Chinese Magnets - 01/20/98

Many of us would like to do experiments which might require many magnets.

They are relatively expensive in the United States. A fellow recently contacted an American company to get their price list, then a Chinese company with a website (included). The price difference is incredible.

Though the cost was $80.00 per ton to deliver to Malaysia, perhaps some might be willing to order as a group, thereby sharing the shipping costs. Note: magnets are susceptible to breakage in shipment.
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 21:22:34 +0800 (MYT)
Subject: Magnet Pricing


I can't really qualify myself as an experimenter/researcher as I haven't been able to test any of my ideas.

I would like to convey some interesting information however that may radically increase the rate at which some of these experiments are taking place.

I have been searching for inexpensive magnets for some time and in my searches I finally decided to send out an email to all the magnet manufacturers I could find on the Internet.

I came up with some rather large discrepancies in pricing. The following prices represent the largest discrepancies. I did not want to make evident the enormous profits that some of the manufacturers are making, but I thought it might be advantageous for experimenters/researchers to have access to unbelievably inexpensive prices. The letters are as follows:

The following quotation came from a large U.S. manufacturer:

I have enclosed the pricing information you have requested. We are unable to determine what the shipping costs would be until we can determine the weight. (knowing the quantity and parts shipped). Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

Ring Magnets - N/S on Flat Surface

    Part #        OD     ID     THICK   Material    Price  QTY   TOTAL

1)  P65A6040B   1.185   0.500   0.250   Ceramic 5   5.50    3    $16.50

2)  65A2641B    2.800   1.203   0.590   Ceramic 5   5.62    3    $16.86

3)  P65A0315B   1.753   0.860   0.315   Ceramic 5   1.49    10   $14.90

4)  P65A0400B   4.540   1.750   0.400   Ceramic 5   13.21   1    $13.21

    **                                              12.02   5    $60.10

    **                                              10.42   10  $104.20

(I think the items marked ** are special order, that's how the text was in Malcolm's email, will correct later at his specification...Jerry)
Cylindrical Type Magnets - (N on ID, S on OD)

    Part #    OD   ID    THICK  Material    Price  QTY   TOTAL

1)  223728  2.500 1.810  1.125  Ceramic 1   14.35   3    $ 43.05

2)  MF50476 3.500 2.344  0.500  Ceramic 1   3.97    10   $ 39.70

Rectangular - (N/S on largest flat surface)

              Length  Width  Thickness

1) P68R0750B  1.000   0.750  0.500   Ceramic 8 1.94   50   $ 97.00

                                               1.67  100   $167.00

                                               1.36  250   $340.00

                                               1.17  500   $585.00

                                               1.00 1000 $1,000.00

                                               0.86 2500 $2,150.00

2) C251       1.000   0.500  0.250   Ceramic 8 3.12   50   $156.00

                                               2.74  100   $274.00

                                               2.21  250   $552.50

                                               1.68  500   $840.00

Regards - Large U.S. manufacturer
The following quotation came from a manufacturer within China:

Email address:
Thanks for your inquiry dated Dec. 18, 97
Herewith the price info. as follows:

a. Ring type, C5 quality.

1. P/N P65A6040B  ring 1.185 x .5 x .25"

   FOB Ningbo: USD0.024  weight 18.4g/pc

2. P/N 65A2641B   ring 2.8 x 1.203 x .59"

   FOB Ningbo: USD0.235  weight 250 g/pc

3. P/N P65A0315B  ring 1.753 x .86 x .315"

   FOB Ningbo: USD0.053  weight 48.3g/pc

4. P/N P65A0400B  ring 4.54 x 1.75 x 0.4"

   FOB Ningbo: USD0.533  weight 448.7g/pc

If the quality is only 3 - 10pcs, then price shall be 50% up.

b. Cylindrical type

P/N 223728 AND MF50476, we assume those two magnets

is for motor application, we are sorry to inform you

that we can't supply.

c. block type

P/N P68R0750B  1 x .75 x .5" by cutting, sharp corner, C8,

FOB Ningbo: USD0.16

P/N C251  1 x .5 x .25 by cutting, sharp corner, C8

FOB Ningbo: USD0.05

if the quantity is only 50 - 100pcs, then price shall be 30% up.

We are sorry to inform you that we don't know the importing tax in Malaysia, but, you may check with your local customs and shipping company.

We will inform the freight costs after getting your info. about quantity per one shipment. roughly info., in case of sea shipment, it costs around USD80.- per ton to ship from Ningbo to Malaysia.

If you have further question, please feel free to question us.

Waiting your further info.,
Tks N B/Rgds,
Yao Gang / CEIEC NB

Jerry, as you can see by direct comparison, items 1-4 are priced at between $1.49 and $13.21 per piece with the U.S. maunfacturer, whereas these same items are priced from between $.02 to $.53 for the identical magnets with the Chinese manufacturer.

Shipping costs appear to be extremely low as well. I hope this info has been helpful.

I must admit however it is difficult to get prompt response from any of these manufacturers, however that may be due to the fact that my order is not large enough.

As you may have noticed, I have included the email address of the magnet manufacturer in China.

Regards - Keep up the good work.

Magnet Sources - 01/20/98