Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

A 501(c)3 Research Organization

of the

Table of Contents Physics Examples Aether Physics Model Einstein's Aether  Book
Evidence of God?



 Aether Blog


Book Order
Ch 2 - Ontology
Ch 3 - Gforce
Ch 4 - Aether
Ch 5 - Dimensions
Ch 6 - Units
Ch 7 - Constants
Ch 8 - Angular Momentum
Ch 9 - Unified Force Theory
Ch 10 Atomic Mechanics
Ancient Technology


 Ch 6 - Units



Redefining units in terms of distributed charge and quantum measurements.

Since almost all controllable physical processes occur through interactions of the electron and photon, the quantum measurements of the electron usually define the quantum measurement units. A new unit, called the photon (phtn), is equal to primary angular momentum of the electron (h) times the speed of light (c). Thus there is a discrete relationship between the activity of electrons and the production of photons. 

The newly quantified strong charge is polar and behaves as a tiny magnet. The strong nuclear force, permanent magnetism, electromagnetism, the Casimir force, Van der Waals forces… all of these are the work of the strong charge. Instead of seeing magnetic fields in terms of energy, the Aether Physics Model sees them in terms of rotating magnetic field. The Aether unit is itself the magnetic field. All charge is distributed, including the elementary charge. Magnetic moment is physically caused by the interaction of the electrostatic and electromagnetic charges within each onn (stable subatomic particle). It is further evident that the electron plays a key role in causing magnetic moment for each of the onta.

Like the phtn, light (ligt) is also a unit and is equal to the photon times the frequency of photon production (ligt = phtn * freq).  All charge is shown to be distributed and thus the units of resistance, magnetic flux, current, potential, magnetic field, and many others are reexamined accordingly.  New units result and are defined such as the unit of eddy current (eddy), which is equal to the redefined magnetic flux unit (mflx), squared.  (eddy = mflx2)

As empirical data clearly demonstrates, the reciprocal of conductance is not resistance, as believed in Classical Mechanics.  But rather, the reciprocal of conductance is magnetic flux.  This revelation explains why the imaginary number appears in the impedance equation and other equations.  With the discovery of the single-dimension charge error in Classical Mechanics, the way is open for the discovery and utility of dozens more useful units.

continue to Chapter 7 summary

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Last updated on Friday, June 13, 2008 03:29:30 PM