Who is Jerry Decker of KeelyNet? - 12/02/03

You are visitor # since December 3rd, 2003.

Jerry Decker, founder of KeelyNet, has long been devoted to the quest for authentic free energy, gravity control and electronic health technologies.

KeelyNet began as a BBS in 1988 and moved to the InterNet in 1994, having inspired many other websites along the way, as well as promoting the active sharing of useful and interesting information related to both orthodox and alternative science.

Jerry worked for 23 years as Technical Manager for 3 different large photoprocessing labs. KeelyNet has long promoted and freely shared huge amounts of focused information gathered from many sources, emails and other contacts with an emphasis on correlation that would lead to successful experiments to develop working, authentic, verified and reproducible free energy and gravity control methods.

Through KeelyNet and its many associates, Jerry is actively involved in networking and communicating with scientists, technicians, researchers and interested people wanting to cut through the vast amount of false, fraudulent and often erroneous claims relating to alternative science experiments.

To date, realists understand there is no working free energy device that has been shared that others can at least duplicate the basic phenomena.

Currently, Jerry is studying, experimenting and working to develop a private research lab to carry out advanced experiments involving many aspects of 'alternative science.'

You can help to support KeelyNet and our activities by donations or buying our books and video products.

Also if you want a boost in energy and well being, check out the MexiStim device.

The MexiStim unit, based on Lee Crock's discovery has helped me lose weight from a nearly size 46 down to 38 and working on 36, increased my red cell count and I feel like a million bucks!

Thank you for visiting and supporting KeelyNet!

..in the far background, the Sierra Madre mountain range,
in the foreground, we hope to be...the FUTURE!
...Stay tuned...