June 18, 1991 AIRSHIP4.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- Prior to meeting Wally Chariton, I had read his book the TEXAS AIRSHIP MYSTERY and got to thinking about practical methods to duplicate many of the airship sightings. After generating this file, I gave him a copy to see what he thought about it. We also discussed Keely and other flight possiblities. Wally said he "wished he had known all this BEFORE writing his book" and he would have included much of it as additional information in his book. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis of the 1897 Airships -- November 18, 1990 (inspired by Wallace Chariton's "Texas Airship Mystery") by Jerry W. Decker at KeelyNet 214-324-3501 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Observations about possible technologies used in the 1897 airships. There are several different modes of flight covered in the combined case histories of these mystery airships. 1) the Winged airship - uses wings which flap to provide lift as well as propulsion and steering 2) the Gas airship - uses a form of gasbag for lift and wings or propellers for propulsion and steering 3) the Aero airship - uses a sophisticated type of air moving engine in conjunction with the aerodynamic shape of the ship for both lift and propulsion 4) the Magnetic airship - uses an unknown form of magnetic, Aether or neutral center technology for lift and propulsion ------------------------------------------------------------------- the Winged Airship The Winged airship copies the form of a bird wing in a vastly larger size as based on the descriptions of the wings witnessed. It is possible that a wing surface might be constructed of a sufficiently light material and with the proper "feathering" movements. This "feathering" movement would follow the natural pattern of the bird wing in that separate thin plates would be hinged so that a wing moving in a downward motion would cause the plate to take a horizontal position for maximum air movement. When the wing moved up, the hinged plate would assume a vertical position for the minimum resistance to air flow. The speed of the wing up and down movement would depend on the wing surface area and the thrust velocity necessary to lift the payload. Though inefficient when compared to propellers or jets, such a device would fly. There are available today, mechanical models of birds which fly using just such a flapping motion. ------------------------------------------------------------------- the Gas Airship The first airship in modern times was flown by the Montgolfiers in 1783. It used hot air although other lifting gases such as coal gas and hydrogen were used. Helium was first discovered by Lockyer in 1868 while viewing the yellow spectral lines of sodium in rays from the sun. Helium was first produced on Earth by Ramsay in 1895 from the mineral clevite. One case in particular mentions a "secret" gas extracted from air passing through chambers containing certain chemicals. In this case, the airship is said to be both propelled and sustained by a gas which had the property of great compressibility under a slight pressure and a correspondingly great power of expansion. Helium fits this description. Chemistry rates the elements in order of Terrestrial Abundance and Cosmic Abundance. In terms of Terrestrial Abundance, Helium has no listing, yet in terms of Cosmic Abundance, Hydrogen is listed as 3.5 times 10 to the 8th or 350,000,000 followed closely by Helium at 3.5 times 10 to the 7th or 35,000,000. Now Helium being such a very light gas, must surely be present in quantity in the upper stratosphere of the Earth. Since Hydrogen and Oxygen are both present in our air, Helium must also be present though somewhat rarified. It is not so improbable that a process could be envisioned which could remove Helium DIRECTLY from the air. Another possibility can be seen in work which Nikola Tesla carried out prior to the turn of the 20th century. It involved a device known as a Tesla Turbine and could compress air to capture Ozone in a highly condensed state. Tesla indicated that this compressed Ozone was highly efficient AS A MOTIVE FORCE. In fact, Tesla designed a flying device based on this very principle, although, to my knowledge it was never built. Oxygen as it occurs in nature is referred to as "molecular oxygen" since it has 2 atoms. Atomic oxygen on the other hand has only 1 atom and is extremely rare due to its tendency to attach to almost anything. This is the basis for the "free radical" theory of aging. Ozone is oxygen with 3 or more oxygen atoms. It is formed by electrical excitation or ionizing radiation in the form of ultraviolet light. This excitation causes the disruption of some molecular oxygen groupings to generate free radicals which bond to the more stable molecular oxygen groupings. Of course, the Ozone layer is the hot topic for the past couple of years so we know that Ozone could be used as a lifting or propulsive gas. ------------------------------------------------------------------- the Aero Airship This type of airship is most intriguing. It indicates that the inventor had a very sophisticated understanding of aerodynamic principles. A German Aeronautical engineer came up with a form of propulsion in the late 40's and early 50's which he termed an AERODYNE. Not an airplane, since it took full advantage of aerodynamic principles. The body of the ship was an inverted teardrop over which was suspended a propeller, jet or source of high air movement. Using the principle of BOUNDARY LAYER DRAG, the moving air was ENTRAINED to the surface of the inverted teardrop to form a jet of highly collimated air as it exited the tip of the teardrop. The Boundary Layer was first discovered by Prandtl in the early 1900's. His work was further improved upon by Tesla, Coanda and Venturi. Basically, any rapidly moving fluid, including air will "stick" to the surface of a mass and generate miniature whirlpools which tend to slow down the movement of the air. If the mass is to be moved through the air or fluid, then the body of the mass should be designed as efficiently as possible to minimize this drag. Note that many of the airship cases and one in particular show the shape of the ship to be a "Mexican cigar" or a cylinder which tapers to a point on each end. This ship provided a most fascinating description of something called a SNAIL-SHELL DEVICE. "At each end of the ship is a large steel snail-shell device, which was the apparatus by which the strange machine was PROPELLED. Large gasoline engines caused whichever of these are in use to REVOLVE RAPIDLY, and to BORE THROUGH THE AIR, dragging or pulling the ship along at a wonderful rate of speed." "Two more of these devices are attached to each side and near the end of the ship and ARE USED FOR STEERING." "To RAISE THE MACHINE, a like apparatus ON TOP is set in motion." The ship was described as being cigar-shaped, about 200 feet long, and 50 feet across at the widest point, gradually narrowing to a point at both ends. At each end of the ship was a LARGE STEEL SNAIL-SHELL DEVICE that was used to propel the strange machine. Now anyone who is familiar with natural geometry knows of the Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio (PHI). The Fibonacci series begins with 1, add another 1 to yield 2, then add the last two numbers to get the next in the series. Thus, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,...etc.. Examples of this series occurs in Nature in the form of spirals of tiny florets in the core of daisy blossoms, pine cones, pineapples, seashells, leaves and a host of other areas. These patterns occur in both clockwise and counter-clockwise flows. Once the number 3 is passed in the Fibonacci series, we come to the ratio known as the Golden Ratio. This is 1:1.618. During the early part of the 20th century, Victor Schauberger studied the flow of water and the motion of fish. He discovered a principle which he termed IMPLOSION. Schauberger says that man uses EXPLOSIVE techniques in his devices which generate heat, are inefficient and destructive to Nature. IMPLOSION on the other hand, generates cold, is overly efficient (>100%) and is constructive in Nature. Now, a spiral built on the Snail shell principle would take advantage of this IMPLOSION for tremendous if not over-unity efficiencies. Therefore, not much energy would be required to operate the engines. So here we have an airship built using the AERODYNE principles in addition to the IMPLOSION spiral principle. ------------------------------------------------------------------- the Magnetic Airship This is another intriguing concept mentioned in the Wilson airship case. The wheel rim seems to be the key to understanding the propulsive mechanism of this device. The description follows: "To elevate or depress the ship while flying through the air a small wheel at the stern of the boat is operated. This wheel is something like that in a ship's pilot house, but instead of having spokes there was an arrangement of MAGNETS connected with wires to storage batteries. BY PASSING THE CURRENT OVER THE TIRE OF THE WHEEL, the operator was ABLE TO OVERCOME GRAVITY THUS ELEVATING THE SHIP. BY PASSING THE CURRENT IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION AND UNDER THE TIRE THE WEIGHT OF THE SHIP WAS INCREASED and could sink like a shot to the earth, and by passing the currents in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS AT THE SAME TIME, the vessel would remain HORIZONTAL AT ANY DISTANCE FROM THE EARTH." I believe this uses the principle of the neutral center as discovered and developed by John W. Keely in the late 1900's. Basically, it creates an artificial center of gravity which moves at a greater velocity than the natural center of gravity. By altering the physical position of the artificial center in relation to the fixed natural center, the ship will follow that movement in ANY DIRECTION. This involves relatively radical concepts which are laced throughout KeelyNet. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard note What we find most intriguing is that John W. Keely, namesake of the KeelyNet BBS, had demonstrated a flying machine to the US ARMY in 1893. After the Army turned down Keely's offer of the flying machine, little is mentioned of what happened to it or the research pertaining to it. Not to add fuel to any conspiracy but we have found something disturbing in regard to the book written by Clara Bloomfield Moore on Keely in the late 1890's. The title is "Aerial Navigation" and was intended to promote Keely's concepts PARTICULARLY in regard to the system of flight as evinced by the title. Through the gracious sharing of Mr. Victor Hansen, we were allowed to copy THE MISSING CHAPTERS of the book, which were INTENTIONALLY REMOVED from a re-issued version of the book sometime in the very late 1890's or early 1900's. We have no idea who might have done this but it could be reasonably assumed that someone did not want Keely's information in the public eye. Note that only 4 years after this, the Airship sightings took place with indications of a secret group of investors sponsoring the research and testing as hinted at in some of the pilot interviews. The information gleaned from the interviews with the pilots of these machines provides very little in the way of technical information although what is offered is most tantalizing. Despite the dated sighting (1897), the surviving information suggests the existence of at least one group of individuals who seem to have kept the technology hidden. Perhaps the UFO phenomenon is indeed intentional misdirection on the part of these individuals to keep investigators from discovering the true source (and technology) relating to anti- gravity and free energy. Of course, other vested interests might also take actions to suppress such technologies which simply add to the problems. Speculation can easily run rampant when confronted with information such as this and as shown in the most excellent book "Genesis" by W. A. Harbinson. The book is definitely science fiction yet weaves much of the factual information into an amazing story. It hints that one of the pilots of the airships giving the name Wilson might have developed a highly sophisticated and secret community which survives even to this day in the frozen wastes of Anti-Antartica. Would that Harbinson had information on Keely, he could have easily substituted Keely for Wilson without missing a beat. The analogies are striking. However, Keely is recorded as dying in 1898 although conversations with other Keely researchers speculate on the possibility that he did not die. Additional information listed on KeelyNet which relate to the mystery Airship sightings of 1897 are listed as follows : 1) AIRSHIP1 - the missing chapter from Bloomfield Moore's book giving a relatively detailed description of Keely's flying machine 2) AIRSHIP2 - a synopsis of the 1897 sightings including the Keely link 3) AIRSHIP3 - a description of Keely's demonstration of his flying machine to the US ARMY in 1893 4) AIR1GIF - two scanned versions of Keely's airship, the first is a copy of the original picture given to us by Victor Hansen, the second is a graphic version of the same picture