Institutionalized Tyranny - Three Video Collection Set of the three Dan Meador video tapes on Cooperative Federalism with a nice discount. Save $17.00 when you buy all three. DM2299 $55.00 |
Common Law Court - Writ of Mandamus, Oklahoma An action filed (2/6/95) with the Oklahoma State Supreme Court with the objective of forcing the Supreme Court to write rules for the at-law (common law) actions and prescribing how the actions should be filed and enforced through the county clerk's office in each county - all according to the Oklahoma Constitution. 8.5" X 11" P0012295 $6.00 |
County Patriot You are concerned because government has gotten out of hand, but you can't fight city hall, much less Congress and the state/federal terrocrats? Here is the plan -- how Americans can restore the constitutional republic and government accountability. There is help waiting to be called to reassume your COUNTY GOVERNMENT from foreign UN control. 8.5" X 11" P0001295 $1.50 |