November 5, 1990 KLYMOT1.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This was a short story that was in a book called `Stranger Than Science'. The book was written by Frank Edwards. There was no date as to when the book was written. It appears as if the book was written in the early 1960's. Also the author did not give the source of his information. -------------------------------------------------------------------- JOHN KEELY'S MYSTERY MOTOR The Powerful engine shook the building ... but it shook the existing understanding of energy even harder. Twenty-three men were crowded into the same small room which housed the controversial motor. Many of them were engineers, others were professional men or bankers - and all of them were investors. They were skeptics, too; and they had waited years for John Keely to make good on his claims. Time after time they had poured their money into his endless research and profitless development of the engine that now stood before them. Today he had promised them that he would show what it could do. Was he fraud or genius? They should soon know. John Keely never even glanced at the hard faces of the men who were packed into the room with him and his engine. If he was aware of their presence he gave no hint - just as he apparently ignored the ear-shattering noise that was rattling the small window panes. From the heavy steel machine, bolted to the massive stone base, came the screech of metal in travail. A deep hum changed to a moan - the moan to a whine. Wilder danced the window frames - as though they were eager to flee this unearthly din. Keely knew he was master of the situation, because he, and he alone, was master of the machine before them. These irate investors were demanding proof that their money had gone into something practical? Very well-they would soon have their proof! He lightly tapped a button, and the roar jarred the bones of every man present. When the faint blue fog cleared away, the committee members could see that the one-inch lead ball had been expelled from the machine with such incredible force that it had shot completely through two heavy oak planks and buried itself in a sandbox against the wall. Most Impressive, the committee agreed; but when could they expect to put this latent power to work in a fashion that would reimburse the stockholders? For John Keely this session with the stockholders' committee in November 1879 was an old, old story. He gave them performance - they insisted on profits. Over and over again, as the stockholders came and went, he endured their criticism and calumny. Through the years of ambivalence that surged about him, John Keely never lost his temper. Neither did he lose his ability to find new financial backers to replace those who had given and gone. For a mechanical inventive genius, John had an unusual background. Born in Philadelphia in 1827, he worked as a carpenter, a violinist, a magician who specialized in card tricks; and finally he trudged to the Rocky Mountains as a trapper. Badly wounded by an Indian arrow, he mode his way back to Philadelphia and eventually recovered from the wound. It was an age when the need for controllable power was great. Water power could not meet the demands of growing industry. Steam power was not the answer - there must be some new cheap source of energy that could be harnessed to turn the wheels of the mills and factories. John Keely first attracted attention by announcing, in 1871, that he had tapped a great new source of energy - as he put it with exasperating vagueness - "a device which disintegrates the etheric force that controls the atomic constitution of matter." Some scientists challenged him, some ignored him - all were skeptical of him. Keely claimed that his engine operated on "harmonic vibrations." His detractors promptly retorted that the motivating force was hot air, generated by Mr. Keely. Whatever it was, it had enough power to bend steel rails and to tear giant hawsers into shreds, a force beyond anything in common use at the time. In December, 1882, the angry investors demanded a showdown... and got it. Keely agre d to reveal the secret of his mystery motor to any scientist the committee named. They selected Edward Bakel... who saw and was convinced. He reported to the unhappy investors that, while he did not understand all that he had seen, he understood enough to know that Keely had discovered all he had claimed. Keely's luck ran out in 1888, and the stockholders had him sent to jail for ignoring a court order to reveal his secret. A wealthy widow financed him for the next ten years, to the end of his life in 1898. The stockholders wrecked his shop, finally came upon a huge steel ball which contained compressed air. There was nothing new about that; for Keely had often shown the sphere to interested parties, and its pipes were inadequate to have operated at the pressures indicated by the performance of the machine. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard Notes >>> This steel sphere weighed over 6000 pounds and was buried under the floor of Keely's lab. The fact that it was in such a place and obviously had compressed air led many to believe this to be the force which Keely used in his demonstrations. Other accusers of fraud have specified hydraulics in the form of water to create Keely's force. That force is said to have reached upward of 30,000 PSI and this achieved from the dissociation of 3 to 6 drops of water. If Keely could create such tremendous pressures using either air or hydraulics, he would have been a millionaire many times over. The interesting thing about all his detractors is that NO ONE could even begin to duplicate his demonstrations using ANY KNOWN principle of physics at that time. Our researches indicate that the sphere was used by Keely in his early days as a holder for the etheric force which took on the form of a highly compressible vapor. Refer to other files in the file 9 section for more information relating to this and other Keely information. One of the most disgusting things about the Keely literature is how all the vultures descended on his lab ONLY AFTER HIS DEATH to find what they were sure was fraud. No credible scientists would investigate him during his life, nor endorse his work publicly. --------------------------------------------------------------------