updated 8/01
This page is fine, but many linked pages may deal with : adult or sexual issues, illegal activities, bigotry, racism, drugs, or pornography
  • see Crack Pot FAQs I have a fascination with alternative delusional thinking. Hey, who knows maybe general thinking is wrong and some of these people are right (wouldn't be the first failure of the perception of the masses). Maybe nut cases provide a rich "intellectual gene pool". They may be fun to laugh at, but most crack pots are well meaning people who lead difficult lives.
  • ***HATE GROUPS***

  • AIDS was made to wipe out people?
  • Animal Rights, Violence and Domestic Terrorism , folks who love critters but hate people
  • Bambi Killers  , people who hate critters
  • Bert is Evil
  • Charles Manson
  • Christian haters and more Christian haters.
  • DENVER -home of the New World Order?
  • Disgruntled Postal Worker Zone
  • Electric Chair Page
  • GAY NAZI's and Finnish Nazi's
  • Group tracking hate groups.
  • Hating Gays for the other point of view: Eric's homophobe page
  • Hating Jews  luckily there is another point of view:  ADL,  fight anti-Semitism and bigotry
  • Hating lady die , this is really sick!
  • Hating men
  • Hell
  • Hitler's Jewish Army
  • How Santa is really Satan
  • Keeping women locked up?
  • Media Bypass , a pro militia publication.
  • Nation of Islam , "UFO's will rain down destruction on white America"
  • Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - the document which inspired Hitler. and a  response .
  • Prince Charles is the anti Christ
  • Satanists
  • Santa  is a really Satan
  • Scientology Cult Deaths
  • Sesame Street Hoods
  • Seven Seals Revelation , Pro Waco wackos. - another look at  End of the world claims
  • Star trek is EVIL!
  • Terrorists from Peru
  • The Church of Euthanasia , a tasteless bunch of anti-human perverts!
  • The "God Hates Fags", web page. and More gay hating
  • The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
  • This broad really hates men!
  • Trying to confront hate groups.
  • Unibomber
  • White Racists




    ***GROSS LOSERS***

  • Are you really bored?  Check out the: Dead People Server.
  • Adult Baby Diaper Club
  • Barf Bag Museum
  • Burping Contest
  • Chronos Apollonios' Possible Resources for World Improvement , sure buddy...
  • Doodie, sick new cartoons every week.
  • fake poo poo
  • Fat Boys From Hell
  • Jeff Z's Site Full o' Crap , I'm not kidding...  This is the title!
  • Los Angeles County Coroner's Office gift Shop
  • Maggot Therapy and You
  • Museum of Dirt
  • Museum of Menstruation
  • Outhouse Museum
  • The Celebrity Vomit Page
  • The Farting Homepage
  • The Fugliest People on the net.
  • The Twisted World of Zooass
  • The Urine Therapy Home page
  • The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
  • Tired of you existing career? Well then try: Professional Flatulence.
  • Roadkills-R-Us
  • Snot
  • Strange Food?Fetal Cannibalism in China! and People on the net.
  • Virtual Vomit , this guy has wwwwwway too much free time!
  • Women can urinate standing upright? , sick lady!



    ***JUST  STUPID***

  • Afro Squad
  • AstroButter,what a natural mix - butter products and astronomy!
  • Bad Fads Museum
  • Barney evil?  Into the Purple Abyss .
  • Busting out?
  • Buy land on Mars?
  • CAR LIVING: - guide to living out of your car
  • Chupacabra -the latest monster.
  • Computer Virus Myths , this guy debunks many myths.
  • Conspiracy to kill Diana?
  • Darwin Awards  , this is a site dedicated to stupid people everywhere.
  • DNA - hyper dimensions (Timothy Leary)
  • E.T. Corn Gods , for those who seek such lameness...
  • Earthly Delights , sweet dreams.
  • Eric Krieg's list of bogus promises.
  • Flight 800 was shot down.
  • Furby Stress Testing
  • Hamsterdance. and more rodent stupidity: Church of the Gerbil  and Church of the Bunny
  • Home Depot Stupidity
  • Killer Kangaroos!
  • Misinterpreted Rock Lyrics
  • magnetic spaceship
  • Monty Python
  • National Enquirer
  • Prehistoric Dogs
  • Silent Beep = the End of our High -Tech Age.
  • Smoke more cigarettes another smokers page.
  • Sovereignty , Don't pay your taxes?!?
  • Stupid (but patented) inventions!
  • Stupid Egg Tricks
  • That's Offensive!
  • The comet will kill us all!
  • The Illustrated Guide To Breaking Your Computer
  • The lowest of supermarket line tabloids.
  • The MOTHMAN of West Virginia.
  • The Official Reverse Speech Web site
  • The Stupid Page - Funny Stories and Humor.
  • The USELESS pages!
  • The World Wide Scam Network
  • The Worst Country Song Titles
  • Translate text to Jive Pig Latin or ValSpeak.
  • Uploading your brain into a computer.
  • Urban Legends Reference Page
  • Wall-o-shame, funny stuff!
  • ***NEW  AGE***
  • Acupuncture
  • Aliens, Illuminatti, conspiracy, pyramids, oh my!
  • Arcosanti , Bizarre ecological societies.
  • Charles Fort was the first fringe investigator of strange stuff.
  • Jean Houston's Mystery School
  • Museum of Unnatural History
  • MAJESTYTWELVE,this has evidence that Art Bell is really part of the new world order and that the Apollo missions were faked.
  • Rebirthing
  • Return of the Phoenix , Edgar Cayce says the world will end soon.
  • Russians looking for Atlantis?
  • Sites Pointing to WorldTrans , long list of new age sites.
  • Spook Central , a guide to new age wackos.
  • The Fane of Psilocybe Mushroom , A group of druggies.
  • The Nation of Freaks!
  • The Underground Net , Sollog -claims to predict the future.
  • The Way DOMA , wacky female channeling cult.
  • Treasures & Truth Productions , A channeled entity called Antarr.
  • UFOs, Aliens, and the Antichrist
  • Unarius , new age society.
  • Uri Geller's Interactive Pphacthic City , another phony pphacthic.-get the scoop on him .



  • Alternative Static , a friend of Mike Fuchs made this site - it is nicely designed.
  • Billboard Liberation
  • Canadian Association for the Peaceful Takeover of the USA
  • Confederate States of America , they want to splinter off the south.
  • Crackpot political group: Natural Law Party  - on the positive side:  Debunking onspiracy Theories
  • Freemen of Montana
  • Is Bill Clinton killing off his critics?
  • Is Fidel Castro Queer?
  • Executive Intelligence Review (Lyndon LaRouche)
  • Mommar Qadafies Green Book
  • The Clinton Body Count , scary (both the content & author of this site)
  • The Patriot Page , Another "the government is out to get us" page.
  • The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy



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