October 26, 1991 SONOLUM1.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Matt McFarland. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This article appeared in the October 15, 1991 Wall Street Journal. Could sonoluminescence be related to the work done by Keely on dissociation of H2O? -------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASHES MIGHT YIELD CLUES ABOUT FUSION Mysterious flashes of blue light may illuminate a new way to tap nuclear energy, two physicists suggest. When sound waves are transmitted through a liquid, they create a trail of microscopic bubbles. As early as 1929, scientists reported that at unpredictable times, they would occasionally see mysterious flashes of blue light, called sonoluminescence, when the tiny bubbles collapsed. Last year, University of Mississippi scientists learned how to repeatedly get flashes from single bubbles. Now, the blue flashes are being measured by physicist Seth J. Putterman and his graduate student, Bradley P. Barber, at the University of California, Los Angeles. Their apparatus, a spherical flask with a sonic generator attached, costs only a few hundred dollars. The results, which they reported in Nature, are surprising. They found that what appears to the eye as one flash is actually many flashes, each lasting only 100 trillionths of a second and occurring with clock-like regularity every 100 millionths of a second. (10,000 Hz) Even more surprising, says Dr. Putterman, are the energy implications of such quick light pulses. A photon of blue light given off by a single atom carries an energy of 3.5 electron volts. This is a trillion times more energy than any single atom in the tiny bubbles could have gained from the sound waves. He speculates that as each bubble implodes to about 1/100,000 of its original volume, the energy and atoms in the bubble are concentrated to a tiny point. The flash occurs when a million atoms simultaneously release this concentrated energy by giving off photons of blue light. This split-second concentration of energy in the collapsing bubbles may be producing the temperatures and pressures needed for the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms, the nuclear reaction that powers the sun. If scientists could understand sonoluminescence, they might have clues to new ways to trigger thermonuclear fusion, he suggests. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard note... Keely claimed that water could be dissociated at 42,800 CPS. From what little description there is available, we cannot be sure if this is simple hydrolysis or the production of the tenuous substance which Keely claimed to have the consistency of taffy at one stage, a tenuous vapor at another. According to Keely, water could be dissociated to a wide range of products depending on what set of frequencies were applied. In one case, we find mention of what appears to be a plasma since it is termed a "luminiferous" gas. The visible flashes as mentioned in the preceding article confirm Keely's statements regarding the "Luminiferous Aether" as he found when applying various sonic harmonies to fluids and gases. Our friends, Dale Pond and Victor Hansen have been looking into the operational principles of one of the last remaining Keely Motors. They have come to the conclusion that the machine takes advantage of CAVITATION. CAVITATION refers to small "bubbles" which are produced in liquid mediums subjected to pressure displacements. These bubbles are easily noticed in ultrasonic cleaning tanks containing water or other fluids. When the high intensity ultrasonic waves pound the water in a reciprocal motion, the bubbles form on the return stroke of the wave. Commercial ultrasonic units include the warning that one is not to leave material in the machine while under power for extended lengths of time. The bubbles (cavities) formed will pound the material to a point which will eat into its structure. I have seen a stainless steel film processor rack left in an industrial unit for 2 hours. The structure of this rack was flawless before the process and had thousands of pits as if eaten away by small vermin when removed 2 hours later. The Keely engine runs on water and has two pistons. When a piston thrusts forward, it pushes the water through an orifice. The secret of operation is believed to be in the return stroke of the piston which creates these micro bubbles (cavitation) to create tremendous suction in their attempt to collapse. Since the water is under great pressure in the engine, the suction forces are consequently magnified far beyond water that found in a non-pressurized vessel. When the cavitation bubbles strive to collapse in their effort to re-establish pressure equilibrium, the suction pressure is somehow shunted off to an accumulator. This accumulator then provides power for the operation of the device with extra power for what is termed an "over-unity" motor. Keely also mentions the specific frequencies of 620, 630 and 12,000 CPS as releasing finer forces (greater pressures) held in bondage in the water molecule. The 620 disrupted the molecule, the 630 disrupted the atoms comprising the molecule and the 12,000 disrupted the inter-atomic structure of those atoms. Modern discoveries have termed the components which comprise the atom as "quarks." In the researches of John Keely, he found all mass aggregations to be built up from 7 states of matter. In progressive order, these are : 1) Compound inter-aetheric 2) Inter-Aetheric 3) Aetheric 4) Inter-atomic 5) Atomic 6) Inter-molecular 7) Molecular Here at KeelyNet we spell Ether as "AETHER" to avoid confusion with the chemical Ether. Aether is the finest of the levels of being in the universe. It is an elastic substance which permeates and indeed comprises all energy and matter in the Universe through its various manifestations. By the term manifestation, we mean that Aether can be slowed down through the use of interferences to ever lower states. These in turn manifest as energy and matter. The structure of this "cascading force-flow" is: 1) Aether 2) Magnetism 3) Electricity 4) Cosmic rays 5) Light 6) Heat 7) Physical vibration 8) Matter By properly "resisting" (interfering) with the Aether OR any of its lower manifestations one can create the next lower manifestation. Of course, this process can be reversed through the use of "harmonic interfences" to multiply vibration to the point that it becomes the next higher level. In this manner, we can intentionally access any of the various levels of energy or matter. Puharich says he found 600 CPS to be the best frequency for the dissociation of water into hydrogen and oxygen as driven by weak sources of electrical energy, in this case, solar cells. The idea was to install a hydrogen accumulator in your garage and refill your car gas (literally) tank from your own home supply. The problem with this was that hydrogen stored in such a manner would create massive safety problems. Vehicles using such storage systems have been termed "Highway Hindenbergs" due to the extreme volatility of hydrogen. We are pursuing more information on the technology used for the continuous generation of the visible bursts and will follow up this paper with our findings. --------------------------------------------------------------------