Wilhelm Reich and orgone
Free discussion of

Excellent information can be found from PORE the PUBLIC ORGONOMIC RESEARCH EXCHANGE

This site seems to provide links to both points of view  This page is found at:  http://www.phact.org/e/orgonomy.htm

A scientific test of Reich's claims .

An archive of this site

A Skeptical Scrutiny of the Works and Theories of Wilhelm Reich
  Institut für Energetische Medizin -German site covering Reich
FBI - Freedom of Information Act - Wilhelm Reich
Orgonization Man
Reich: How To Use (Voyer)
EARTHFILES - The Mysterious Life and Death of Dr. Wilhelm Reich
Orgonometry Dot Com
FBI - Freedom of Information Act - Title - records on Reich
A recent book review of Reich
The Astrophysics of Wilhelm Reich
Salon discussion of Reich
A summary of articles on Orgonomy
Another review of Orgonomy
TIME Magazine reports on Reich
Bions Laboratory - exciting new bion research from Germany
orgonomy articals information on Bions cloud busters

·  Is Joel Carlinsky a criminal agent to hurt Orgonomy?

·  huge bibliography on Orgonomy?

·  Mailing List for Orgonomy

·  Orgonomy Mail List Archives

·  The American College of Orgonomy

·  page about Wilhelm Reich

·  Another Orgone Research Laboratory

·  Flatlandmajor publisher of Reich info

·  Orgonomy Resources

·  home page of the Wilhelm Reich Museum

·  response to skeptics of Orgonomy

·  Is Joel Carlinsky a flaked-out criminal no-good dirty stinking scum ball?

·  speculating about Joels sanity and More debate about Carlinsky and some complaints about DeMeo

·  Joels response to his critics posted 3/24/98

·  Joel bashes DeMeo - Joel's meaning in life

·  Jim Martins conversation with Eric about Orgonomy nut cases

·  build your own orgon-scope?

·  Eric's skeptic pages

·  SHAPE POWER describes Dan Davidson's analysis of the mysterious pyramid energies, Keely's aether force, Reich's orgone energy, Schauberger's diamagnetic energy, plus a host of others

·  Orgonomy mailing list -not DeMeo's

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cloudbusters - an orgonomy email list (I don’t know if they got my email list shut down)

www.drbgkoopman.com - people who are friends with DeMeo

·   ORGONE Energy Utilized For Weather Engineering Purposes:

·  Discredited scientist's disciples keep the faith - a critical review of orgonomy

archive news letters from Dr DeMeo :

·  1 How to get on his newsletter

·  2 Right to buy herbs and vitamins could soon be outlawed

·  3 Legal Prohibition Against Male Infant Circumcision?

·  4 Discussion of alternative physics relating to orgonomy

·  5 alternative position on AIDS

·  A German-Language Book on Medical Orgonomy

·  Ban the so-called "HIV Test -this is pretty nutty!

·  OBRL - Article on Steig and Reich

·  Independent Study Seminars on Orgonomy

·  Student Essay Awards

·  Energy Surges Between Jupiter and the Sun

·  Lack of Informed Consent for Surgical Mutilations




·  seeing ships a long ways away

Information on Tom Bearden

·  Charles Hatfield was said to have made rain at will but his secrete disappeared with him.

There is a new free discussion list for orgonomy, get signed on now in digest mode- it will only have about 1 message a day and should get interesting come late summer   - note: this list was shut down for reasons never given to me.  There are many in the orgonomy movement who try to suppress people offering information.
Click to subscribe to orgonomy

The following are quotes of Wilhelm Reich:

"Theoretically and practically, the notion of genes is of no use to us"  "the mechanistic and metaphysical hypothesis of heredity provices us with no possibility of understanding prenatally acquired disturbances or of eliminating them practically."
"It is apparently true that there is a "PULL" exerted by the earth upon falling bodies. But functionlly, it is not due to a pull by the inert mass of the earth - which could never be demonstrated:  It is due to the primordial converging movement of two orgone energy streams."
"most pathological charactersitics can be traced back to the effects of early upbringing and especially the influence of identification and early sexual stasis"
" Not one single productive thought on the subject of medical influencing of so-called hereditary diseases emerges from the mechanistic, metaphysical theory of heredity."  "the theory of heredity is not a science but an ethical alibi" "The finding that cancer is a disease caused by sexual starvation will have to be taken seriously"

KEY WORDS: Wilhelm Reich, accumulator, bioenergetics, bioenergy, biogenesis, bions, cancer biopathy, character analysis, cloudbuster, cloud busting, dor, dorbuster, emotion, emotional plague, forums, geiger counter, lebensenergie, libido, life energy, medical dor-buster, natural science, orgasam, origins of life, orgon, orgon energie, orgone energy, orgone energy accumulator, orgone motor, orgone therapy, orgonomy, radix, sexuality. 

times since Sept,26 1997 and was last updated 9/03

This Wilhelm Reich & Orgone Ring site owned by Eric Krieg.
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