Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

SVP Video and Audio Products


Activating Your Power to Create
DVD. Dale Pond's one hour presentation at the 2004 Science & Consciousness Conference. Dale shows how Mind creates from Idea to Manifestation. It really is that simple! This DVD is part 1 of a two DVD set. The second part is "The Keely Legacy: Sympathetic Vibratory Physics" item# DVD01107. Pages: VT0504 $29.95

Activating Your Power to Create
CD. Dale Pond's one hour presentation at the 2004 Science & Consciousness Conference. Dale shows how Mind creates from Idea to Manifestation. It really is that simple! Pages: AT0504 $15

Brown's Gas Technology with Multi-Tranz
Brian Anderson presents his stuff at the 1997 Global Sciences Congress; January, Tampa, Florida. Pages: DVD020407 $19.95

Creative Power of Sound
Presentation at the Blavatsky Lodge in London, 1996, by Dale Pond giving the basics principles of Vibration Physics, details on the Musical Dynasphere and their connections to metaphysics and theosophy. Pages: 0 AT016 $10

Earth, Ether & Music
Shine Richards reviews portions of T.J.J. See's mathematical treatises on the ether, earth and music. Exceptional lecture presenting fine materials and beautiful visuals. Audio tape from the 2nd Keely Symposium, Colorado Springs. Pages: 0 S2AT004 $10

Earth, Ether & Music
Video tape of Shine Richard's marvelous review of T.J.J. See's mathematical treatises on the ether, earth and music. Exceptional lecture presenting fine materials and beautiful visuals. Video tape from the 1989 2nd Keely Symposium, Colorado Springs. Pages: S2VT004 $20

Ecstatic Bach and Pronunciation of Sanskrit Vowels
Audio Tape. Exquisite music produced by Lia Lissant. Estatic Bach is inspired by Keely's original and pioneering work and Dale Pond's research in sound and vibration. Very inspiring and moving piece reminding one of molecules and atoms in motion. It inspires me every time I hear it. Lia has done a magnificent work. The second piece demonstrates the correct way to sound Sanskrit vowels. Properly pronounced these tones have important effects on our psychology, emotions and spiritual growth and development. One of a kind tape and a must have if you are into music or sound therapies or applied vibration technology. Also available on CD #CD1797. Pages: 0 AT01797 $10

Etheric Forces and the Sophigurate Device (The Theory and Device for Vibrationally Repatterning Ourselves)
Dawn Stranges 45 minute presentation at the 1994 USPA on a unique and in depth review of subtle energy physics as it relates to health and science for the New Times featuring her invention of the Sophigurate an etheric healing device. One cannot know the seven different ethers and how to engineer them without a perspective as is given here. Pages: V01797 $20

Foundation of Science
Ben Iverson presents one hour on video about the foundation principles of Quantum Arithmetic. Pages: VT0701 $20

Going on the Offense with the IRS
Eddie Kahn presents his stuff at the 1997 Global Sciences Congress; January, Tampa, Florida. Pages: DVD020107 $19.95

Going on the Offense with the IRS
Eddie Kahn presents his stuff at the 1997 Global Sciences Congress; January, Tampa, Florida. Pages: DVDaf020107 $19.95

Healing with Music
In this audio tape Pamela plays her harp and sings healing vowel sounds in her beautiful voice. Demonstrating clarity of tone and its powers of healing and moving the emotions of individuals. Audio Tapes from the 2nd Keely Symposium, Colorado Springs. Pages: 0 S2AT003 $10

Healing with Music
Pamela plays her harp and sings healing vowel sounds in her beautiful voice. Demonstrating clarity of tone and its powers of healing and moving the emotions of individuals. Video Tapes from the 2nd Keely Symposium, Colorado Springs. Pages: S2VT003 $20

How to Tap Centropy
Dawn Stranges 45 minute presentation at the 1996 USPA on a unique and in depth review of subtle energy and etheric physics as it relates to health and science for the New Times. Centropy is the female force in Nature or Keely's Harmonic vibrations of Negative Attraction. Dawn explains this force well indeed. You will need Dawn s lucid descriptions of this force to understand Keely. Pages: V02797 $20

Institutionalized Tyranny - Correction and Implementation
In this new 2 hour video Dan Meador presents some intriguing ideas and considerations on how the Cooperative Federalism destroying our great country can be corrected and reversed. We know we have an awesome set of circumstances confronting us. Dan begins the task of sorting through possibilities and shows some initial procedures for beginning on the road to health in our society and governments. Pages: DM12098 $24

Institutionalized Tyranny - Origin of the IRS & Credit Fraud
Tulsa - 2/28/99. In this 2 hour video Dan gives a clear and concise history of IRS and origin of credit plus explanation of the court, tax and banking fraud being perpetrated throughout America. Pages: DM10399 $24

Institutionalized Tyranny - The Character & Color of Authority - The Problem
This 2 hour video documents elements of a scheme known as Cooperative Federalism that for the last half century has placed the American people under edict of private courts and has compromised virtually all State and Federal enforcement authority. In the last decade, increasing numbers have joined the effort to unravel how Federal, State, and local governments make what amount to end runs around constitutional limitations. The purpose of this composition is to bring the fruit of the best research into focus, and construct a reasonably comprehensive picture of the macabre scheme that undermines sovereignty and solvency of the nation. Dan Meador presents supporting facts and citations on this earth-changing documentary. Pages: DM11098 $24

Institutionalized Tyranny - Three Video Collection
Set of the three Dan Meador video tapes on Cooperative Federalism with a nice discount. Save $17.00 when you buy all three. 1) The Character & Color of Authority - The Problem 2) Correction and Implementation 3) Origin of IRS - Credit "The three videotapes provide overviews of the Federalism scheme from different perspectives. They were filmed on a camcorder when I gave seminar presentations. They are not "how-to" presentations, and they don't go into details of any given subject to the extent we do in memorandums. However, they provide decent overviews, and to the best of my knowledge, more current research isn't contrary to anything addressed in the videos." Dan, 7/17/00 Pages: DM2299 $55

Institutionalized Tyranny - Three Video Collection
Set of the three Dan Meador video tapes on Cooperative Federalism with a nice discount. Save $17.00 when you buy all three. 1) The Character & Color of Authority - The Problem 2) Correction and Implementation 3) Origin of IRS - Credit "The three videotapes provide overviews of the Federalism scheme from different perspectives. They were filmed on a camcorder when I gave seminar presentations. They are not "how-to" presentations, and they don't go into details of any given subject to the extent we do in memorandums. However, they provide decent overviews, and to the best of my knowledge, more current research isn't contrary to anything addressed in the videos." Dan, 7/17/00 Pages: DMaf2299 $55

Institutionalized Tyranny - Two Video Collection
Set of the two Dan Meador video tapes on Cooperative Federalism with a nice discount. Save $9.00 when you buy both at once. 1) The Character & Color of Authority - The Problem 2) Correction and Implementation Pages: DM12198 $39

Keely Musical Dynasphere, IANS-1996
For the first time details concerning Keely's original Musical Dynasphere or Globe Motor are given out publicly in a 50 min. lecture by Dale Pond before the International Association for New Science, Denver, 1996. This device has been under development by a research and development team of very capable people since late 1995. This machine and its dynamics push the envelope very far indeed. Pages: V04996 $20

Keely's Music of the Spheres
Audio music tape. Themes taken directly from Keely's Musical Charts and composed on electronic keyboard. Very well done; inspirational and very interesting pieces with: 1) Chords of Mass 2) Quadruple Settings 3) Disruptions of Vibratory Flow 4) Chords of Differentiation. Excellent for listening while studying Keely's science. Pages: 0 AT015 $10

Keely's Musical Dynasphere - ANE, 1997 workshop
Video tape Dale Pond's workshop presented at the 1997 Association for New Energy Conference in Denver. 1 hour 40 minute VHS video discussion featuring the Keely Musical Dynasphere. This tape shows the fire alarms going off (not once but twice!) when unsuccessfully attempting to open Atlin! Very unusual presentation. More never before presented details on the Dynasphere. Pages: V01697 $26

Keely's Triple Conditions of the Vibratory Flows
This electronic keyboard generated music is created from the many musical notes from Keely's marvelous charts depicting the Triple Conditions of the Vibratory Flows. Listening to this music one wonders if they are not really hearing the molecules and atoms flowing through the music. Very inspiring music and one of a kind tape. Pages: 0 AT02797 $10

MIND: An Engineerable Force
DVD. Dale Pond's 1 hour presentation at the Science & Consciousness Conference, Albuquerque, NM; May, 2000. This professionally recorded DVD presentation covers dozens of slides on SVP principles, some never before shown. Discussion covers very basic concepts then leads up to and shows how Mind becomes and controls Matter. This is an invaluable addition to any study of SVP. The fire alarm goes off again! Pages: VT1600 $24.95

Quantum Arithmetic 2nd Keely Conference
Natural arithmetic, number theory and geometry is the basis of all natural phenomena. Mr. Iverson has devoted 40 years of his life to develop the principles of QA. This system will eventually play a major part in the New Sciences. It is based on ancient arithmetic and wholistic principles. Audio tape of Ben's presentation of 2nd Keely Symposium, 1989, Colorado Springs. Pages: 0 S3AT003 $10

Quantum Arithmetic 2nd Keely Conference
Natural arithmetic, number theory and geometry is the basis of all natural phenomena. Mr. Iverson has devoted 40 years of his life to develop the principles of QA. This system will eventually play a major part in the New Sciences. It is based on ancient arithmetic and wholistic principles. CD, audio only, of Ben's presentation of 2nd Keely Symposium, 1989, Colorado Springs. WINDOWS only format. Pages: 0 S3CD003 $10

Quantum Arithmetic 3rd Keely Conference
Video tape of Ben's presentation of natural arithmetic, number theory and geometry is the basis of all natural phenomena. Mr. Iverson has devoted 40 years of his life to develop the principles of QA. This is system will play a major part in the New Sciences. It is based on ancient arithmetic and wholistic principles. Taped from The 3rd Keely Conference, Philadelphia. Pages: S2VT006 $20

Roots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree - Keely's Musical Dynasphere
Video tape (VHS) of Dale Pond's presentation at the 1997 Association for New Energy Conference in Denver, Colorado. Featuring the Keely Musical Dynasphere video images and basics of its theory, construction and operation. Approximately 50 minutes. Pages: V06697 $20

Simulating Rezars
Lia Lissant's fascinating presentation of a new kind of oscillator. Audio Tape from the 2nd Keely Symposium, Colorado Springs. Pages: 0 S2AT0019 $10

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - The Basic Principles DVD
For the first time ever the basic principles of SVP and Keely's work are being made available to the general public at large. Dale Pond gives a clear and concise 3 hour lecture with extensive illustrations on this fascinating subject. Presentation to the United States Psychotronics Association in 1994. Very little of the information given here is contained in any printed source. A MUST HAVE. Pages: DVD03996 $39

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - The Basic Principles, part 1
Here for the first time ever the basic principles of SVP and Keely's work are being made available to the general public at large. Dale Pond gives a clear and concise 3 hour lecture with extensive illustrations on this fascinating subject. The 1 1/2 hour video tape is the first of two tapes of a single presentation to the United States Psychotronics Association in 1994. Very little of the information given through these two tapes is contained in any printed source. Pages: V01996 $20

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - The Basic Principles, part 2
Here for the first time ever the basic principles of SVP and Keely's work are being made available to the general public at large. Dale Pond gives a clear and concise 3 hour lecture with extensive illustrations on this fascinating subject. The 1 1/2 hour video tape is the second of two tapes of a single presentation to the United States Psychotronics Association in 1994. Very little of the information given through these two tapes is contained in any printed source. Pages: V02996 $20

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - The Basic Principles, Set of 2 Tapes
Set of 2 tapes. Here for the first time ever the basic principles of SVP and Keely's work are being made available to the general public at large. Dale Pond gives a clear and concise 3 hour lecture with extensive illustrations on this fascinating subject. These two tapes are of a single presentation to the United States Psychotronics Association in 1994. Very little of the information given through these two tapes is contained in any printed source. A MUST HAVE. Pages: V03996 $35

Tapping into the Awakened Soul part 1
Bryan Williams presents his stuff at the 1997 Global Sciences Congress; January, Tampa, Florida. Pages: DVD020507 $19.95

The Five Loves - A Message from Mary to You - Accentuating Your Goodness & Putting It into Action
Audio tape of the booklet by the same name. An excerpt from this pamphlet: "Dear Friends, it is my pleasure to address you here and now. I do so through the abilities of Dawn Stranges, an intuitive who has heard my message and been asked to pass it along. It is meant to give you hope and peace, and of course, greater Love. There will continue to be increasing numbers and forms of interface (messages, etc.) between your world and ours, the Spiritual Realm. Please weigh them carefully, for all seek to give you a bigger picture of Truth. Some are pure and others may be tainted with fear. Our clear messages contain no fear, but Truth in its purity. Our underlying message is to understand and transmute Fear into Love. Messages which create fear defeat our intent to spread Love. Please read the Five Loves with intent to incorporate their teachings into your life. Know that Loving the unLovable is the trick! With Much Love, Mary, Mother of Jesus." 4" X 5.5" ISBN 0-9654447-2-4 Pages: 0 AT1798 $10

The Inspiring Lives of Walter & Lao Russell - Their Works and Words
Video tape. Pages: VT01 $10

The Keely Legacy: Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Part 2
This 45 minute presentation is part 2 of a two DVD set. This presentation was given at the 2004 Tesla Conference in Utah. The first part is "Activating Your Power to Create" presented in Albuquerque, 2004 Science & Consciousness Conference, item# VT0504. Pages: DVD01107 $19.95

The Russell Years at Swannanoa - a Tour of the Russell Art Gallery and Museum
Video tape. "For forty years the home of the Russells and for forty-nine years the world center of their University of Science and Philosophy, Swannanoa has indeed been a place of inspiration and beauty. Students, friends and associates the world over are grateful to Walter and Lao Russell for their dedication in providing an example of the creative process at work in their inspiring lives." Pages: VT02 $18

The Theory of ElectroGravitation Fields part 1 of 2
Pierre Sinclaire presents his stuff at the 1997 Global Sciences Congress; January, Tampa, Florida. Pages: DVD020207 $19.95

The Theory of ElectroGravitation Fields part 2 of 2
Pierre Sinclaire presents his stuff at the 1997 Global Sciences Congress; January, Tampa, Florida. Pages: DVD020307 $19.95

What the Ether Really Is
Video tape of Wim Leys' marvelous review of Steiner's lectures on the four ethers. Perhaps one of the best presentations on the subject anywhere. Very well received presentation and exclaimed excellent by those who know. Video Tape from 3rd Keely Symposium, Philadelphia. Pages: S3VT0012 $20

What the Ether Really Is
This audio tape by Wim Leys is a review of Steiner's lectures on the four ethers. Very well received presentation and exclaimed excellent by those who know. Audio Tape from 3rd Keely Symposium, Philadelphia. Pages: 0 S3AT0012 $10

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