Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!
Stop Withholding Federal Taxes - Legally A Layman's Guide to Federal Taxation of Employers and Employees
© 2001 by Jack Cohen
This paper is addressed to employers everywhere, who dutifully withhold taxes from their employees, in the belief that they are required to do so by law, and to the millions of American workers who are affected by such withholding. Many employers believe they are required to withhold taxes because someone told them so, and most believe that if they don't, they'll be in hot water with the IRS. I also address this to "employees" and "independent contractors" who pay income tax on their wages or salaries. I challenge anyone to show me a law that states clearly that withholding applies to the wages and salaries of the American working people. No such law exists.  
Get the complete free report here (pdf file): Withholding.pdf


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