitter junction. He forms a new class of semiconductor using a small tantalum capacitor (NLO optical) bonded to the transistor.

This is an extension to electrodynamics that is soon to hit the market. It allows all kinds of new applications to be achieved. These include superluminal communications and noiseless, expanded bandwidth data channels.

Do you envision other applications from your technology base? Have a fine day!