Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

Research Materials by Dan Meador

Institutionalized Tyranny - The Character & Color of Authority

This 2 hour video documents elements of a scheme known as Cooperative Federalism that for the last half century has placed the American people under edict of private courts and has compromised virtually all State and Federal enforcement authority. In the last decade, increasing numbers have joined the effort to unravel how Federal, State, and local governments make what amount to end runs around constitutional limitations. The purpose of this composition is to bring the fruit of the best research into focus, and construct a reasonably comprehensive picture of the macabre scheme that undermines sovereignty and solvency of the nation. Dan Meador presents supporting facts and cites on this earth-changing documentary. DM11098 $24.00

Institutionalized Tyranny - Correction and Implementation

In this new 2 hour video Dan Meador presents some intriguing ideas and considerations on how the Cooperative Federalism destroying our great country can be corrected and reversed. We know we have an awesome set of circumstances confronting us. Dan begins the task of sorting through possibilities and shows some initial procedures for beginning on the road to health in our society and governments. DM12098 $24.00

Institutionalized Tyranny - Banking and Court Fraud

In this 2+ hour video Dan gives a clear and concise explanation of the banking fraud being perpetrated throughout America. Millions will be able to retrieve their confiscated properties with this information. The court fraud is exposed detailing the Affidavit of Nonappearance telling what it is, when to use it and how. This device is proving powerfully effective in many areas. DM10299 $24.00

Institutionalized Tyranny - Three Video Collection

Set of the three Dan Meador video tapes on Cooperative Federalism with a nice discount. Save $17.00 when you buy all three. DM2299 $55.00

Go to the Online Catalog
to order these items:

Masters of DeCeit
by Dan Meador reveals the evil nature and scope of Cooperative Federalism in his epic making new book:
America the free has succumbed to Cooperative Federalism.
What were once soveriegn states banded together in a free Union for their mutual benefit have all been replaced with corporations and agencies. The fifty united states party to the Constitution have been supplanted with a semi-private agency wielding unlimited power called the United States of America. Many of the federal agencies extending their fraudulent jurisdiction over the soveriegn states are just that: fraudulent, having no real jurisdiction outside of federal territories. How was this accomplished? Where are the original documents detailing this in actual published law? When did this happen? Who did it? Meador's new book has the smoking gun details. Can all this be verified in legal documentation? Yes, here it is. This monumental research shows all and tells all. Legal cites from scores of sources prove the fraud. Never before has this much information been revealed with this clarity, detail and veracity. Extensively indexed and illustrated. 270+ pages, 8.5" X 11" spiral bound. Get years of Dan Meador's accumulated and indexed research for only: $29.95 DM22099

Common Law Court - Writ of Mandamus, Oklahoma

An action filed (2/6/95) with the Oklahoma State Supreme Court with the objective of forcing the Supreme Court to write rules for the at-law (common law) actions and prescribing how the actions should be filed and enforced through the county clerk's office in each county - all according to the Oklahoma Constitution. 8.5" X 11" P0012295 $6.00

County Patriot

You are concerned because government has gotten out of hand, but you can't fight city hall, much less Congress and the state/federal terrocrats? Here is the plan -- how Americans can restore the constitutional republic and government accountability. There is help waiting to be called to reassume your COUNTY GOVERNMENT from foreign UN control. 8.5" X 11" P0001295 $1.50

Memorandums by Dan Meador and other researchers can be downloaded from Internet on the Law Research & Registry web site: 
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