Ultrasonic Water & Gasoline Mix

The following file was posted on the KeelyNet BBS as COTTELL.ASC on February 15, 1992.

This file is shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Tom Brown, Director of Borderland Sciences. The Journal of Borderland Sciences has been in active publication since 1945. It is an excellent quarterly magazine with subscribers worldwide. If you might like to subscribe, please mention that you heard of Borderland from either Vanguard Sciences or KeelyNet.

BSRF - Jul/Aug 1974

Originally printed in "Newsweek", June 17, 1974
A Solution to Air Pollution "In the wake of the energy-crisis a 50-year-old British-born inventor named Eric Cottell has come up with an ingeniously simple and economically practical solution -- one that is now exciting industry and government officials alike.

"In the conventional combustion process, fuel is combined with air and turned. The result is carbon dioxide, water vapor and heavy oxides of nitrogen, which are a prime cause of chemical smog.

Cottell reasoned that if water could largely replace air as a source of oxygen in combustion, this would avoid the large amounts of nitrogen introduced by the air -- and thus eliminate much of the noxious nitrogen oxides.

"To accomplish this, he turned to a device he had patented 22 years ago -- an ultrasonic reactor that emulsifies heavy liquids and is widely used today to prepare such products as Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, cosmetics and paint.

By refining the reactor, Cottell was able to break water into particles about one fifty-thousandth of an inch in diameter and to disperse them evenly in oil (or gasoline) to create an emulsion that was 70 percent oil and 30 percent water. When this emulsion was burned, Cottell found :

"Last month Cottell divided his time between Washington, in talks with officials of the Federal Energy Office, and Detroit, where he consulted with engineers working to meet the tight 1976 automobile-emission requirements.

So far, auto tests have shown that with an ultrasonic reactor attached to a carburetor, a car can get almost DOUBLE the normal miles per gallon of gasolinge -- with neglible exhausts.

Cottell's company, Tymponic Corp. of Long Island, N.Y., is also about to produce units for home oil burners that will be no larger than a flashlight and cost $100 to $150.

"Last winter, two Long Island schools converted to Cottell's system, and both reduced their fuel usage by about 25%. Adelphi University reports that it SAVED more than 3,500 gallons of oil per week! -- and REDUCED soot output by 98 PERCENT."

Ultrasonic Carburetor Patent # 4048963

Ultrasonic Fuel Supply System Patent # 4412512

Vanguard Note...

This file points to a possibly useful technique for those working with water dissociation for the purpose of hydrogen fueled motors. The smaller the particle is, the less energy required to dissociate into consecutively smaller units. This is probably one of the inspirational sources used by Stan Meyers for his "fractioning" process.

Ultrasonic generators can be both mechanical or electronic in nature. Transducers can be easily purchased with resonant frequencies ranging from 20KHZ to 40KHZ. Of course, that is simply where they are most efficient, they will still transmit other frequencies just as any speaker will.

One of the greatest dangers in relation to hydrogen from water is the need to store accumulated hydrogen in some container, thus allowing the possibility of a "Highway Hindenburg." Any method of hybrid method that would create hydrogen at a sufficiently rapid rate, on demand, is far to be preferred.