the Space Power Generator of Mr. Paramahamsa

posted 3/16/02  at:  by Eric Krieg

NEWS release – TEWARI’s people have used legal attacks to suppress an account previously found here by an Indian author which were skeptical of TEWARI’s claims.  I have reluctantly agreed to the original authors plea to remove the article.  I believe there will always be places that a determined person could find copies of it posted to various email lists and discussion boards.  Suffice it to say that I sure as hell wouldn’t invest any money in Tewari’s ideas – they sure sound like one more (of many many) free energy scams out there.  I personally have been subject to threats of lawsuits for being willing to present free energy information on the web, I resent con men with lots of money who use lawsuits or threats there of to try to suppress the truth.


 I encourage people to check with the Indian Skeptics regarding paranormal claims from that area.

The person who originally was willing to openly speak on Tewari wasVasanth D. Kamath -

The following is an opposing point of view from Tewari:




Kamath has cast slur on my scientific researches.Following details are considered essential to be given to you.CGL's association is also mentioned below at the end


For one and half decade after my graduation( B.Sc.Engineering, 1958), I brooded off and on, on the basic nature of space and matter,and came to the conclusion: Space is a non-material (nonviscous, continuous, massless) superfluid, with a limiting velocity of flow, equal to speed of light; electron is a space vortex with a discontinuity of energy at its crnter.A brief paper on this "The Physical Universe" was sent(1974) to Foundation of Physics.The Editor admired my ideas but the paper , being qualitative, was not published. An Indian physicist, to whom I approached for help for publication, published a paper with the basic content of the above postulate in his own name with no credit to me. I privately published my first book "The Substantial Space and Void- Nature of elementary material Particles" (1977), which received encouraging comments from Dr.J.A.Wheeler, USA, most eminent Physicist. He said, he too worked earlier on 'Polyelectrons' approach (1946).Thereafter, Dr.Wheeler, was kind enough to give his encouraging comments, most valuable to me, on each of my further books (Space Vortices of Energy and Matter,1978; The Origin of Electron's Mass, Charge, gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields from the Empty Space,1982; Beyond Matter,1984).In fact, Dr.Wheeler had wished at one stage to include my work along with his own and of Dr, Shield.

Since 1974 onwards, leading news papers of Indian Press have given most favourable coverage to my theory (subsequently named as 'space vortex theory), on account of its originality.Extensive correspondence with scientists internationally on the details of this theoretical work started since late seventies and continues till was first published in 1982 in the International Conference on Space Time Absoluteness, Genoa, by late Dr. Stefan marinov. The theory has been debated in International Conferences in USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, and published in their Proceedings.

The late Bruce Depalma, the inventor of the N-Generator, learnt of my theoretical works and sent some of his experimental findings. I was looking for an experimental proof to space vortex theory, and to obtain this, after checks on Depalma's machine, I undertook researches on this system as well. All my scientific researches have been as a spare-time hobby, since I had been totally  engaged in my pfofessional work, executing construction of nuclesr projects.

But, for my spre time researches on this new system of over-unity machine, there was clearance from the Parliament.

I have also authored a book; Spiritual Foundation.

After retirement (1997), development of SPG was carried out as a joint effort with CGL. During this period, the improvements from the earlier system have led to an enhancement of Inc.Efficiency to 250% . As is known, convential machines do not produce more than 100% incr.eff. The system now is fully commercialy viable as an industrial heater;can produce more than 150% heat output.Any agency with engineering background from India or abroad can test this machine. Full details are being published soon for the benefit of researchers wordwide.

I do not know of any Indian skeptic group that you mention. None from this country has ever been critical of my researches, but for this single individual, unknown to me.As I said before, all leading news papers have been covering my researches in the last two decades, at least once in two years.Prominent science magazines too, in past, have covered my work exceedingly well.An International Conference on Space Physics was planed in Nov' 2001;was postponed due my illhealth and limited responce;despite that a senior engineer from UK came and witnessed the test on SPG. Scientists/Engineers from USA, Italy, Germany, Australia, have witnessed my experiments here in past.  

 I am awaiting your confirmation that the offensive letter of Kamath is being removed by you from your web. It is not appropriate to retain totally distorted facts at your web site if you want to be factual.

best wishes   






Dear Eric


LCE can not be violated in processes covered under mechanics and thermodynamics; but this is not true in electrodynamics as per my propositions in space vortex theory (svt). With the help of papers3, and 4, available in, (published in Journal of New Energy, and Explore), I am briefly explaining below this aspect;

A dc generator, running at no-load, has EMF(E) induced with excitation power given to it.When this generator is loaded, input to its prime mover increases proportionately, but the excitation power remains unchanged (neglecting voltage regulation adjustments of excitation). As discussed in Paper-4, generation of EMF on no-load does not react on the prime mover; and yet electrons in the conductor are pushed to one end creating negative polarity there, without consuming additional power, or without loss of the magnetic field strength. The other end of the conductor becomes positive polarity. In an ideal generator (paper-4), emf generation consumes no power, because the constant excitation power is all the time available in the electromagnet as heat. When the generator is loaded, it is presently believed, that the EMF drives the current, that is, electrons are pushed in the conductor against the repulsive forces in between them, by the EMF across the conductor, Now, since E was produced without consuption of energy, how can it possess energy to force the electrons against their repulsive forces in the current? It is believed that a neutral conductor has flow of electrons at each x-section, such that equal nos. of them pass through the section in opposite direction; and when EMF is applied, elctrons- flow become unidirectional. This is a mis- conception as shown further:

The positive polarity of the generator, formed due to deficit of electrons, attracts electrons from the neutral atoms of the static load ciruit conductor, thus making them positively chaged; these positive atoms, in turn, pull out electrons from their neighboring neutral atoms; and thus the flow of electrons is maintained under attractive force between the charged atoms and electrons. (paper 4) The co-linear elements of current in a conductor have attractive force(Late Dr. Marinov). The attraction of the electrons by the successively charged atoms of the load circuit does not lead to depletion of the strength of the velocity field of the atoms.In other words power is not required to maintain the current in the circuit external to the generator, but the additional power on load is required within the generator to overcome the armature reaction.The source of heat produced in the circuit is explained in paper-3.

Therefore, if armature reaction can be partialy reduced, the Lenz's law is violated to that extent, because the reaction to the prime mover is reduced.

The configuration of conductors in the space power generator, with respect to the magnetic field is such that the armature reaction can be reduced appreciably. It is due to this system that the generator that I presently have gives an incr. eff. of about 250%.


best wishes 



___________________________________   The following is a letter from a supporter

Would you please add the following (also attached) reviews of P. Tewari's work to your web Page?
Have you read all the papers at Tewari's web page?  Wheeler read what Tewari had to say, what are your thoughts on the theories presented on his web page?

Thank you,
Toby Grotz

John Archibald Wheeler (often called ‘The father of the Black Hole”)

J.A. Wheelers letters to P. Tewari:

8/11/75  Describes Tewari’s work as “majestic”

2/1/77  Mentions his work on “Polyelectrons” and how Sternglass, Schild, and most recently Tewari have renewed his interest.

2/14/85  Thanks Tewari for his book Beyond Matter and the pleasure of his association.

A review of J.A. Wheeler’s autobiography may be found at:

A short review of his life’s work can be found at:

Abus Salam
Director, International Centre for Theoretical Physics
International Atomic Energy Agency
Trieste, Italy

3/25/81 - Agrees that mass charge relationship is a key to understanding of physics.

links to other sites of interest:

The fascinating history of free energy claims
Joseph Newman
 get updates to Free Energy claims
  Dennis Lee is much like Newman
cold fusion
my prize for proof.of free energy
Can you get free energy from motors and generators?

·  for more reading of free energy scams check out the perpetual motion chapter of Jack Phins 'the 7 Follies of Science' - also the book 'Perpetual Motion: The History of an Obsession' and 'The Perpetual motion Mystery ' by R.A. Ford and 'The Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems' by D. A. Kelly.

·   Perpetual Motion - a great overview of them

·  INE Free Energy Devices Database -  - another great list of FE claims

·   The Free Energy Archive freshly updated 8/98!
Creator of this here page and his skeptic pages and crack pot pages
 Milt's discussion of Free Energy and Ceti
A excellent history of perpetual motion machines from an Australian skeptic

·  FAQs

·  My open prize money for a real free energy machine
back to my main page about Dennis Lee. -

·  how to become a Free Energy con man
Stanley Meyers gets locked up for phony water powered cars

·  what about 300 mpg carburetors?

·  Eric's discussion of real forms of free energy

·  A more believing history of free energy claims

·  Another good overview of Free energy claimants

·  Bob Schadewald claims to have invented a Perpetual motion machine - but will the big conspiracy stop him?
John Archibald Wheeler (often called ‘The father of the Black Hole”)

J.A. Wheelers letters to P. Tewari:

8/11/75  Describes Tewari’s work as “majestic”

2/1/77  Mentions his work on “Polyelectrons” and how Sternglass, Schild, and most recently Tewari have renewed his interest.

2/14/85  Thanks Tewari for his book Beyond Matter and the pleasure of his association.

A review of J.A. Wheeler’s autobiography may be found at:

A short review of his life’s work can be found at:

Abus Salam
Director, International Centre for Theoretical Physics
International Atomic Energy Agency
Trieste, Italy

3/25/81 - Agrees that mass charge relationship is a key to understanding of physics.