Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

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Table of Contents Physics Examples Aether Physics Model Einstein's Aether  Book
Evidence of God?



 Aether Blog


Book Order
Ch 2 - Ontology
Ch 3 - Gforce
Ch 4 - Aether
Ch 5 - Dimensions
Ch 6 - Units
Ch 7 - Constants
Ch 8 - Angular Momentum
Ch 9 - Unified Force Theory
Ch 10 Atomic Mechanics
Ancient Technology


 Ch 10 Atomic Mechanics


Atomic Mechanics

How Atoms Release Energy

The only time Aether space overlaps is when two onta bind together through the strong force causing the Aether to fold over onto itself. Two Aether units without angular momentum passing through it cannot overlap because their charges would repel each other. When two onta come close to each other, their strong charges attract and cause the Aether units they are in to fold on top of each other. This is just like two magnets getting too close to each other, which suddenly gain energy, align their poles, and accelerate until they contact. 

In the Aether Physics Model, the onta model as tubular loxodromes within space-resonance. When looking down the time axis we can see what a particle would look like in the world as perceived through human eyes (from within the forward time direction of half-spin onta). 

Light is essentially accelerating angular momentum. When light strikes an atom, angular momentum from the light is absorbed and transferred to the valence electron. The absorption is a process of decelerating angular momentum. 

In one quantum moment, there are a given number of photon fronts arriving at an atom. The photon front has a certain amount of angular momentum available to transfer to the atom. In order for that angular momentum to be absorbed, the frequency of the arriving light must time to the frequency of the atom or molecule receiving the light, otherwise it reflects. If the frequency of the atom or molecule is a frequency of the arriving light (even a harmonic frequency), the light will instantly decelerate and release the angular momentum, thus absorbing into the atom or molecule.

As angular momentum is absorbed into the atom or molecule, it is stored with the valence electron. The storage capability exists due to the valence electron having an “empty” positron spin position adjacent to it in the Aether unit (as all electrons do). The positron spin position and electron spin position have opposite direction of spin (and charge) but they both hold the same quantity of angular momentum. The accumulating angular momentum will continue to be stored in the positron position until the positron position is full. Since the two spin positions couple, the resulting onn is a double-sized electron. Since the electron-positron pair are coupled at their poles and have opposite spin, their north poles (or south poles) are adjoining within the Aether unit.

Depending how fast the positron spin position is filled (frequency of the atom or molecule), the complete double sized onn is kicked out of its valence orbit to a higher shell. This likely occurs because the combined electron-positron pair has no net negative charge, and is no longer attracted to the positive charge of the proton, or its strong charge neutralizes by the combination of the electron and positron, or both.

The above process of photon emission described the Compton Effect. Pair production occurs when the frequency of photons reaching an absorber is very high, such as in the bombardment with gamma rays. Instead of the double-sized onn jumping orbit to produce a photon, the entire double-sized onn knocks out of the atom or molecule. The like magnetic poles of the electron and positron then repel each other into opposite directions.  And since the mass of the electron and positron are matter and anti-matter, they also experience a gravitational repulsion.

The mechanics of pair production does not differ much from the Standard Model mechanics of pair production, except that photons are viewed as the transfer of angular momentum instead of the transfer of energy.  In the Aether Physics Model, the Aether unit mediates the strong force by acting on the strong charge. In cases where the strong charges keep a small distance apart, the Aether unit of Rotating Magnetic Field mediates the force manifesting between the strong charges.

If there is truly a conservation of energy and mass, then it should cost almost twice the fusion binding energy to separate the helium nucleus in a fission process. This is true since some of the subatomic mass was already lost during the fusion process (the mass lost during fusion must be replaced to conserve angular momentum, mass, and energy in the subatomic particles). However, the data shows that there is net energy radiating out of both fission and fusion processes; and the Standard Model theory clearly claims the “binding energy” is positive for both. 

In the Aether Physics Model, onta bind to each other when Aether folds. Each independent Aether unit has a spin position available for a proton and anti-proton. When the proton spin position is full, the anti-proton spin position is not. The anti-proton spin position is equivalent to a proton spin position in another Aether unit at 180 degrees. When two protons come close enough, their Aether units fold over each other such that each proton fills the anti-proton spin position of the other proton. The same mechanism holds true for the neutron. Since the neutron is essentially a proton, except with a bound electron, it too shares the same mechanics. 

The proton and neutron have slightly different angular momenta. This tends to cause protons to join only with protons through folded Aether units, and neutrons to join only with neutrons through folded Aether units. Thus, both protons and neutrons will generate the same “magic number” patterns independently of each other in various isotope configurations.

In addition, a proton and neutron can bind via electromagnetic charge (strong force) by adjoining their magnetic orientations. The neutron having a neutralized electrostatic charge assists the process of adjoining. 

The pattern of binding takes the exact form identified by Linus Pauling in his Spheron Model of atomic structure. In either the fusion or the fission reactions, the dynamic Aether units move and thus the force between the atoms moves. The Gforce within the Aether units is the source of the “binding energy” when atomic nuclei change structure. Thus, all nuclear reactions give up more energy than what goes into the reaction.

In the Aether Physics Model, photons are onta with an inherent velocity. Photons can convert to electrons through the photoelectric effect. Thus if a device is properly constructed to produce photons via the Casimir effect (which is slightly corrected in the Aether Physics Model), and a circuit that converts photons to electrons is incorporated, then a steady flow of electric current can be put into motion without the need for a battery or dynamo.

As a direct result of strong charges continually coming in proximity to each other in atoms and molecules, and photons manifest between strong charges, there is a constant stream of new primary angular momentum introduced into the visible Universe. Atoms continually absorb these new photons, converting them to electrons, positrons, and photons via the photoelectric effect, Compton Effect, and pair production. The same process occurs between protons and neutrons to produce gamma rays. Essentially, all corona effects are photons generated by the Casimir effect.

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Last updated on Friday, June 13, 2008 03:22:11 PM