A skeptical look at free energy reseach by Greer of the disclosure project

Tom Bearden’s MEG device A rational review of meg claims  and Randi’s info and my info

. free energy scams   Tback to Eric's main Dennis Lee page    what about Joe Newman? Also, Amin, Mills (who may be legit?) Tilley, Perendev, Bearden Lutec and Tewari Xogen and GWE


From: Jim Giglio

To: free_energy@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 4:04 PM

Subject: [free_energy] Subject: Re: Greer called me back in one HR> from DC


What Greer did at his May 2001 event at the NPC was to display a blatantly fake UFO image, an image tht has been known to be a fake for 34 years, having been investigated by the Colorado project as "Case 7" (www.ncas.org/condon). Now perhaps Greer is/was in possession of evidence indicating that the image in question is _not_ a fake; if so, the time to have presented that evidence was on May 9th, 2001, while McCandlish was waving the thing around in front of the cameras.

He didn't do so, which indicates either (1) that he's perfectly well aware that the image is a fake, and cynically believes that the audience he appeals to is made up of gullible fools who can be taken in by fabricated evidence, or (2) that he himself is massively under-informed on the issue he claims to be an expert on, and also knows absolutely nothing about how to vet a witness before that witness appears in a high-profile public forum.

This is D.C., the most powerful city in the world, and Greer claims to working to influece the powers-that-be in this center of power, on the most important issues facing humanity. You don't get to be influential in this town, on those issues, with those movers and shakers, by putting on a clownish display featuring fabricated evidence, even if the clownisheness involves only a single piece of evidence (which it didn't).



Message: 6
   Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 09:41:51 -0800 (PST)
   From: Tim Perdue <tim_perdue@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Big Trouble for BlackLight Power?

--- "Greg Salyards <d-choma@att.net>" <d-choma@att.net> wrote:

> I have followed Greer for as long as I have followed
> HSG. He has been very transparent and I have never
> heard him say anything that I have found to be in
> error. In fact, the whole Disclosure Project is
> about transparency. This is a MOST unusual move for
> him to make and he points to that in order to show
> how important he feels this technology is.
> I won't try to recap his 30 minutes. This one
> program, by itself, is worth informing yourself
> about. But you should also find other programs of
> interest if you decide to 'risk' your seven dollars
> for 200 hours of online streaming audio.
> This is very timely. Take it for what it is worth.

I paid the $6.95 for the subscription to listen to the
show and there was nothing in there that could
constitute proof of anything. He was claiming to be
airing his story to protect the inventor from being
killed or "disappeared" by fossil fuels interests in
the government, but he did not mention the inventor's
name or how the device operates, so I don't see how it
protects anything from such a conspiracy. The way to
prevent the inventor's untimel demise would be to have
the inventor bring his device to CNN and demo it
openly and honestly, not air it on a late-nite
conspiracy radio program.

Greer also claimed that he will have the device
publicly tested and available in 2-3 months and
specifically mentioned in early April. So if April
comes and goes and greer claims that it was
"suppressed" or something else, you can dismiss it as
more quackery from the guy who claims to be in psychic
contact with aliens and leads expeditions into the
mountains ( http://www.cseti.org ) for exactly that

Highly dubious, but I'll wait until April before I
give my final verdict ;-) I'll be the first in line to
buy one if it's true.



Message: 1
   Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2003 11:01:00 -0000
   From: "sig5534 <sig5534@hotmail.com>" <sig5534@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Big Trouble for BlackLight Power?

>> On the 30 January, 2003 show Dr Stephen Greer
>> announced that he had seen a 'free energy source'
>> demonstration that met his criteria.
He has made this same statment about 6 times before and later
retracked each and everyone saying: "Oh it turned out to be
nothing".  Greer has no idea what a free energy device is, looks
like, or how to evaluate it.

>> I have followed Greer for as long as I have followed HSG.
>> He has been very transparent and I have never heard him say
>> anything that I have found to be in error.

You need to pay closer attention.  He has said many things that were
in error.  He is very good at keeping your eye OFF the ball.  In fact
he is the king of overstatement.   Whatever Greer says you can apply
a correction factor of zero.

>> This is very timely. Take it for what it is worth.
It's not worth anything.  I talked to his "VP of Projects" in the
past and they have no idea what they are doing.  They have no
scientists or engineers involved that have experience in any of the
subject matter.

I pressed them on exactly what projects they have that show even the
slightest serious prospects - they have none.  They are on a fishing
expedition to try and find one.  They have nothing.

Chris.  (BSEE)


The following are some writings about Greer from the free energy email list:


What Greer did at his May 2001 event at the NPC was to display a
blatantly fake UFO image, an image tht has been known to be a
fake for 34 years, having been investigated by the Colorado
project as "Case 7" (www.ncas.org/condon). Now perhaps Greer
is/was in possession of evidence indicating that the image in
question is _not_ a fake; if so, the time to have presented that
evidence was on May 9th, 2001, while McCandlish was waving the
thing around in front of the cameras.

He didn't do so, which indicates either (1) that he's perfectly
well aware that the image is a fake, and cynically believes that
the audience he appeals to is made up of gullible fools who can
be taken in by fabricated evidence, or (2) that he himself is
massively under-informed on the issue he claims to be an expert
on, and also knows absolutely nothing about how to vet a witness
before that witness appears in a high-profile public forum.

This is D.C., the most powerful city in the world, and Greer
claims to working to influece the powers-that-be in this center
of power, on the most important issues facing humanity. You don't
get to be influential in this town, on those issues, with those
movers and shakers, by putting on a clownish display featuring
fabricated evidence, even if the clownisheness involves only a
single piece of evidence (which it didn't).



A post from another email list:


Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 10:24:53 -0800
From: Jack Sarfatti <sarfatti@pacbell.net <mailto:sarfatti@pacbell.net>>
To: visions <visions@ntlworld.com <mailto:visions@ntlworld.com>>
Subject: Re: Free Energy Brealthrough - Interview with Steven Greer

Greer is clueless about what he is BSing about. He has no understanding
of the physics. He should be on Penn & Teller. My detailed comments

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 03:45 AM, visions wrote:

> Well folks this is it!
> Either this radio interview transcript with Dr Steven Greer of the UFO
> Disclosure Project will prove:
> (1) A pivotal point in history and the answer to the world's energy
> problems
> (2) Greer has been conned or tricked in some way
> (3) Greer is a trickster, a liar or insane.
> If there's just a chance it's the first option, we could all do with
> some good news right now, so this is worth a read.
> Regards
> Dave Haith
> visions@ntlworld.com <mailto:visions@ntlworld.com>
> Transcript of Dr. Steven Greer's Interview on Coast to Coast AM Radio
> with George Noory January 30/31 2003 this transcript can also be found
> at
> <http://www.disclosureproject.org/transcriptcoasttocoastJan312003.htm>
> George Noory (GN): Tonight, this hour, we're going to talk about Zero
> Point Energy. Welcome, Dr. Greer. How are you today?
> Steven Greer (SG): I'm fine, thank you. How are you?
> GN: Good. Always a pleasure. Zero Point Energy. Is there an
> organization or an individual actually working on this?
> SG: Well, we are of course. I'm not so sure it's really zero point
> energy. Some would say it's the quantum vacuum flux field energy.
> There are a lot of people with different theories about it. But as you
> know, we have formed a group called Space Energy Access Systems, which
> is a company that is in the process of identifying and testing
> technologies, machines, devices that claim to - put simply - put out
> more energy and electric power than we have to put into it, which of
> course, supposedly cannot be done, but in fact it can be. The reason
> I'm speaking with you tonight is that we have apparently - and I'm
> going to qualify my words very carefully here --

How much money do they have? Who is on their technical staff? Where are
their reports?
> GN: OK SG: But it appears that we have found such a "Holy Grail"-type
> device, a very serious invention held by an inventor. My scientific
> advisor and the board of directors of this group - our group - have
> recently done an onsite inspection and testing of this system and I
> can tell you that, except for some of the extraterrestrial devices in
> UFOs that I've seen, this is the most astounding material object I've
> ever seen in my life.

I am not holding my breath.
> And that's saying something.

Is it now?
> So the reason I am speaking about this at this very early stage of its
> discovery is that the millions of people listening tonight are our
> protection. Those of you who are listening to this should tell
> everyone they know that this is a thing coming down the path. It is
> our intention to protect this system, get it tested, get it perfected,
> get it out to the public and terminate the need for gas and oil and
> coal and start an entirely new sustainable civilization on this
> planet, and that is long overdue. It could have happened probably
> fifty years ago or more. But it's now time for us to do it as a
> people. The people who are hearing this for the first time need to
> understand that I have considered carefully whether or not to even
> talk about it at this stage, but we felt for security reasons it's
> very important to talk about this.
> If the testing and development of this holds up, it will be the single
> most important scientific breakthrough in the history - the recorded
> history - of the human race, and that is not an overstatement.

The above is all hype with no scientific content.
> Let me describe what I saw, if you have a moment.
> GN: Sure, and tell me how big it is, Steven.
> SG: It's not very big at all! I picked it up - you can pick it up with
> one hand. Took it out actually on a sidewalk. This device gathered,
> very passively, less than one watt of power from the environment - I
> won't say how it was done, I'm not allowed to at this point - and the
> machine started up. It generated hundreds of watts of power in usable
> form, actually running, and we were astonished to see this. We hooked
> this up ourselves, so it was no mystery about it. We even selected the
> things to hook up to this thing. It ran a 300-watt light bulb, a
> 100-watt light bulb, a stereo and an oscillating fan with an electric
> motor, all at the same time with literally no artificial manmade input
> of power. So, this is of course an extraordinary scientific
> breakthrough. The inventor certainly deserves to get the next Nobel
> prize, or the one that would be awarded after this is fully tested by
> the scientific community, if indeed what we see holds up.

I simply do not believe this until tested by an independent group that
can be trusted.

> Now I have to say, our criteria - those who are familiar with our
> search for this, and we've been doing this for some years because we
> know that they're not traveling through interstellar space using Exxon
> Jet-A fuel.
> GN: Right!
> SG: And we know that these technologies could run our planet without
> pollution, without poverty, and without any more oil wars forever. So,
> you know, when we began to look for this, our criteria was that the
> inventor had to be sane and rational enough to allow it to be
> transparently vetted or tested, and in fact, this person was exactly
> that kind of very brilliant, humble, realistic man who allowed us to
> transparently see this device - look at it in its entirety. There were
> no hidden power sources. As I said, it could be picked up and taken
> outside and put on the sidewalk, and there it ran! And this is
> something obviously which could be put in every home, in every car and
> every industry and would enable the world to leave the era of want and
> war and enter an era of abundance and peace for as long as we want to
> create it.
> So this potentially is one of the greatest breakthroughs I've ever
> seen.

> And one of the things I'm so grateful for is that, you know, we have
> heard of these things coming and going in the time of Tesla, in the
> time of Floyd Sweet, in the time of T. Henry Moray, and others, but to
> actually stand in the presence of a man who could build such a circuit
> and see it run. If I had to go to my grave tomorrow, at least I would
> know that such a thing was possible, which shines an enormous ray of
> hope into the world of humanity as we apparently march off to the next
> oil war.

There we go - the not so hidden political agenda! This is obvious
anti-American propaganda using Cargo Cult pseudo-science to weaken
America as Edward Teller warned.

> So, I think that it's a very significant breakthrough. However, it's
> preliminary. We are requiring that - we have an agreement with the
> inventor to have a more robust version of this device made in the
> coming month or two. It will then go through further research and
> development and reproduceability studies, meaning we must be able to
> independently reproduce the effects. It will then be tested in at
> least three independent government and university labs which we have
> already pre-selected for their honesty and cooperation, and when all
> those ducks are lined up and we are certain of what we have - I'm
> telling you this now in a preliminary way - it will then be massively
> disclosed to the world in what has to be regarded as one of the most
> important scientific announcements in our time.
> GN: Very good. Is this person, Steven - if you can tell me - is he a
> physicist by any chance?
> SG: Um - no. Well, I guess anyone dealing with this kind of energy
> would be a type of physicist, but not a formally trained physicist.

BINGO! Another crackpot poseur.

>  This is somebody who is what you would consider an innate genius in
> this area and since childhood had a very deep, almost intuitive
> knowledge of electromagnetism, electrical circuits and things of this
> sort.
> GN: One of Albert Einstein's protégés many years ago, his name was
> John Wheeler, once said about this kind of energy that in the volume
> of a cup of coffee there is enough energy to evaporate all of the
> world's oceans.
> It's that powerful and could provide that much energy to the world and
> if you are able --
> SG: If you can harness it, yeah.
> GN: Yeah, I was just going to say, if you can harness it - my gosh,
> you're going to save humanity!

Talk about New Age Airheads spouting nonsense as wisdom.
> SG: Well, this is why I'm talking to you. I returned from this trip,
> and I wanted to be very very clear that this information got out
> because I have to tell you that this is the sort of thing that people
> have unfortunately in the past been absorbed into operations where
> these technologies have been suppressed. People have been murdered,
> people have been imprisoned, people have had these things bought out
> only to sit on the black shelf at a major corporation.
> GN: Mm Hmm.
> SG: That is not a conspiracy theory. We can prove this in a court of
> law that this has happened over and over again. And the reason that we
> are moving quickly to let the world know that this exists is that the
> ultimate shield against that happening is two things: Number one - my
> absolute assurance that I will take a bullet before I will let this be
> suppressed, and number two - that there is no amount of money, that
> you cannot put enough zeros after a one, to buy us out and keep this
> thing from getting out to the public. In addition to that, the public
> needs to understand if anything is to happen to this prospect that is
> a suppressive effort, that they should absolutely, if they have to,
> march in the streets to see that it is released again. This is the
> time for this nonsense, where these sorts of inventions have been
> suppressed and where humanity has been left basically in a state of
> downward spiral of poverty and pollution and what have you. We simply
> have to reverse that trend.
> And of course, you're taking on a five trillion dollar global energy
> and utility and transportation sector that deals with fossil fuels.
> But it is really time for that era to close and for another era to
> open. Even as the President said in his State of the Union address
> after 9-11, it is a national security imperative that we become energy
> independent.
> GN: Absolutely!
> SG: And there's no question that the situation we're facing around the
> world today and the vulnerability of so many nations is related to our
> unnecessary addiction and dependence on fossil fuels - oil, coal,
> things of this sort. And these technologies, which have been so long
> suppressed, they're almost legendary. But I have to tell you, the
> other important thing - and anyone technical listening to this will
> know what I'm talking about - we have seen in the last few years a
> number of devices that looked very promising, but they don't put out
> energy in a form that's usable. This thing, if you can imagine as I've
> described it operating, put out energy at 60 hertz, 110 volts, correct
> amperage, ran whatever we wanted to plug into it and did so for as
> long as we left it to do so. Now this is something which, in all my
> experience going all over the world studying this, I have never
> witnessed anything like this!
> We can see no explanation in the way of a hoax for this and the
> scientist is completely without guile, honest, straightforward and it
> was an honor to be with this person. I felt like I was in the presence
> of someone like Tesla as I saw this person work and to see my science
> advisor, Dr. Ted Loder, who is a tenured professor of science at the
> University of New Hampshire, there working beside the man who very
> openly showed everything and let everything be hooked up by our
> scientific team. It was just an extraordinary experience and I just
> hope and I pray and I hope others will be praying with us that we can
> be guided aright to get this out as quickly as possible to a world
> that, at this virtually the twelfth hour, certainly needs to find some
> way of living on this planet without cannibalizing the Earth that
> sustains us.
> GN: Steven, I sense this air of immediacy coming from you. Have you or
> has this inventor been threatened at all about this?
> SG: No, not at all, and the reason we haven't is that immediately, I
> have moved this into some very high circles. I mean, you know we have
> in our network - in the Disclosure Project network and in the
> corporate entity, the Space Energy Access Systems, which by the way,
> the website for that is seaspower.com. We have access to virtually
> anyone of significance in the world today. I mean, literally not six
> degrees of separation, not really one degree of separation, and we are
> beginning to notify the correct people that such a thing exists. It
> would be very very difficult, with me talking on this show tonight and
> with the phone calls we've made this week, quite frankly, for this
> thing to disappear. So we have not received those threats.
> Remember, in 2001, we had over a hundred military and intelligence
> witnesses and their testimony put out in book and video form and many
> of them with top secret SDI-TK clearances, holding very sensitive
> information. Not a single one of them were ever visited and told to be
> quiet and the reason they haven't is because we have strategically
> created security around what we're doing such that it would be
> extremely dangerous for that group to do that. However, the reason I
> feel it very important for the public to know this, and everyone
> listening needs to refer this show to their friends - very important
> because I think that people need to understand that the kinds of
> operations that have kept these things secret do so only in the
> shadows. They cannot do it in a spotlight shining on them. They
> function only like vampires in the dark shadows and in the darkness of
> night. And if we put this thing out into the light and the people
> understand what it's worth to the future of humanity and to our
> children's children's children, the people will not let it be
> suppressed again.
> GN: All right, Steven. Stay with us because I want to chat with you a
> little bit about how this kind of energy actually works and how soon
> you think in terms of it being a reality, could get into households.
> I'm George Noory. Stick with me. This is Coast to Coast A.M.
> (Commercial break)
> GN: Welcome back to Coast to Coast. I'm George Noory with Dr. Steven
> Greer. Steven, because of your heavy involvement in really defining
> proof of extraterrestrial existence, and what you know, what are the
> possibilities that this individual who has invented this apparatus
> might have reverse-engineered it from some source up there?
> SG: Zero.
> GN: OK SG: Yeah, I'm very confident that's not the case. In fact,
> that's one of the criteria we have is that the pedigree, or
> intellectual property pathway, has to be clean so that it can safely
> be brought out to the public without the risk of it being legitimately
> held back by some interests. In this case, I have high confidence that
> this is a clean pedigree. And, what's more, that the technology is
> extraordinarily simple. Now, of course, I guess the genius in all
> simple things is to understand how to do it. And I don't pretend to
> know that. This is - I tell people - I remember when I was at the
> Pentagon doing a briefing for the head of the Defense Intelligence
> Agency I said, you know, "I'm just a country doctor here in Virginia."
> GN: (chuckles)
> SG: And you know, really, I don't pretend to be a physicist or
> theoretician. We have some very good people who are and who would
> understand that better, but I can certainly say that this particular
> inventor, I think that there is zero chance that he discovered this
> from anything other than his own ability to experiment - the good old
> fashioned empirical scientific method - and came up with this after
> many many years of looking into it. But the astonishing thing is the
> relative simplicity of it. I know that this device had to have weighed
> less than twenty pounds, that it was small, no more than a foot to
> foot and a half in diameter. We could see straight through it, see all
> the components of it, no hidden battery or energy sources and it
> operated as I described it. So, this of course meets the criteria of
> what we've been looking for and wanting to get protected in our
> network and get it disseminated and secured and out to the public, we
> hope at least in terms of it being in a form that would be very stable
> and functioning and easy to use. If not commercially available, at
> least something that would be disclosable and transportable to any
> scientific lab. We hope to have that done in the next few months and
> known by the public certainly this year and hopefully mid-year. So
> again, it's hard to say. This is a very very early stage of an
> important and rather rigorous process on our part, but we're going to
> go with all due speed.
> GN: Why would you rule out its - I don't want to say authenticity -
> but its use within your organization if something did come from
> extraterrestrial technologies? So what? If you can get it, and harness
> it, and use it. What's wrong with that?
> SG: Oh no, that would be fine, but if it has been ripped off out of a
> government lab or out of a classified project....
> GN: Ah, I get it!
> SG: Which are the ones who are doing all that work, George. We
> wouldn't want to - we really at this stage wouldn't want to deal with
> that.
> Although, because I believe those projects are unconstitutional and
> illegal, one could probably make the legal case. But it would be an
> encumbered and difficult pathway and this is why we have been
> searching for what I call a clean or virginal pathway for these
> technologies, and indeed this is what I believe we have found. Again,
> I'm sharing this information very early. Some have said that I
> shouldn't even be discussing it at this stage. However, I think that
> for security reasons there's safety in numbers. The thing that has had
> made most of these inventors disappear and most of these efforts
> disappear are their obscurity. And so, Coast to Coast A.M. is
> providing a very important service to humanity by letting the people
> know about this.
> GN: Well, when I was talking to Producer Lisa today, she said,
> "George, I've talked to Steven before, but I've never heard him this
> immediate, this energized, where he felt he had to say something and
> say it now." So I said, "All right, let's set it up. Let's get him > on!"
> SG: Yeah. No, this was something that was just so astonishing and I
> have to tell you that I felt like we were walking through history as
> we saw this thing functioning, and the implications of it - if I can
> just sort of, in a thumbnail sort of sketch, give you the implications
> of this.
> Imagine having free energy so that you could desalinate all the water
> you need to for agriculture and for returning these vast areas of the
> Earth that have become desert that used to be lush, could be returned
> to their original condition. Imagine being able to manufacture things
> with no cost for the energy component, no fuel costs. Imagine the
> poverty that could be eliminated and the disease and suffering. Most
> death and suffering into the world is because basic sanitation, clean
> water, refrigeration, etc., is not available. This can change all that
> without building multi-billion dollar power plants with transmission
> lines. Imagine civilizations that do not have electrification now.
> Just like people went from having no land line phones to having cell
> phones, they could go from having no power lines to having these
> devices in their villages and their areas where they could then have a
> growing level of prosperity and abundance. All the studies have shown
> that when civilizations move into greater abundance, and with that
> greater educational opportunity, that the birth rates go down
> remarkably from ten or eleven per woman down to two or three. So the
> Malthusian dilemma of all these teeming large populations booming
> areas and poverty could be corrected. I mean the implications of this
> are just enormous. In addition, we know that all manufacturing
> effluent is largely related to the high cost of energy. We have had --
> Buckminster Fuller and Archibald MacLeash told me back many years ago
> in the early seventies, that we already have the technologies to scrub
> to zero pollution all the manufacturing processes, but they use so
> darn much electricity that it became a point of diminishing return
> because the energy sources we were using were polluting.
> GN: Of course.
> SG: So, In this case, where the energy source is clean and
> non-polluting and free, you could scrub everything to completely and
> virtually no pollution into the environment. So you're talking about
> the ability to literally transform the way humans live on the Earth
> and therefore lay a real foundation for living together peacefully and
> eventually going out in space together peacefully. So --
> GN: Just, just -- go ahead, Steven.
> SG: Yes, I mean, so these are the sorts of implications of this kind
> of breakthrough. Of course, as people say, there will be winners and
> losers.
> Well, 99.999 % of humanity will be the winners. The Earth will be the
> winner. Our children's children's children will be the winners. Now
> there are people who have very key interests in the fossil fuel area
> and this is not to be trivialized. But I think that our goal is to do
> this in a way that would protect and empower those segments by having
> them have some kind of a cushion as these technologies are phased in
> and the old smokestack technologies are phased out. This can certainly
> be done if we're wise about it and if the current holders of the
> existing technologies are wise in allowing the transition to happen in
> an orderly fashion.
> GN: Tuesday, George Bush in his State of the Union address was pushing
> for the use of hydrogen fuel in cars, which is something I've been
> jumping up and down for, for years now. But, one of the problems today
> with the hydrogen fuel is to generate the kind of electricity in order
> to generate the hydrogen.

BTW Honda already has a fuel cell car on the market and the Los Angeles
City government will be putting them into service very soon. So this is
not 10 years away. It is now. But this is not zero point energy.
> SG: That's right.
> GN: And that has been a serious problem, so my two-fold question - my
> question two-fold is will your zero point energy concept - would that
> work directly in automobiles or could you use it to create the
> electricity to make the hydrogen for the cars?
> SG: Well, the answer is both. In other words, you already have two
> hundred million cars on the road in America, and six hundred and some
> million in the world. Those are using oil and gas. The ideal thing to
> do initially - because most people are not going to yank the engine
> out of their car and buy a multi-thousand dollar engine.
> GN: No, they can't afford it.
> SG: So what you want to do is use this free energy to have a way of
> cracking the hydrogen off of water and then have that hydrogen run the
> cars. I have just met with an inventor who has a fuel injector that
> you can screw into where your spark plug goes and the car will run on
> hydrogen! So this technology would allow that to be feasible what the
> President called for. So the existing internal combustion cars and
> trucks could be converted to clean burning hydrogen until such time
> that all the cars that are made come out with a purely electric
> propulsion system that would be running off of this generator. So I
> think that, you know, this can be done. Again, we intend to get this
> information, when we have the final scientific reports in a few
> months, to the President and to his inner circle. We certainly can get
> access to that. And I think that this would be an important thing for
> the National Security Council, the aspect of it that deals with
> economic security and energy issues, to know about because there's no
> question. I mean, whether you're on the left or the right, or
> whatever, everyone acknowledges today that it is in the long term, and
> even short term interest of the United States to wean ourselves off of
> this addictive black gold known as oil. And I think that the sooner
> that can be done, the sooner we can move on to a new and more hopeful
> phase in our history.
> GN: Zero Point energy results from the principals of quantum
> mechanics, which has to do with the physics of subatomic phenomena.
> Would you explain that for us so that most of us can understand just
> what we're talking about here?
> SG: Well, as I understand it, if you look at the space around us, not
> outer space, just the space in the room where you're sitting. That
> space and the structure of space and the actually fundamental level at
> which matter and energy is fluxing out of some very potent field of
> energy.
> That's in some type of a sort of homeostasis. And what these
> technologies do is that it sort of perturbs the homeostasis enough to
> tap into that baseline energy or that energy that's in the quantum
> vacuum, some would call it, that's around us, that matter and energy
> are sort of fluxing in and out of and can tap into it and it's almost
> like pulling energy out of a reservoir of energy that's there all the
> time but isn't in a form that can actually be used. What these systems
> do is tap into that energy and in the case of the device that we saw,
> actually converts it into usable controlled energy on demand, which
> was the astonishing thing. I have to admit I have seen some other
> "over unity" systems where there's more energy coming out than put in,
> but it was in a form that was not electric power that was easily
> usable or convertible and therefore wasn't really immediately
> practical and in some cases people were estimating upwards of fifteen
> million dollars to get it into a form and an access form that this
> brilliant inventor had in this very simple system that you could
> literally pick up with one hand and carry out on a sidewalk and turn
> things on with. So I think that there's such an enormous body of
> information on this. If you look, there's a new almost thousand page
> book that Dr. Tom Bearden has put out that's almost encyclopedic in
> the information on this and he sent me a copy of it. I'm very grateful
> to him for that and I encourage people to get it if they have the
> stomach to go through the details. But I think that many people, as I
> said, Dr. Gene Mallove, Tom Valone, and many people, have studied this
> and have written about the fact that this has happened and have done
> sort of an ethnography of this where they've studied where there have
> been a whole culture of scientists over the last hundred years who
> have in fact discovered this and have invented devices that worked
> like this, but they have all met some terrible fate out of, of course,
> the big special interests and cartels that would like to keep us all
> metered to the public utility companies and to the gas pumps and while
> that's certainly understandable, it's no big surprise that people of
> vast economic and power and geopolitical interests would do such
> things. We're at the point now that it cannot go forward any further
> without jeopardizing the entirety of the human future.

This is pure hype. Bearden's stuff has been discredited in Scientific
American. Joe Firmage, against my strong advice, bought into a lot of
this nonsense as I describe in my books at <http://www.1stbooks.com>.
> GN: How long had your inventor been working on this project?
> SG: Seven years.
> GN: That's not bad! That's not bad in R & D [research and development].
> Did he ever explain to you why this revelation came to him? Why he
> decided to do this?
> SG: Well, this is an individual who has had a passion for
> electromagnetism and electricity since apparently age seven. By age
> ten was taking things apart and coming up with just extraordinary
> innovative little inventions all on his own, as a ten year old person
> - child. And now, of course, put his focus on this and also did study
> the - very carefully the study of the early greats like Tesla and
> Faraday and Maxwell and what have you. And in fact, apparently,
> between that knowledge and his own experimentation, intuition, insight
> - a gift if you want to call it - was able to devise this system. I
> have to say we were stunned.
> I know that three of the members of our board of directors were there,
> and one of them is a very successful businessman who was just
> completely in a state of - stunned - because of the implications of
> this thing.
> Because this particular businessman was telling me how he spends two
> hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year just in electric utility
> bills for his business and I went "My god in heaven! I would like to
> make that much as a doctor!"
> He said, "Yes, that's just my electric utility bill."
> I said, "Oh my gosh. Imagine what that would do!" And this person is
> not General Motors, of course, but what . efficiency it could add to
> our civilization and the cost reduction it could bring to
> manufacturing and the ability for each home to have its own - even
> micro-agricultural greenhouse where you have a computer controlled
> delivery of water, heat, and what have you, under controlled
> circumstances. The energy would be free. You could, almost in any
> climate, have and grow organically almost anything you would need. The
> rate-limiting thing to most of these developments is the high cost of
> energy and the very polluting forms of energy. If you change that
> equation you fundamentally change the way humans live on Earth.
> GN: Now realistically, Steven, if you had no obstacles, and you're
> going to have some, but if you didn't have any, when do you think you
> might be able to get something like this to market, or at least to a
> practical test phase?
> SG: A practical test phase - we're shooting for two to three months,
> and out to then a manufacturable prototype after the test phase,
> perhaps a year or so, and then after that to market. We hope that by
> the first quarter or mid-2004 these can be made available. Now, of
> course, we don't know what we're going to encounter and when you get
> into these sorts of engineering issues you may run into all kinds of
> disappointments and so I'm speculating here, but this is our intention
> and we intend to be able to do that. And remember, there are many
> applications for this. Imagine if you had a power up system for
> satellites so that you didn't have them failing in their power or
> having solar panels that had micro-meteorites damaging them, you could
> extend the life of satellites and save an enormous amount of money. If
> you had these things, these sort of power systems eventually could be
> in every appliance so that every appliance wouldn't even need to be
> plugged in. Eventually you could have construction so homes wouldn't
> even have wiring. Every lamp and every appliance could have its own
> power source. This thing is efficient and miniaturizable, if there is
> such a word - so that you could do this and you would be able to have
> everything that is made have its own power source and it would
> completely change the way architecture and construction takes place.
> Of course the list just goes on and on, but our goal is to be able to
> do this at least in a generation one stable, usable system, certainly
> within a year to year and a half. I would like to think sooner, but
> knowing how things happen in the world, I think it could very well be
> that long or a bit longer. I would caution we don't want to take too
> much longer. We are going to be very aggressively capitalizing this,
> putting the funds into this, so that that can be done and we can
> collapse the timeframe because, frankly, Tom Bearden and I were
> discussing this one time just before we were meeting with members of,
> doing a briefing for, the staff of the senate environment committee.
> He said that if these new technologies don't begin to roll off of the
> conveyor belt like sausages by the first quarter, or some time around
> that, of 2004, given the fact that the biosphere is being so strained,
> given the geopolitical tensions, we may simply just be out of time.
> So, I think it's a stroke before midnight and we really need to make
> this project succeed. I hope that this technology holds up to the
> scrutiny. I can't say that at this point. I can say that the onsite
> testing was extremely promising and I'm hopeful that it will hold up
> to reproduceability studies and to the scientific analysis that are
> required in our society and which our team requires, so that will be
> done in the next few months and we will hope for the best.
> GN: All right. And you're still going to continue to follow up with
> your Disclosure Project, I'm sure.
> SG: Yes, this is the first part of it and in fact this is one of the
> big disclosures. Remember, UFOs are secret not because people are so
> afraid so much of extraterrestrials but because UFOs themselves are
> running off of energy and propulsion systems that would replace the
> need for oil and gas. So, the secrecy has been mostly out of greed,
> not out of a security.
> GN: Very good. Thanks Steven. Keep us in touch! Dr. Steven Greer. Just
> go to my website and link up to his. He has two websites
> disclosureproject(.org) and seaspower(.com).
> End of hour

An observation about most free energy design claims: No names, No peer published papers, No address,  No patent filings, No professional references, No track record, No independent testing, No real contacts.

The following statement is from Jim Giglio:


On May 9, 2001, Greer's "Disclosure" efforts came to fruition in a CSETI-sponsored show put on at the National Press Club. Some twenty alleged "insiders" came forward and told their stories; it was a pathetic farce. For the most part, these "witnesses" were retired low-level military personnel who provided accounts of their own personal UFO sightings while in the service.

But there was one witness who caught my attention and held it.  This was a fellow named Mark McCandlish. He started by claiming that he had once seen vehicles, equipped with reverse-engineered UFO antigravity capability, levitating off the floor of an airplane hangar while an air show was going on outside (Somehow this story was supposed to make sense). He then proceeded to display a photograph of a UFO supposedly taken more than 30 years ago by an Air Force pilot from the cockpit of a C-47 in the vicinity of Provo, Utah.

I was dumbfounded when I saw this image; it's a proven fake, and has been known to be a fake for 34 years.  The image was investigated by the Colorado project as "Case 7" in the final report. For some reason, the image itself was not included in  that report. But in 1995 the lead investigator on the case, Roy Craig, published a black-and-white print of the image in his memoir of his time on the project. I contacted Dr. Craig by e-mail about three years ago, and was able to obtain a copy of the original color slide. I scanned the image, and it can be seen at this temporary URL:

The testimony of McCandlish, fully supported by Greer, is simply  ludicrous. I repeat; the image he displayed is a fake and has been known to be a fake for 34 years. Yet Greer claims, based on this kind of silliness, to be embarked on a mission to influence U.S. space and energy policy, as well as international diplomacy, at the highest levels. Now perhaps Greer has evidence that the image in question is NOT a fake; if so, the time to have
presented that evidence was on May 9th 2001 at the "Disclosure"  event, while McCandlish was waving the thing around in front of the cameras.

He didn't do so, which indicates either (1) that he's perfectly well aware that the image is a fake, and cynically believes that the audience he appeals to is made up of gullible fools who can be taken in by fabricated evidence, or (2) that he himself is massively under-informed on the issue he claims to be an expert on, and also knows absolutely nothing about how to vet a witness before that witness appears in a high-profile public forum.

Of course he might blame this blooper on poor staff work, but that's not much of an excuse. Greer brags endlessly about how his associates and consultants represent the highest levels of the intelligence and aerospace and scientific communities and how they come from deep inside the "black project" world. If those guys are actually to blame, then just how well-qualified are they? And wasn't Greer responsible for selecting them in the first place?

This is D.C., the most powerful city in the world, and Greer claims to working to influence the powers-that-be in this center of power, on the most important issues facing humanity. You don't get to be influential in this town, on those issues, with those movers and shakers, by putting on a clownish display featuring fabricated evidence, even if the clownisheness involves only a single piece of evidence (which it didn't).

BTW: Greer would probably claim, in response to the fact that the Colorado project exposed the Case 7 image as a fake, that the entire staff of the project was on the CIA payroll. He said that on the air a few years ago, when I called a local talk show he  was appearing on, as if that would totally discredit all their work. I'd be curious to know what his evidence for that claim might be; not even the most ardent Colorado project critics (at least not the serious ones) would make such a sweeping claim.



The following was posted by Tim Harwood  timharwoodx timharwood@usa.net

I spoke to Greer's crew with a view to possible development work several months ago. My impression was a bunch of vaguely well intentioned folks, who were big on hype, and low on substance. Later I read on Eric's site someone said they were 'in search of an idea,' which was about right.

  One thing I will say, is that the millions dollar offer is nmost definitely FAKE. I can confirm that to you all. They just give a load of b.s. non binding promises. There is no million dollars on offer, as such. It's like Randi's Million dollar challenge. It's just a publicity stunt to get attention.

But more than that, what I disliked, was that they were clearly looking for an inventor who would present the device on a plate, fully formed, in the final stages of development, and then just sign away all his rights to Greer, so that Greer could take all the credit for 'making it happen.'

Honestly, even if you had something that worked, you'd have to be terminally brain damaged to want to work with Greer. Unless Leopards change their spots, which I've not seen happen often in life, I'd advise anyone with a working device to find some decent venture capitalists, rather than going anywhere near Greer's comedy show.

'> Hi Jerry,
> Is Steven Greer chasing the Marks device?  I read some email trash about Greer being on Coast to Coast with George Nori and what the
>transcript said sounded like a Steven Marks scam that Greer has swallowed hook line and sinker.'

All too believable.


Tom Bearden’s MEG device A rational review of meg claims  and Randi’s info and  very good skeptical information on Bearden

free energy scams   T

back to Eric's main Dennis Lee page    what about Joe Newman? Also, Amin, Mills (who may be legit?) Tilley, Perendev, Bearden Lutec and Tewari

  http://www.tinaja.com/pseudo01.html - a look at psuedoscience on the web

  my $1000 prize for proof of free energy of     Carl Tilley’s free energy scam EXPOSED

·  The Museum of Unworkable Devices  a great overview of them

·  INE Free Energy Devices Database -  - another great list of FE claims
 his skeptic pages and crack pot pages
 Milt's discussion of Free Energy and Ceti
A excellent history of perpetual motion machines from an Australian skeptic

 Free energy FAQs

·  how to become a Free Energy con man

what about 300 mpg carburetors?

·  Eric's discussion of real forms of free energy

·  A more believing history of free energy claims

·  Another good overview of Free energy claimants Crank Dot Net | free energy

·  Bob Schadewald claims to have invented a Perpetual motion machine - but will the big conspiracy stop him?



he writer of it doesn't understand that many fraud perpetrators claim they've been offered outrageous sums to hook investors and then disappear after being detected to avoid incarceration - which gets interpreted by believers as evidence of a conspiracy.

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