Eric's skeptic page  -last updated 1/1/1  available at

"I'm so skeptical, I can hardly believe it!"

I feel the world's biggest root problem is ignorance  - more rational thought would go a long way to help.  

·   recent story on healing pucks

·  frequent questions about skepticism get on Eric's Skeptic email list

·  I've investigated the paranormal claims of Therapeutic Touch

·  My page examining Dowsing and Homeopathy

·  My page examing Astrology

·  My central focus is Free Energy Claims by Dennis Lee and the free energy claims of Joe Newman

·  I provide a guide to Fringe Kooky Kristian Kulture I've gotten some hot headed responses

·  The web's largest list of Crack pot web sites I have a sick fascination with lunatics and irrationality

·  I offer a $10000 prize  for proof of free energy! and Free Energy FAQ

·  My early look at Wilhelm Reich's Orgonomy claims
science fair ideas for young rational students
a story in Wired magazine mentioning me: One Man's Power Game

·  Looking at both sides of Homeopathy -

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Other of my skeptical rants:

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·  near by pro-paranormal resources:

   I recommend the following group for examing paranormal claims:

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