Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
Our Silver Works!
Colloidal Silver in Harmonically Balanced Water

Silver colloids have been used safely for years to treat any number of diseases (some say as many as 650 different illnesses, viral infections and attacks by parasites, viruses (natural and man-made), bacteria and germs. We have provided an extensive bibliography on the medical uses and effects of silver colloids and other silver derived products and processes. These reports, which were done by laboratories and scientists, show conclusively that properly prepared colloids when appropriately applied are safe, effective and efficient in the treatment of many maladies.

Our Silver Works! is perhaps the finest and most powerful colloidal-like silver product on the market. This new product was developed using proprietary principles from expanding on Keely's finest scientific research. This product contains ultra-fine particles of mono-atomic silver in suspension (approximately 7 parts per billion) as well as a high level of Neutralized Celestial and Terrestrial vibratory forces. The silver is electrically dispersed into harmonically balanced and energized water as opposed to ionized silver atoms (ionized metal) into plain water. These combined energetic conditions bring reharmonization of vibratory discordances. Discord equals dis-ease. Harmony equals health. No other product, that we are aware of, has this unique property and ability. These harmonized vibrations in the water are the same love vibrations used in the Dynasphere project. Some suggest Our Silver Works! is and behaves like true Holy Water, a homeopathic preparation and a chemical colloid combined while retaining dynamic properties of all three. Our Silver Works! has properties of each of these but none of them alone. It is made with a new proprietary sublimation/etherization process.

TESTIMONIALS: While we cannot make any health related claims ourselves about our own product, users of this marvelous product can however present their findings, suggestions and opinions:

It is assumed Our Silver Works! will be quite effective against the natural or man-made (biochemical) viruses and diseases spreading throughout the world today. We do not know how effective it will be in such a situation. Indications point to a high level efficacy in extreme conditions.

Are you going to trust your life and your family to inferior and over-priced chemical products?

Our Silver Works! is a fast acting and powerful solution. After years of research into the vibratory nature of matter and energy of Keely's Sympathetic Vibratory Physics we are enabled to apply this knowledge to the preparation of colloidal type products. The resulting product is unique in its abilities. There is nothing like it anywhere.

This new, improved silver colloidal has a subtler yet more powerful natural polarity between the celestial and terrestrial vibratory forces. Our Silver Works!, in direct applications, will be quicker acting because it will be assimilated more quickly by the body. And it will have more of a modulating or regulating effect of subtle energy flows in the body that resonate with the celestial and terrestrial forces. The silver will protect life while the celestial/terrestrial subtle energies will make life more enjoyable. Silver colloids and colloidals are non-toxic. Our Silver Works! has approximately seven parts per billion of atomic silver particles in suspension in harmonically balanced and energized water.

Our Silver Works Colloidal

Silver colloids are regarded as unsurpassed for wound healing and tissue regeneration. There are reports of remarkable results when used together with aloe vera gel. General use is 6 to 10 drops per day. When the system is under attack use 1 teaspoon under the tongue the first day followed by 6 to 10 drops per day.

2 oz. full-strength drop applicator bottle - $10.00 - item #CSC1196

2 oz. full-strength atomizer spray bottle - $10.00 - item #CSC1198

16 oz. - 1 pint full strength - $25.00 - item #CSC1197

Silver Colloid Medical Uses - a bibliography
Colloidal Silver - Extensive research
Anthrax and Colloidal Silver

Our Silver Works Colloidal Disinfectant

Silver colloids (in parts per billion) are non-toxic, will not stain, are odorless and safe to use as a disinfectant around food, people and pets. The effects of spraying Our Silver Works! disinfectant about the house or work place creates an atmosphere that is less conductive to the spread of parasites, flukes, bacteria, viruses and other bad guys. The vibratory nature of the enclosed atmosphere is altered so that negative waves or forces are inhibited from spreading, growing or propagating. These nasties are killed when directly contacted by the spray.

Use two or three times a year to spray floors, bathrooms, trash receptacles, storage areas, basement floors, drains, sinks and any place where dust and particles accumulate such as fabrics in curtains and drapes, furniture, carpets. Use often where pets sleep and in and around litter boxes. Use in the nursery and sleep areas. Use more often when young children or babies are present or when there is cold, flu or other transmittable sickness exposure. Dilute silver ætheroid solution - ready to use.

Use silver colloid in a dilute 1:32 solution.

Farm, Ranch, Commercial and Industrial Applications

Use silver colloid in a dilute 1:32 solution.

Medical/Scientific Bibliography, 12 pg, 183 cites - $2.50 - item #P0001196
Ordering Information: All of these items and more! can be ordered from Delta Spectrum Research at address below or our online catalog.
Disclaimer: No claims are herein or elsewhere made or implied that may be now or in the future deemed unlawful or illegal.
Offer void where prohibited.

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