I openly admit that I have not followed all the history of cold fusion claims and am generally ignorant on the subject. I suspect the CETI energy may have come from not accounting for friction. I would like to convince a claimant to allow me to measure excess heat myself.

most scientists consider cold fusion a form of crackpot science, but on the
other hand well over 1,000 papers on cold fusion have been published by major
 laboratories like Los Alamos in the peer reviewed literature. Unlike the
 other inventors and scientists listed on this page, cold fusion scientists
 have never claimed that the effect is 'over-unity' or that it violates any
 known laws of physics. They say it is a nuclear effect, a claim based on
 conventional nuclear evidence such as tritium, helium, radioactive species
 from transmutations, and so on. Opponents say this evidence comes from poorly
 done experiments, and they point to the deficit of neutrons, which would be
 observed if cold fusion works the same way as plasma fusion.

Jed Rothwell has loosened up my thinking some on cold fusion and told me
in 1998:

I believe "FE" stands for "free energy," loosely defined as energy that
violates mass-energy conservation. I do not believe in any such thing. I am a
staid conventionalist. As far as I know, CF experiments always show signs of
nuclear transmutations roughly commensurate with the energy output. They do
not produce ionizing radiation or neutrons commensurate with a hot fusion
reaction, but conventionally minded theorists say that many aneutronic nuclear
reactions are known, and they can envision candidates for this reaction. Of
course it is extremely difficult to measure the tiny transmutations that
accompany CF reactions, and in some cases researchers have looked for, say,
helium, but they have not found it. Helium is difficult to contain and detect,
and the margin of error in these experiments is large, so the absence of
helium is not significant. In experiments with the most careful technique and
the best instruments, at Rockwell International and elsewhere, helium roughly
commensurate with a plasma fusion reaction has always been observed. The final
output of CF appears to be a conventional nuclear product, although clearly
the intermediate steps are slower, quieter, controlled, and altogether
different. This is analogous to the difference between burning a lump of sugar
and metabolizing it. The end result is the same.

The only free energy I believe in is Gibbs Free Energy.

 Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines - this concentrates more on frauds
 Ceti's web page
 More Free Energy and Hot Air - an article critical of claims by Ceti by Milton Rothman

Tom Bearden’s MEG device A rational review of meg claims  and Randi’s info and my info

. free energy scams   Tback to Eric's main Dennis Lee page    what about Joe Newman? Also, Amin, Mills (who may be legit?) Tilley, Perendev, Bearden Lutec and Tewari Xogen and GWE Adams

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