KeelyNet Keely & Acoustics Files - Updated 01/10/98

Note - KeelyNet takes the position that all information should be provided, whether it is pro or con. The reader must decide by the preponderance of evidence, preferably empirically derived from numerous independent experimenters.

58 - 01/10/98 - Amplitude of Force Keely on harmonic amplification
57 - 01/10/98 - Gnosticism vs. Agnosticism superb paper on links with the divine
56 - 01/02/98 - Hans Jenny & Cymatics - vibrating waveplates
55 - 12/22/97 - Egyptian Tuning Forks from 8" to 9 feet, what did they do?
54 - 10/18/97 - Keely's Aerial Propeller two files on Keely's Airship
53 - 10/18/97 - Sound & Keely interesting observations
52 - 10/05/97 - 40 Laws Keely's Laws from Dashed Against the Rock
51 - 10/05/97 - Keely Basics from the 7th Int'l Psychotronic Congress
50 - 10/05/97 - Acoustophoresis separating matter with sound
49 - 10/05/97 - Keely's Aerial Propeller suppressed from original Aerial Navigation
48 - 10/05/97 - Mystery Airships of 1890's unknown flying machines in the US
47 - 10/05/97 - Keely's Flying Machine machine flown for US Army in 1893
46 - 10/05/97 - Airship Comparisons different types of described airships
45 - 10/05/97 - Aqueous Disintegration experiments with dissociating water
44 - 10/05/97 - Amplitude of Force Keely on harmonic amplification
43 - 10/05/97 - Belizal Forms shapes to alter & control energy flows
42 - 10/05/97 - Analysis of Keely's Ratios Dr. Brintons paper on Keely harmonics
41 - 10/05/97 - Cavitation principles of
40 - 10/05/97 - Chladni Waveplates used for analysis of frequency interactions
39 - 10/05/97 - Color Principles how color frequencies aid or cancel
38 - 10/05/97 - Scanning Masers for wideband information storage
37 - 10/05/97 - Keelys experiments & Dr. X excellent account of Keely equipment
36 - 10/05/97 - Acoustic Mineral Disintegration experiments with quartz mineral
35 - 10/05/97 - Acoustic Underwater Beacons positioning system using acoustic beacons
34 - 10/05/97 - Gnosticism vs. Agnosticism superb paper on links with the divine
33 - 10/05/97 - Graduating of Machines tuning to one fundamental frequency
32 - 10/05/97 - Keely not understood terminology confused the reality of his work
31 - 10/05/97 - Biography of Keely short and to the point
30 - 10/05/97 - Keely the best Hoaxer Keely's claims all intentionally fraudulent
29 - 10/05/97 - Keely's Perpetual Motion Machine details on Keely's aether engines
28 - 10/05/97 - Death of Keely from Scientific American
27 - 10/05/97 - The Keely Myth superb overview by Julius Moritzen
26 - 10/05/97 - The Keely Motor Fraud from Scientific American
25 - 10/05/97 - Indonesian Mind over Matter report of fixing machines using magic
24 - 10/05/97 - Two Anecdotes about mineral disintegration and levitation
23 - 10/05/97 - Engineers' view of Keely Motor comparison to known forces of the day
22 - 10/05/97 - The Brain as a Resonator on illness as being due to brain discordances
21 - 10/05/97 - Keely's Mystery Motor another description of the motor in operation
20 - 10/05/97 - Laser size analysis used to measure wine particle size
19 - 10/05/97 - Mystery Resonances in Mayan ruins patterns to amplify sound naturally
18 - 10/05/97 - On the Structure of the Molecule Keely's idea of the molecule
17 - 10/05/97 - Neutral Center w/notes helps to understand Keely
16 - 10/05/97 - Phase Conjugation to alter frequency how it is done & uses
15 - 10/05/97 - 1995 trip to Keely's Lab nothing left but a trashed lot
14 - 10/05/97 - Puharich on water dissociation based on his work with blood
13 - 10/05/97 - Reverse Speech #1 on truth detection using speech analysis
12 - 10/05/97 - Reverse Speech #2 more details on speech analysis
11 - 10/05/97 - Who was Keely? one of the earliest papers on Keely's work
10 - 10/05/97 - Collimated Phonons experiment with sound and supercold material
..9 - 10/05/97 - Scientific American Report of Keely's lab after his death in 1899
..8 - 10/05/97 - The Snell Manuscript detailed paper on Keelys experiments
..7 - 10/05/97 - Sonoluminescence & Cold Fusion does micro-focused heat play a part
..6 - 10/05/97 - Sonoluminescence & Solitons standing waves to produce heat and light
..5 - 10/05/97 - Using Sound to Accelerate Chemical Reactions sonic compound synthesis
..4 - 10/05/97 - Speaker Levitation high density sound to levitate a speaker
..3 - 10/05/97 - Time Reversed waves for reconstruction and enhancement
..2 - 10/05/97 - Ultimate Constitution of Matter and force at a distance
..1 - 10/05/97 - Vedic Science the Krell Helmet and Keely