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Updated 03/07/07

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since 01/01/03
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University of Phoenix Atlanta
KeelyNet is TOTALLY supported and sustained
by eBooks, ads and donations from our readers!

Products KeelyNet

You can Buy and Download these NOW

Enhanced 'High Voltage and Free Energy Devices' eBook - $15.00

Little Pyramid Builder' eBook - $5.00

'14 Ways to Save on Fuel Costs' eBook - $15.00

Snailmail DVD

Physics of Crystals DVD - $20.00

>>> AVAILABLE NOW! - 3rd Edition <<<
BLAST-IT! - Rife Researchers book
nearly 5 pounds, 746 pages - Only $99.95 + S&H

As of 11/01/06, 'Breakthrough to New Free Energy Devices'
by Dan Davidson, is NO LONGER AVAILABLE,
I haven't adjusted the catalog yet for this one.

NOTE: Orders INSIDE the United States, allow 1-2 weeks shipping!
Orders OUTSIDE the United States, allow 2-5 weeks shipping!

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Attempted delivery to incorrect addresses after notification will result in additional re-shipping charges or after 30 days, the products will be returned to inventory.

All Sales of books/videos are FINAL, no refunds

For each tape or group, add S&H
$19.95 per single tape
4 tapes (your choice) for $69.95
or all 8 tapes for just $139.95
Details about the conference & Speakers

This conference has been referred to as;

'the best energy conference EVER' - Henry Curtis

'five stars, absolutely the best conference I ever attended' - Peter Lindemann

'...excellent and groundbreaking' - Nathan Hanish

'great conference, hope you have more, gave me some hope for our civilization' - Bill Pryatel

'Great conference Decker, too bad you didn't charge us all $500 each, we would all pay for it and it would be worth it!' - Dan Davidson

'I thought the conference was great...its my intention to start experimenting within the next year along the lines of the Konzen motor.' - Jim Ramsey

'I feel the conference was a roaring success for it established a working relationship between fellow researchers.' - Norm Wootan

Wonderful conference, I am an electronics engineer, I must say, the talk of Peter Lindemann impressed me very much. - Roelof attended from the Netherlands

What was the outcome of the conference? Any POP for overunity Gray motors or some such? - Best regards, Hal Puthoff

High Voltage & Free Energy book - $16.95 plus S&H

I have decided to begin offering products as a means to augment income and support research. Suffice it to say the website will have a special section to document progress and as experiments are carried out, they will be posted to the website in a basic form, and available in the full versions on CD, video and/or manuals as George Wiseman does.

This differs from other sites who ONLY sell their information AND in the KeelyNet tradition, a POP document will be posted here for free so that folks can do the basic experiment(s) themselves.

I have long refrained from selling anything on the website, preferring KeelyNet to remain unfettered by forced advertisements or products and am grateful to those who have made donations over the years to back up this stance.

However, times and circumstances change and as one fellow pointed out on the discussion list, 'it's time to start EXPERIMENTING (and building)'. He is of course very right...friends are dying or fading away, we are all getting older and yet, nothing but information and ah-ha, wow reports are presented....nothing tangible.

For those with products that relate somewhat to the interests of KeelyNetters, I might consider posting them to this page, send details to my email. Any donations are of course much appreciated and will be put to good use in sharing as much information as possible. If you don't get a response from my email after a day or so, you can also email Chuck Henderson.

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Need an Energy Boost? - Try the MexiStim
the article tells you how to build or buy your own for $250 + S"&"H

...Read about the MexiStim...

Chaos Converters


Who is Decker???


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since 01/01/03

University of Phoenix Atlanta

Jerry Decker
Chuck Henderson




Don Lancasters
Guru's Lair


Files of Interest
Primer for Skeptics and Attackers
Magnetic Anomalies
Rectifying Chaos
Tilley Power System
CO2, warming "&" the need for Free Energy
Grebennikov Antigravity Platform
Boycott KeelyNet!
Self-Running PPM?
Terry Bastians' version of Gray Circuit
Bedini on Power Conversion Tube
Lindemann World of Free Energy
Press Release
Bogus, Erroneous Review
NuScam Bait and Switch
Inspiration page with several files
KeelyNet Alternative Science Museum
Funding the Future
Civilization in the 21st Century
The real 4th of July
DeLabs Electronic Experimenters Circuits
July 2005 Poll Results
August 2005 Poll Results
Concerned about FUEL COSTS?

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useful or
Donations Appreciated!
