Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

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Table of Contents Physics Examples Aether Physics Model Einstein's Aether  Book
Evidence of God?



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Book Order
Ch 2 - Ontology
Ch 3 - Gforce
Ch 4 - Aether
Ch 5 - Dimensions
Ch 6 - Units
Ch 7 - Constants
Ch 8 - Angular Momentum
Ch 9 - Unified Force Theory
Ch 10 Atomic Mechanics
Ancient Technology


 Ch 8 - Angular Momentum


Primary Angular Momentum

It’s not a particle. It’s not a wave. It’s primary angular momentum.

Subatomic particles draw from a huge sea of primary angular momentum that coexists with Aether units. The Universe is made from Aether units, into which angular momentum is absorbed. The cause of the Aether units themselves appears to have a more primary, non-material origin. The Aether units can be thought of as holes having four different positions for subatomic particles to spin in, and angular momentum can be thought of as something that fills the holes. The dynamic Aether units contain a specific measure of angular momentum depending upon which spin position is filled. 

Why are electron and proton masses what they are? Already a potential clue exists, the onta gap number, which quantifies the value of the spread of mass between the electron and proton. This chapter includes an explanation of the onta gap number.

Primary angular momentum describes as a circle of mass moving a velocity, and thus scanning an area. This circle of mass moves through the Aether unit at the speed of light.

As primary angular momentum spins within the Aether unit, the conductance of the Aether produces strong charge. In addition, as the primary angular momentum spins within the Aether it picks up elementary charge from the Aether. These three characteristics, primary angular momentum, elementary charge, and strong charge make up the structure of the onn. 

The ratio of the spherical elementary charge to the equivalent spherical strong charge produces the fine structure of the onn. The fine structure times 8p is the point of balance where the elementary charge and strong charge interact with each other. This interaction for the electron appears in the atomic spectra of isotopes, and for atomic nuclei, the interaction determines the length of time a proton can keep its captured electron before a neutron decays.

In the Aether Physics Model, the neutron is a composite of a proton and electron. The neutron involves two separate Aether units, folded over onto each other. In one Aether unit, an electron is occupying the electron spin position and in the other unit, a proton is occupying the proton spin position. When the proton captures an electron, extra angular momentum captures along with the electron. This extra angular momentum may come from photons or it may come from neutrinos existing in between Aether units. The proton with captured electron and anti-neutrino angular momentum manifests as a neutron. As long as the neutron remains part of a nucleus through strong charge binding, the neutron will not normally decay. 

A neutrino is trapped angular momentum due to folded Aether units; there is a huge sea of angular momentum coexisting with Aether units in a more primary "space-time" type of domain. The angular momentum that draws into the Aether via the Casimir effect becomes electrons, protons, and photons. The angular momentum that does not make it into the Aether, but traps between Aether folds tends to be called neutrinos. In the Aether Physics Model, the photon is an expanding electron. For a given atom, angular momentum is arriving from all directions at varying rates. The portion of angular momentum that arrives at the atom is captured. The valence electron stores the angular momentum in the positron spin position of the Aether unit. As the quantity of angular momentum in the valence electron increases, it eventually reaches a point where the positron spin position is full and angular momentum stored in the Aether unit is equal to twice the angular momentum of one electron.

According to modern physics, the graviton is the quantum of the gravitational field. The language is different from the Aether Physics Model concerning the quantum of gravity, but the graviton closely resembles the Aether unit. Both the Aether unit and the graviton have a spin of 2 and zero physical mass. However, unlike the Standard Model, the Aether unit is not only the quantum of the gravitational field; it is the quantum of all the fields. In fact, in the Aether Physics Model, the Aether unit is the only quantum that can produce a field of any kind since it also is the source of space-resonance.

continue to Chapter 9 summary

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Last updated on Friday, June 13, 2008 03:33:06 PM