Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

SVPvril Web Site - Master Index

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Current Research and Supporting Materials

An Ode to a Node on the Road Unknowed - Iverson

Atlin photos 1399 - 12399

Atlin photos 11099 - 121099

Atlin Testimonials

Babbitt's Atom - graphic

Basic Acoustic Principles

Bjerknes Experiments in Attraction and Repulsion - very important to SVP

Brown's Gas (Etheric Vapor) 

Carnot Cycle graphic 

Catalog - Keely, sound & vibration related research items

Chart of Matter and Energy

Colloids and the Tyndall Effect - Pond/others

Conference on (not so) Free Energy

Cosmic Light Symposium, 1999 pictures

Crystal Universe - by Iverson

Dale Pond - bio

Dawn Stranges - bio

Delta Spectrum Research intro

Directory of Alternative Medicine


Dr. Abrahms' Electron Theory - rare pamphlet 


Dream Interpretations from the Cayce readings

Dynasphere, Law of One

Dynasphere exterior pictures (See the videos.)

Dynasphere interior picture (See the videos.)

Dynasphere more pictures

Dynasphere - nine more pictures, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3

Dynasphere Project Summary part 1

Dynasphere Project Summary part 2

Dynasphere Project Summary part 3

Dynasphere Project Summary part 4

Dynaspheric Force

Dynaspheric Force - index to volume 1

Earth Grids graphic

Elements Set to Music - Pond

Engineering with Love - Pond

Enharmonic - Iverson

Events Schedule

FAQ1 Q&A on Keely & SVP

FAQ2 more Q&A

FAQ3 more Q&A

FAQ4 more Q&A

Fieldless Armature - neat experiment

First Experiments in Modes - Riversong

Global Geometry - Iverson

Gravity Overcome - graphic of famous experiment

Harmonic Proportions and Geometry

Hieronymus - an interview

Hyperspectral Imaging is the capturing of a wide band of frequencies, analysing these pitches as units and as chords. The process reveals information not available in any other way.

Hyperspectral Imaging

Hyperspectrum - info source

It Really is a Musical Universe!

Keely's Secret to Rotation and Levitation - revealed at long last

Kinraide Museum Collection

Kitchen Chemical Wonders

Labyrinth diagram

Law of One - Pond


Levitation Demonstration picture

Levitation or Gravity Control

Levitation Patents

Listen to the Drumbeat - Richards

Magic with Magnetism

Matter and Energy Chart - revised 9/99

Matter and Energy Chart - print version 10/27/99

Matter & Energy Chart - revised 12/20/00

Messages from Keely & others

Microtonal Music

Mind-Centered Thought-Rings - Russell's art

Mission Statement - Who, what & why

Monument for John Project

Moray Valve Manuscript


Music & Physics? Why? - Pond

Musical Intervals

Music Theory and Ancient Cosmology

New Science & New Times - Pond

New Science New Energy - Iverson

NEW NEWS - Updates

On Peer Review - Pond

Order with e-gold and download electronic documents at great savings in time and money.

Origin, Purpose and Destiny of Man

Our Silver Works! - colloidal silver products

Over Unity is Accepted by Science - Pond

Periodic Table Set to Music - Pond


Pier Ighina - co-worker to Marconi

Playing in Grace & Mercy - Pond

Pond, Dale - bio

Quantum Arithmetic - Iverson

Quantum Arithmetic - Dale Pond's notes

Quaternions - Iverson/Pond

Resonance and Sympathetic Vibration - Pond

Resonance: What Love Feels Like - Evan Pritchard

Roots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree - Pond

Russell's Cubic Wave-Field

Service To Others - or why the Dynasphere exists

Steiner, Rudolph - Leys

Stranges, Dawn - bio

SVP Art Gallery

SVP Discussion Forum

SVP Image Gallery

SVP Suggested Reading & Reference List

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Journal

Testimonials, Atlin

The Future of Science - Iverson

The Keely Motor - How It Works - a paper on the original Keely motor by Pond

The Neutral Center Domain

The Structure of the Ether & Its Subtler Forces - Dawn Stranges (See her videos.)

The Whole Law - Cayce

Transmitter picture

Triple Planes of Rotation - animated graphic

Triplets in Rotation - animated graphic

Triune Terrestrial Modes graphic

Tyndall Effect - Pond/others

Unconditional Love is Dynamic Love - Pond

Universal Cosmology - Pond

Un. of Texas - An "F" Grade - by Antony Sutton of FTIR

Updates to this site - more recent

Updates to this site - older

Unified Cosmology - merging Russell, Keely and others - Pond

U. S. Patent Secrecy Law Title 35 - Pond

Vortex Science - Baumgartner's fascinating web site

Water Radiolysis - dissociation of water with radio frequencies

Wave Animations

What's New!!!

What Vibration Is.

Powered by SYSTRAN.     (questions & feedback)

Historical Articles on John W. Keely

A Challenge to Keely

A Journey in Other Worlds - link to Astor's 1894 book about interplanetary travel using Apergy

A Keely Motor Tested

A New Keely Motor Raid

A Newly Discovered Law of Physics


A Rival to the Keely Motor

A Trustful Stockholder

Actienic Rays - graphic

Affairs of the Keely Motor Company

Amplitude of Force - article by Keely

Apergy: Power Without Cost - Morris

Are Physical and Spiritual Energy Identical? by Mary Parmele

Astor, John Jacob - bio

Bloomfield-Moore, Clara Jessup - bio & photo 

Boekel Selected

Board of Directors - picture

Chord-Settings of Life - article by Keely

Concentric Rings graphic

Denies Keely was an Impostor

Disgusted Keely Motor Men

Disintegrator & Etheric Force demo picture

Disintegrator - 7 color photos

Doom of Steam - full text of a rare 1881 pamphlet


Dynamics of Mind

Dynaspheric Shells graphic

Ether - What Others Say


Ether and Its Functions

Ether theories - papers

Etheric Vapor Cannon & Lab picture

Everybody For Keely

Exposing Keely's Secret

Expressing Confidence in Keely's Motor

Forty Laws of Harmony - Keely

Globe (Dynasphere) Motor and Provisional Engine picture of original setup (See the videos.)

Hint of Our Philosophy - full text of a rare 1870 pamphlet by MacVicar


Historical Society of Philadelphia - as records on Moore and Keely

Inventor Keely in Jail

Inventor Keely's Will Filed

Is Keely the new Mahatma?

Is It the Vibratory Keely?

James E. Keeley's Luck

Jessup & Moore Paper Company with biographical info

Keely & Dynasphere picture

Keely and His Motor

Keely Confident of Success

Keely Doubted

Keely Explains Again

Keely in Contempt of Court

Keely in Contempt of Court

Keely Motor Tested

Keely Not Dead Yet

Keely Not Yet in Jail

Keely Not Yet Ready

Keely Obituary

Keely Out on Bail

Keely Spinning Motor

Keely States . . .

Keely Still Promising Wonders

Keely, The Inventor, Dead

Keely to be Sued

Keely to Divulge Secret

Keely to Divulge His Secret

Keely Wishes to Keep His Secret

Keely's 1877 Room-sized Motor graphic

Keely's Acoustic Charts

Keely's Aerial Navigation

Keely's Alleged Motor

Keely's Change of Base

Keely's Charts of Atomic, Molecular & Dynasphere Morphology (graphic images)

Keely's Cool Confession

Keely's Discoveries - full text of a rare 1890 pamphlet by CSJBM


Keely's Dissociation of Water

Keely's Etheric Vapor

Keely's Latest Move, Suits Against Him

Keely's Machines - an Image Gallery

Keely's Motor

Keely's Motor, Astor Interested

Keely's Motor in Boston

Keely Motor closeup photos

Keely's Personal Estate

Keely's Red Letter Day

Keely's Secret

Keely's Secret Disclosed

Keely's Sunday in Jail

Keely's Three Books

Keely's Three Systems

Keely's Vaporic Force

Keely's Virtual Particles

Kinraide Will Work on Keely's Motor

Laws of Being - Prof. Brinton

Laws of Harmony - Keely

Leidy and Willcox Visit Keely's Lab

Let Us Have Some Actual Useful Work



Levitating Gyroscopes - article by Keely

Lieut. Zalinski and Mr. Keely

Lux Naturae - Part 1

Lux Naturae - Part 2

Lux Naturae - Part 3

Lux Naturae - Part 4

Matter & Force - article by Keely showing principles of matter & force being interrelated

Modern Wizard

Motor Keely Gets Angry

Motor Men Disgusted

Mr. Keely's Contempt

Mr. Keely's Performances

Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore Dead

Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore on the Keely Motor

New York Home Journal Editorial

Newton of the Mind - Propellor of Keely's Airship Described.


One Man to Know Keely's Secret

One Substance

Patent - Hydro Vacuo Motor picture

Post Obituary

Propositions of Astronomical Circles -Keely/Parker

Propositions of Geometry - Keely/Parker

Rid of Keely at Last

Robert Browning Eulogy - Bloomfield-Moore

Scientific Creation - Julian Hawthorne

Seeking Keely's Secret

Sketch of a Philosophy

Some Truths About Keely, 1896

The Coming Force, Babcock

The Coming Force, Bulwer Lytton

The Coming Force - from The Secret Doctrine

The Keely Motor

The Keely Motor - full text of pamphlet


The Keely Motor Again

The Keely Motor Company

The Keely Motor Completed

The Keely Motor Craze

The Keely Motor Experts

The Keely Motor - Feats of Which it is Capable

The Keely Motor Fight

The Keely Motor Humbug

The Keely Motor - It is Not a New Discovery

The Keely Motor Secret

The Keely Motor - What is Claimed for It

The Keeper of the Keys

The Motor Gets Into Court

The New Motor

The Psychology of Keely

The Secret Out

The Secret Revealed

The Times Retort

Universal Fluid

Veil Withdrawn - exquisite article by Bloomfield-Moore introducing science of SVP

Vibrophone graphic

What Electricity Is

What Has Keely Discovered?

Where Keely Got His Idea

Will He Become a Medium?

Images and graphics on this Site
Misc. Drawings, Sketches and Graphics

Cosmic Buds

Disintegrator Picture Gallery

Ellipse Set to Music

Feynman's Morphology

Fibonacci Series as Music

Fibonacci Spiral

Fieldless Armature Pictures

Keely Motor Photo Gallery

Keely's Morphology

Law of One

Matter and Energy Chart

Matter and Energy Chart - 3rd revision

Matter and Energy Chart - 4th revision

Matter and Energy Chart - earlier condensed

Molecular and Atomic Morphology

Music in Triangles

Music Intervals in Triangles

Music of an Ellipse

Phases of a Wave

Power of Harmonics


Relative States of Matter and Energy

Rotating Triplets as One Unit

Russell Cubic Wave Field

Russell's Mind Force Gallery

SVP Art Gallery

Triple Axis of Triplet

Triple Modes of Vibration

Triple Triune Modes

Vibration as Pendulum Swing

Vibration as Spiral Vortex

Wave Form Components

Atlin Photographs

Base Assembly

Base View

Casting Ring Supports

Cutting Base Plate

Cutting Drum

Cutting Resonator Ring

Cutting Resonator Rings

Cutting the Base Plate

Dale Pond and Atlin - 1997

Dale & Bob Tuning Atlin

Dynasphere - side view

Dynasphere - south view

Dynasphere - west view

Early Interior View

Evan Pritchard and Dale Pond

Fret Bridge and Resonators

Fret Bridge Close Up

Interior View Black and White

Interior View Color

Interior View, Open Drum

James Tyman and Dale Pond


Liberator - close up

Liberator and Flow Tubes

Musical Dynasphere

Resonators and Drum

Resonator Ring Support

Side View Black and White

Sphere Interior Surface

Strings and Fret Bridges

Tuning Strings

View from Above

View from Side, Drum Open

Common Law, Social Awareness and Personal Responsibility


AMA v. Chiropractic

Common Law long catalog.

Common Law short catalog. Online Bookstore!!!

Common Law Home Study Course

Common Law vs Civil Law - a MUST read

Catron County, New Mexico - Blueprint for the Destruction of Rural America?

Order with e-gold and download electronic documents at great savings in time and money.

Colorado Citizen Under Seige by federales

Common Law is about property - Fisher/Pond

Conference on (not so) Free Energy

Comsumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering

Dan Meador Videos

Declaration of Net Independence

Delta Spectrum Research intro


Do You Own Your Own Car?

Doctors Kill More People than Guns

Driver's License is a Contract Between You and the Motor Vehicle Department

GNU/SVP Free Documentation License - MUST READ

Institutionalized Tyranny version 3.0 shorter

Institutionalized Tyranny version 4.0 longer

IRS Origin and History - Cooper & Meador

IRS - What is Taxable Income? (pdf) free download

IRS - Who & What is It?

In court? Need assistance? JurisdictionaryÆ

Manufacturer's Statement of Origin - Key to Vehicle Ownership

Marriage looked at from the sovereign side

Dan Meador and Dale Pond

Dan Meador and Dale Pond

Meador, Dan - research papers


Media Hype & Our Hope

Money, What Is It? - it is not a Federal Reserve Note!

Motor Vehicle Ownership - it ain't what you think

Notice of Protest, Objection and Reservation of Natural Rights

SVP Complete OnLine Catalog

Other Interesting Sites

Our American Common Law - Pond/Fisher; if you do not know your rights you do not have any.

Pierre du Lac discovers the Internet! 

Resolution from State of Georgia

Responsibility - Personal & Social

Social Security is VOLUNTARY

Social Security Commissioner's letter

Springer vs IRS

State, County, And Local Governments Hide Trillions

State is 3rd Party in Marriages

State Child Abductions your tax dollars at work....

Still Don't Believe in the New World Order?

Trust Yourself!!! - The Do-It-Yourself Business Trust.

U. S. Patent Secrecy Law Title 35 - Pond

Vehicle Registration Fraud

Vote Fraud - destroying America

Withholding Federal Taxes

Zoning - now you know the truth!

Boom Your Income and Personal Wealth

Money, What Is It? - it is not a Federal Reserve Note!


Everything you need to create your own Unincorporated Business Organization. Operate this trust as you would any other business organization. All forms supplied - just fill in the blanks. This Common Law Business Trust has successfully weathered two out of two IRS audits!!! Protect your assets from moochers and looters.

Process your sales offshore! Click InternetSecure banner below.

Send ground mail address for FREE or Download pdf SVP Catalog &
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Health and Wellness

AMA v. Chiropractic

Doctors Kill More People than Guns

Fluoride, poisoned water

Home Page

Humor on the Net

Our Silver Works! - colloidal silver products


Silver Colloid - very extensive Medical & Technical Research Bibliography

Silver Colloids - FDA speaks out

Silver Colloids for animals - FDA speaks out again

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Delta Spectrum Research
Pond Science Institute
921 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, Colorado 81050
FAX 719-383-2920
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