Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

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Table of Contents Physics Examples Aether Physics Model Einstein's Aether  Book
Evidence of God?



 Aether Blog


Book Order
Ch 2 - Ontology
Ch 3 - Gforce
Ch 4 - Aether
Ch 5 - Dimensions
Ch 6 - Units
Ch 7 - Constants
Ch 8 - Angular Momentum
Ch 9 - Unified Force Theory
Ch 10 Atomic Mechanics
Ancient Technology


 Ch 5 - Dimensions



Getting precise with the definition of “dimension”

There are four commonly known, fundamental dimensions; mass, charge, length, and frequency. Quantum matter has only two dimensions of length, that is, it only has surface characteristic. There is no quantum matter that is solid. It is the distance between surfaces that provide the third dimension of length producing “solid matter” as we perceive it at the macro level of existence.

We perceive time as normal and frequency as the reciprocal because subatomic onta move only in the forward dimension of time. In reality, the onta are acting like “time diodes”. What we really see is a pulsed forward motion of time, not unlike a rectified AC current produces pulsed DC current. Since all subatomic matter beats to the same pulse in forward time, time appears as linear to our perception.

Visualizing the forward and backward time, it is possible to see how time and space are curved such that distributed frequency appears as spherical and space appears as a loxodrome. But once again, this geometry can only be seen from beyond the material world (such as being visualized in our mind through meditation.) When the material world is viewed from within the material world, i.e. from the body’s senses, then we are viewing from half-spin perspective and see only three dimensions of space and one dimension of pulsed, linear time (normally called 4D reality.)

The presentation of time and space in terms of curvature implies that curved geometry is inherent to Aether. In the Aether Physics Model, the curved geometry of Aether is presented as a function of frequency squared. Frequency squared resolves to a sphere with a surface constant of 4p.  In this sense, the spherical constant could be considered a fifth type of dimension in addition to mass, charge, length, and frequency. 

When expressed in cgs units, permeability, permittivity, conductance, and rotating magnetic field (Aether unit) are expressed solely in terms of the 4p spherical constant and the speed of light. So it is shown that Aether is a function of curvature and motion, much like the ancient philosophers taught.

Not only can Aether view as a function of spherical geometry and the speed of light, but we also see charge express entirely in terms of the other three dimensions.  This demonstrates that charge is indeed orthogonal to angular momentum. Strong charge is equal to angular momentum times Aether conductance.

The fine structure constant is the proportion by which the strong charge must multiply in order to bring the spherical elementary charge and equivalent spherical strong charge into unity. In Secrets of the Aether, we demonstrate the existence of another conservation law of physics, it is the conservation of charge geometry.

The rotating magnetic field is not just a single magnetic field spinning in one direction. It is a bi-directional spin composed of two toroidal shaped electromagnetic charges spinning adjacent to each other, but in opposite directions.  In the two-spin version of rotating magnetic field, it is also oscillating between forward and backward time.

There are two manifestations of the rotating magnetic field. There is the two-spin manifestation, which is the full Aether unit and has the geometrical constant of 16p2. Then there is the one-spin manifestation of rotating magnetic field, which applies when two onn bind together. One-spin rotating magnetic field has a geometrical constant equal to the toroidal onn (4p2) times 2, because there are two oppositely spinning onta in a binding. 

The bi-directional spinning toroids component of the equation are equal to the quantum measurement unit of "double cardioid." The mass to strong charge ratio of the onn is the source of electromagnetism. The rotating magnetic field unit is therefore described as an electromagnetic double cardioidal spin, or rotating magnetic field.

continue to chapter 6 summary

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Last updated on Friday, June 13, 2008 03:29:03 PM