This page is by "Eric the skeptic" who has been unable to find quality evidence for any free energy claim. He provides a popular History of False Free Energy Claims. But, to be positive, the following are some real free energy possibilities:

I simulated a broadcast station array with my antenna program. I used ideal situations to give the farthest possible results on the claim you told me about someone intercepting kilowatts of power from a 10 KW broadcast station. I don't recall the distance from the station that was stated.
I used 540 kHz. for the transmit frequency (longest wavelength in the broadcast band), two 1/4 wave tall towers (approx. 450') in the highest gain two tower phased array design. This is two towers spaced 1/4 wave apart fed 135 degrees difference. A total of 50 KW was fed to the two towers. The ground used for the simulation was IDEAL ground. I moved a matched, terminated third 450' tower towards the other two towers until I got 1 KW into the third "freeloader" tower. The distance was 2400' from the closer transmitter tower. I didn't bother simulating with real ground yet. Results would be worse, the third tower would have to be closer. I wanted to use ideal conditions to show the absolute farthest you can be from the tower. Higher gain arrays could be made with more towers. But this should be a yardstick to discriminate against the bull___. I hope this is a help. What was that previous claim?   73, Radio Tom

Here are some really whacked out ideas from Fred Mitchell for FE:

* piezoelectricity - strap some quartz crystals to bridges and roads at the right places and generate electricity during rush hour traffic. Or bury them near a fault line in California!

* swivel chairs - wire up dynamos to all the swivel chairs in an office and use that power to run all the coffee makers! Attach solenoids with magnetic cores to chairs so electricity is generated when you get up and sit down. Let that power run the computer at your desk.  I can just see the slogans. Bounce your Butt to Keep it Up!

The ultimate problem with the above ideas is the same problem that the media won’t admit about solar voltaics:  “It takes more energy to make a device that harnesses energy in these ways than you would ever get from the device”. 

There will still be lots of scientists and fringe inventors still looking for cold fusion or over unity machine or space energy and the following is a great summary of current free energy claims. Before you get too excited about any of them, consider that none have made a serious effort to go for my $10000 prize for proof of a free energy machine.  Some people say, “there is huge power to be had in real perpetual motion, like the earth spinning or atoms spinning” – this is true, but there is no frame of reference where we could harness such motive energy sources.  Most talk of power from hydrogen is BS, because most all available hydrogen is already burnt – its ashes are what we call WATER.  And it will always take more energy to separate hydrogen out from water than you can get burning it back.

·  Get Power From a Resistor

·   More Free Energy and Hot Air - by Milton Rothman


·  Joe Newmans Free Energy Claims - are they valid?

·   Free Energy FAQ page

·   free energy with wires and magnets

·  Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in Hawaii

·  Electricity out of thin air   What about claims of reactionless drives?

·  Perpetual Motion Machines ("Over-Unity Devices")

·  whynot - some free energy ideas (some may work, but are very low power)
pages exposing Joe Newman and  Dennis Lee who some people suspect of leading a nationwide scam.  Also, Amin, Mills  (who may be legit?)   Tewari Also, Tilley, Perendev, Bearden Lutec Xogen and GWE cold fusion

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·  More rants by Eric
