December 22, 1990 CRYSTAL1.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scanning Masers for Information Retrieval This file is inspired by the TV show, "Science Fiction Theatre". One of their segments had to do with spying on a conference. The method used was unknown and was traced to what appeared to be a bottle of ant poison. The show used the term "Crystal of Deception". Unfortunately, I do not remember the EXACT technique although it can be narrowed down to only two. The first technique used a clear fluid placed in the bottle of ant poison. This fluid hardened (crystallized) over time. As the fluid crystallized, the matrix thus formed recorded the sonic waves present just as recordings are made in plastic or wax. The second technique used a seed crystal onto which the new fluid accumulated. Much like the saturated solutions used to "grow" crystal formations. Since the absorption was somewhat regular over time, it would also record sonic patterns. Of the two, I think the seed crystal technique to be the most logical since the initiator of the growth process would already be present. By using M.A.S.E.R. (molecular amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) energy in a scanning pattern, the sounds could be recovered. When the molecules are excited, they produce modulations in the audible spectrum which can be recovered much like radio signals are broadcast on the AM (amplitude modulation) bands. Scanning is done by raking the focussed beam over the area in an X and Y pattern (vertical and horizontal to produced a 2 dimensional pattern). Of course, by adding a Y vector (through phase conjugation) we could scan a 3 dimensional matrix. For a twist, the show used a rock which when scanned yielded voices and screams. Of course, the rock was a piece of lava from Mt. Vesuvius and had "captured" the screams of the dying inhabitants as the lava cooled. A very interesting concept. Needless to say, the aggregation rate and the size and thus response time of the particles would play a distinct part in the clarity, fidelity and resolution of the recording. Note that Star Trek used a credit card size piece of plastic to record both video and audio. Science fiction it might be FOR NOW but it does have possibilities. Also remember the claims of Richard Shaver regarding what he said were images recorded in stone geodes by some ancient civilization. The geodes were sliced into thin plates which could be projected onto a wall to see the images. I have seen photos of these images and they are somewhat reminiscent of intelligible patterns. By today's standards they have almost no merit, however. Bear in mind that most images, either audible or visual, are direct reproductions of ANALOG patterns (amplitude variations). This crystal recording technique simply points to another phenomenon that might produce a useable technology.