REV1.ASC September 11, 1990 Courtesy of David Oates A BRIEF HISTORY OF REVERSE SPEECH - 09/11/90 For those readers who are new to this entire Reverse Speech phenomena, here is a brief history of its discovery and growth over the years. Like all new discoveries in the history of humanity, the growth and realization of Reverse Speech has been a gradual process. It first began back in the late sixties when The Beatles placed hidden backward messages onto some of their albums hinting that Paul McCartney died. Excited teenagers around the world began to play records backwards to find these messages. Before too long other backward messages were found that had not been placed deliberately but occurred as a result of a reversal of the sounds of speech. The scene was set. A fad started and it wasn't too long before many other people claimed to be finding reversed messages (or Backward Masking) in recordings. These included TV technicians, sound men AND religious fundamentalists. With no explanation for these messages, most wrote it off as either imagination or too 'weird' to spend any time on it. But not the fundamentalists. They claimed it was the work of the devil possessing the musicians and manipulating their voices so that subliminal messages could be placed onto rock and roll records so that youth of our society could be 'programmed' into the devil's way of thinking. They had a field day for a while, conducting crusades against the devil's music together with record burning parties and hate books against the entire rock and roll industry. In 1982, their cries reached the US senate and The United States House Of Representatives passed 'House Resolution 6363', a bill introduced by Robert K. Dornan that called for all records suspected of containing Backward Masking to have a warning placed on the front cover of the album. Then in November 1983 some bloke from Australia dropped a tape player in a toilet bowl. This useless piece of machinery, which now played only backwards was promptly thrown in a junk box and forgotten about. A few months later this bloke (David Oates) was running a halfway house for street kids when one of the youth asked him what he thought about "all these Satanic messages" on rock and roll. Being somewhat of an electronics buff with a keen interest in the unknown, David retrieved his broken down tape player and began experimenting. It wasn't too long that he realized that there really was something there. He ran numerous electronic tests and discovered that the messages did actually exist and it could be proven electronically that they did. His curiosity was aroused and over the next two years playing tape recordings backwards became quite a fervent hobby for him. He found numerous reversed messages across a wide cross section of recordings, ranging from songs to advertisements to political speeches to normal conversations. In 1987 he was joined by his life long friend Greg Albrecht and for the first few months of '87 they worked furiously to try and unravel this mystery. They came up with the theory of "Reverse Speech" and isolated many common patterns to this strange new phenomena, at the same time compiling a book "Beyond Backward Masking". Then in November '87, their book all ready, they officially announced to the Australian public that they had discovered another form of human communication or "The Seventh Sense". Media interest was intense and their work was featured on numerous current affair TV programs, magazines and radio broadcasts. But it was not all an easy road. They were either met with ridicule or "Who cares" attitudes. It became obvious to both of them that if Reverse Speech was ever going to be accepted then a lot of hard work was in front of them. At that stage Greg Albrecht pulled out of the research, his own career beginning to suffer, and David continued alone with a fervent zeal to understand Reverse Speech more and to have their findings accepted and recognized. Things moved fairly rapidly from there. EEG testing indicated that the brain responded to, and understood, reversed messages. Reverse Speech was used successfully by the Australian police force to solve a crime. Well known American linguist and co-founder of the Neuro-Linguistic- Programming (NLP) techniques, Dr. John Grinder, endorsed their findings at a conference in Sydney and David was offered a job in Brisbane to use Reverse Speech in a therapeutic situation. He accepted this and began to experiment with Reverse Speech even more, refining procedures and theories, and collecting massive amounts of information that supported the hypothesis of Reverse Speech. In 1989, the first official research institute for Reverse Speech was formed (in association with Martin Stiles and John Suess), David was approved for a research grant and the train kept on moving. He began to lecture on the topic extensively across Australia, conducting training and instigating further research programs. In June 1989, he applied for trademarks, patents and intellectual property rights for Reverse Speech and travelled to the United States to lecture on Reverse Speech there. The reception he received was overwhelming and, as a result, he moved to Dallas, Texas in August 1989 to conduct training, lectures and prepare Reverse Speech for its launch onto the world scene. Now, in March 1990, after many frustrating months, Reverse Speech is prepared and all ready to go. David has established an international organization for the public dissemination of information and set strict research standards for its location and analysis. Reverse Speech is on the launching pad, the countdown has started, the spectators are in position and the world waits. What will happen? History will tell the tale. Reverse Speech is about to see life. SOME COMMENTS ON REVERSE SPEECH Newsletter for the Australian NLP Society (Dec. '87): "...This may turn out to be discovery that could turn our knowledge of languages, and how the mind works with language, into a world shaker!" *** *** *** People Magazine (2/1/88): "They can prove they have discovered the seventh sense - a way to read people's minds ... It's a totally new area and there are no experts, but the influence of this discovery could be enormous." *** *** *** Brisbane Sun (March '89): "he makes serious claims to support his theory ... a pioneer in linguistic theory ... anyone prone to criticism of the Reverse Speech theory would be advised not to have their comments recorded." *** *** *** Dallas Times Herald - USA (June '89): "As Oates played some famous speeches you could hear audible gasps of recognition in the audience ... Think of the fun journalists will have next time a politician says read my lips." *** *** *** "I believe that his work is of the highest importance - breaking entirely new ground and with significant implications for the way we understand and utilize our human capacities for communication ... David is single minded and relentless in his pursuit of the field he has developed." Dr. Timothy Pascoe PhD (Cantab.), M.B.A. (Harvard), B.E., B.Ec. *** *** *** "In September 1989, I began a study of reverse speech under the direction of Mr. David Oates ... Using Reverse Speech as a tool to allow the client to communicate with self can significantly reduce the length of client therapy time ... Reverse Speech is a major breakthrough in communication ." Dr. Merle McElroy PhD (Southeastern Oklahoma State University) *** *** *** "David Oates brought his genius, skill and determination, displayed in his pursuit and development of Reverse Speech, to his therapeutic work. With his unique investigative tool, David is able to engage the therapeutic patient very rapidly and intensely. This can produce rapid change quickly, even in chronic situations." John Suess (Founder of Myndslink, Hypnotist # 4, NLP Trainer) *** *** *** "I refer to your request for advice on legal implications of reverse speech. I have heard your tapes and am personally satisfied that it does clearly exist ... It would seem quite clear that it is open to the police to use tapes to search for reverse communication which may help them with their investigations ... It seems it would have significance to finding out information of a sensitive political, military or industrial nature ... I think it is such a can of worms that it will be dutifully ignored by all and sundry with a desire that you will just go away and hide the research." James Rossiter LL.B, B.A., G.D.L.P., Dip.Ed. *** *** *** "Your interpretations of the reverse speech found on the television interview with a high ranking corruption suspect have paid off ... Armed with this information the investigative team was able to identify a geographical location to investigate. They found substantial real estate property belonging to the suspect which he had earlier denied owning ... Congratulations David it works." Michael Wearing (Unison International) *** *** *** "David is at this point entirely satisfied that he has many, many examples to demonstrate the phenomena ... The notion that language can carry extra secondary and tertiary messages as well as the overt manifest content is well know to many of you who have studied the works of Dr. Erickson, where double and triple messages are the standard practise in such a device." Dr. John Grinder (At the Sydney NLP convention June 1988) *** *** *** "The interest in reverse communication has been growing and it is fast becoming known internationally. To this affect I have invited David to present his work at the International Experiential Psychotherapy Conference to be held in Germany in 1990." Yaro Starak (University of Queensland) BA, BSocWk, MSW, AdvDipSW *** *** *** for more information, two groups are available The Society for Reversed Communication Research (Australia) The Reverse Speech Education and Research Institute (USA) "Backtalk" is the Reverse Speech newsletter and is available for $26 per year. You may contact others interested in the study of Reverse Speech by writing to : The Editor "Backtalk" PO BOX 181862 Dallas, TX 75218-9998 USA or call (214) 324-3216 (please mention you heard of this through Vanguard Sciences or KeelyNet, David likes to know how people become aware of his work) KeelyNet offers other files on this topic with a name beginning with REV*, i.e. REV1.ASC or REV2.ZIP where * is the number of the file. All are courtesy of David Oates. --------------------------------------------------------------------