Mini Bio : - 01/04/90 Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni (klahd'nee) German Physicist Born: Wittenberg, Saxony, November 30, 1756 Died: Breslau, Silesia (modern Wroclaw, Poland), April 3, 1827 Chladni, the son of a lawyer, found his own education directed to the law, much against his will. He received his degree from the University of Leipzig in 1782, but when his father died Chladni was able to consult his own interests more freely, and these lay in the direction of science. Since he was interested in music and was himself an amateur musician, he began to investigate sound waves matehmatically in 1786. He was the first to work out the quantitative relationships governing the transmission of sound and is therefore called the Father of Acoustics. Chladni set thin plates, covered with a layer of sand, to vibrating. The plate vibrated in a complex pattern, with some portions (nodal lines) remaining motionless. The nodal lines retained sand shaken onto them by the neighboring areas that were vibrating. In this way the plates came to be covered with characteristic sand patterns from which much could be deduced concerning vibrations. The patterns (which are still called Chladni figures) fascinated the audience when they were exhibited before a gathering of scintists at Paris in 1809. Napoleon had the demonstration repeated for himself. The velocity of sound had already been measured in air by Gassendi and others two centuries earlier, but Chladni went a step further. He filled organ pipes with different gases and from the pitch of the note sounded on those pipes was able to calculate the velocity of sound in each of those cases. The free vibration of a column of gas determines its pitch, and that vibration depends on the natural mobility of the molecules making it up. The velocity of sound through the gas also depends on the natural mobility of those molecules, so that the velocity of sound in a particular gas can be calculated from the pitch sounded by an organ pipe filled with gas. Chladni invented a musical instrument called the Euphonium, made of glass rods and steel bars that were sounded by being rubbed with the moistened finger, and traveled about Europe performing on this instrument and giving scientific lectures. He also had a collection of meteorites and was one of the first scientists to insist that these fell from the heavens, as a number of peasants, who claimed they had seen it happen, had reported. In 1794 he wrote a book on the subject and suggested the meteorites to be the debris of an exploded planet. In the very reasonable Age of reason of the late eighteenth century, scientists were reluctant to believe such obviously tall tales, until Biot settled matters at the turn of the century. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Modern research into the phenomena elicited in Chladni figures can be primarily attributed to the late Dr. Hans Jenny of Switzerland. Dr. Jenny attempted to develop a system which would show Chladni figures in three dimensions through the use of computer imaging. His best 3D efforts resulted from the use of a plastic material of extremely fine grain which possessed a modest attraction to allow the formation and transmutation of lifelike structures from excitation by acoustic waves. An excellent film of Dr. Jenny's work demonstrates the many unusual phenomena which occur when various sounds are played against each other. This film is included in a video entitled "Cymatics" which also features the current work of Dr. Peter Guy Manners on the healing aspects of complex waveforms. We know that Keely developed analytical devices based on Chladni principles to assist in his understanding of frequency phenomena. Photos of his equipment show many different types of resonators ranging from tubes, to discs, to vibrating bars. At this time, we have no positive knowledge of the nature or construction of these devices. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for supporting Vanguard Sciences and the Keelynet BBS!