February 27, 1991 HINDSITE.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file courteously shared with KeelyNet by Dale Pond. Dale publishes the Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics out of Colorado Springs. His address is listed in the file CONTACT1. Dale also publishes many hard to find papers on Keely and related subjects. A partial list of his publications is the KeelyNet file SOURCE1.ASC. -------------------------------------------------------------------- John Ernst Worrell Keely ---- Born September 3, 1827, Died November 18, 1898. Seventy one years he walked and worked among the citizens of Philadelphia. Twenty five of those years as an industrious inventor and philosopher. Founder of The Keely Motor Company and discoverer of a means to mechanize the etheric forces of nature. The very same forces Tesla, Hertz, Crooke and many others wrestled with for the benefit of mankind. Alleged inventor of "aerial navigation" or as it is described today, true "anti-gravity." This was done more than 15 years before Orville and Wilbur raced into the wind and immortality. A man with ideas so revolutionary even today, one hundred years later, his ideas are only beginning to have meaning and therefrom credence. Through the use of high-frequency photography we are now discovering what Mr. Keely spoke so truthfully about in his workshop to incredulous "scientists." None of whom ever did get the slightest idea of his true teachings. The range of which debunked the then current atomic theory in all of its ramifications. He then had the courage and vision to design, build and operate machinery on a totally new realm of understanding! Which, at the same time, proved the validity of his statements. Never once did he postulate a new law or principle without backing his statement with verifiable evidence. However, his ideas fell on deaf and "dumb" ears; no one could understand him, his theory was light-years ahead of dogmatic science; to be able to explain the newly discovered and demonstrated laws Mr. Keely was forced to develop an entire vocabulary *1 - a vocabulary so foreign "and strange to the "objective scientists" they couldn't help but shake their heads and walk away. Which of course they did, in droves. So totally bizarre was his language to them they hesitated to investigate his equipment and demonstrations for fear of ridicule from peerage. The reader has only to recall the fate of those who have blessed mankind the most, with their minds and efforts in the past. Who can forget the shame at the death of Socrates, the imprisonment of Galileo, the ridicule of Bacon and the utterly unforgivable ostracization of Nikola Tesla? Who has given more than the One whose hands were torn asunder by spikes driven through them by fear and envy? In this way, ignorant Man, his head buried by greed and hungary for power, has treated those who have endeavored to lighten the burden of material existence. The power wielded by these, can trace its roots to the feet of each of these men of heart. Which wielder of power gives thanks for his gift? It is for these reasons Mr. Keely refused to divulge his secrets to the courts. Keely knew man needed his philosophy even more than they needed his machines. For without a parallel moral development Man would misuse his winderful new science. A philosophy grew in his mind as his knowledge expanded, til he could see and prove the Oneness of all Creation. Mrs. Clara Bloomfield-Moore tells us Mr. Keely met with frustration on every hand as he attempted to perfect his "Motor"; and it was not until Mr. Keely realized the spiritual aspects of his creation did he begin to make real progress. His spiritual insights enabled him to "see" the unseeable", and "do the undo-able." Concurrent with his mechanical progress there evolved a Philosophy of Evolution. A Philosophy so complete and so compelling, provable through his devices, that Mr. Keely gave more importance to it than to his many apparatuses. This Philosophy is of greater importance to Man than "Levitation" at this juncture in Man's spiritual growth. For with such control of mighty forces, man would certainly destroy himself. But with a perfect light of understanding Man would elevate his consciousness to an awareness sufficient to assume his rightful place beside the Creator and rightfully responsible to that Created. This work is an effort to establish a perspective for the reader surrounding the events and people of the later years of the 1800s. If it is true we are to learn from history, then we can learn from those lessons so evident in this sad yet marvelous adventure. Mr. Keely wrestled with forces we can't understand and won the match. His defeat was met from the hand of man, by far the worst enemy. It is evident that if Man is to succeed as Co-Creator -he must at some point in time - begin to act as though the role was his. As you read these pages, ask "Have things or attitudes changed so very much?" "Have they changed enough?" "Are we deserving of God's greatest gift - to let Man share his Throne?" Certain matters of historical nature should be kept in mind as one scans these pages; the "electron" was not fully accepted among scientists until many years after Mr. Keely died. The references in this book allude to this "elementary, primordial element. "Radiant matter" has since been called "electrons" or "electron flow." Some of these arguments have met with their fate at the hands of atomic physicists, they claim to have "split the atom," and to have witnessed mesons, muons and the like, all sub-atomic particles. But the questions as to what is matter and what is force have remained as unanswered today as they were then. The new developments in Kirlian photography are evidencing new forces unaccountable by "current atomic theory", are these new forces the same Keely discovered and harnessed in his laboratory? Can this "vital fluid" surrounding all living things even those inorganic items) be the "ethereal fluid" of the old alchemists and occultist? The forces Keely couldn't name and express in acceptable terms simply because alchemy and occultism were not "acceptable"? This work is not intended to be a support for Occultism, Alchemy or any other form of Science. It is to cast light on a bit of history, begun to unfold in Philadelphia over one hundred years ago and perhaps not yet opened to its fullest. Time will tell whether Mr. John Ernst Worrell Keely was either one of the world's greatest frauds or one of its greatest inventors. *1 - It has been shown that Keely did not "invent" absurd words and terms as others have alleged. Keely proved himself a master of the English language. This can be verified by anyone who makes an effort to consult good encyclopediae and dictionaries. He did, however, coin terms or names for his machines and the new aspects of matter and force he discovered as there were no terms for these things. --------------------------------------------------------------------